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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. How will there be two new teams when there is only one spare spot? Or am I mis-reading something?

    Pretty sure there are 26 spots on the grid maximum, and I'm sure that's going to stay the maximum. I don't see pre-qualifying returning anytime soon either.

    It's been 19 years since the last 26 car grid (Monaco 95), and I'm wondering how they're going to sort out qualifying if it does happen again in the future.

    Quite frankly, I have 0 qualms with a full 26 car grid because it's more excitement even if Haas and Forza Rossa end up being backmarkers. Also more drivers will get a shot at racing, and that means more influx of talent into F1 and more shots for the smaller names.

  2. After zipping through nearly a month in franchise in a week, I haven't even touched the mode since as I've been utterly hooked on RTTS. Hit a mammoth HR in my first at-bat off the DL and have had a ridiculous month of June, managed to get myself into the top 4-5 of the LF All Star voting despite missing 2 months.

    Also started a secondary RTTS as a lefty closer. Bombed in the Prospect showcase at 18 and got drafted in the 5th round by the Marlins. Decided to go to 2-year junior college and settled for being a 3rd round pick by the Orioles at age 20. To my surprise they actually used me as the Double A closer immediately. I remember in previous versions of the games they'd have you working mop up until you worked your way up. Doing pretty well.

    That's not suprising really, we're talking about the Marlins after all...

  3. First Walk-off HR! :w00t:

    That is a hellaciously good feeling. May or may not have strutted around my living room after downing the Cards with a walk-off three-run ding. :shifty:

    And I just had my first Walk-Off Solo HR in the bottom of the 13th.

    Needless to say I was chuffed and fistpumped a lot of times.

    The game after that I almost go for the cycle (missed the 3B). Then I got called up to the AAA team.

    I actually didn't want to be called up yet, since there's only a month left in the season and I rather finish off the season in AA nice and clean before stepping up.

    Ah well.

  4. You can have a good series without showing ass, tits, dong and whatnot in copious amounts.

    I personally am completely calloused by it, and it feels more like an annoyance than something I'd feel ashamed or shocked by. I rather see them get on with the story instead of them going ''Look, it's tits!'' at every turn.

    Sure, tits are great if you ask me. But they add little (nothing) to the story itself.

    I grew up in The Netherlands, and over here we're liberal with the showing of people's bits and we don't really care about it anymore. I understand that for Americans the thought of women having tits and men having a dong might be a shocking revelation.

    I enjoy the series with or without nudity, if they removed it completely I wouldn't think of the series any less, I might even enjoy it a bit more because they can focus more on the actual fucking story instead of them being so inccesant on adding nudity to scenes.

    I'm not afraid of naughty bits, I don't feel ashamed when it's on TV. Heck, I watch GoT with my mum and neither of us even gives a hoot about it.

  5. I'm not even offended by the sex scenes. I manage to understand that it's fictional and react accordingly.

    I really don't see the point of having sex scenes, full frontal nudity and whatnot. The gender-specific bits add little (if anything) to the actual story, and for me it's starting to feel grating and obnoxious that the show even adds such scenes, because for me it detracts from the story.

    If they decided to ''censor'' nudity by using specific camera shots I wouldn't enjoy the series any less than before.

    We live in an age where porn and smut is available at the click of a button, it might be a taboo in the USofA but I am calloused to the notion of nudity in entertainment. It doesn't add anything to the show for me, i'm calloused about it.

    The only thing I don't like is the producers hiding behind the book and going ''We're just trying to be true to the books''. And whilst it may be true, that doesn't mean they need to shove the nudity into our faces. The producers seem like a bunch of 14 year olds who have discovered internet porn for the first time.

  6. I derped up :(

    With superlicense you got the setup archive, and I was stupid enough to think it archived automatically every time...

    I was wrong.

    So I lost around a week of setups :(

    Now i'm going to obsessively click the archive button every time I work on a setup.

  7. I am currently last in mine (Croatia). Jason is 4th :(.

    Yeah I have no idea how I'm 4th whilst both Chris and Plubby have better drivers than me, but i'm taking what i can.

    Also on point to make some points in the next two races too, since I got 7th spot in Q.

  8. Those are the only two down points so far - the physics system is wonderful and the fights feel a hell of a lot more like real fights now. If you played the Undisputed games you'll be very used to the controls, only thing that's really different is the submission system.

    I saw someone play the demo on YouTube (as Gus). And the AI Jones did all kinds of funky cartwheel moves and convoluted suplexes.

    Not like the takedowns in THQUFC looked great, the takedowns in EAUFC look really canned from what I saw.

    Don't got a Next-Gen console though, so I can't try it out for myself.

  9. I dunno, it might have something to do with age. I chose to be 20, cause I am, and when I went to sign it gave me an option of 2 more years of college.

    I think age has to do with it. I just started RTTS as a 18 year old, cause there was no way in hell I was gonna start as my real age. Once I got drafted I was given the option of signing with the team, going to 1 or 2 year JUCO, or 3 or 4 year regular college. Pretty neat.

    Made myself a left fielder and pretty much pumped all of my initial stats into hitting, content with being a butcher in the field. Had a great series in the Showcase and wound up getting drafted #4 overall by the Twins. Doubted I'd be able to do much better than that in college so I signed. Couldn't resist the chance to play for the New Britain Rock Cats, who are the closest minor league team to me IRL.

    You can have the game sim all the fielding and letting you only do the hitting/baserunning if you want to.

    You'll lose out on the (meager) fielding XP and the riveting tactical espionage stealth action at your position with the terrible camera angle which doesn't help you out at all.

  10. RTTS is about as addicting as can be.

    Still playing with my LF, and I am in the middle of july.

    Due to fielding and batting woes (and getting a linedrive to my face) I got dropped to the bench and I missed out on a lot of games until I got a lucky break and got put in the DH position.

    I capitalised and had some really good batting outings which gave me enough points to prevent the ratings skid that was happening due to the lack of games I played.

    From there on I played myself back into the starting position at LF, and despite still being under .300 batting I have refound myself and have among other had my first 4/4 batting game where I almost got the cycle (missed out on the dub). And now I am slowly working myself into form and becoming an asset to the team by upping my contact and fielding stats. I have also gotten better at stealing bases and it's simple when you get good at it.

    Fielding is still a chore due to the honky camera angle, but I am starting to become a bit better at reading the path of the ball and getting easy outs. I still get stupid ''derp'' errors though.

    Playing RTTS is like playing FM, every time you feel like quitting and then go ''nah, one more game'' and before you know it you've wasted another hour.

  11. Tampa Bay Rays, eh not my #1 choice but at least I got a few talented guys in there.

    Now someone needs to tell me how OOTP online works.

    Dude the Rays are always in the World Series for the first 2 seasons on my games. Be happy!

    Sure, but I'd rather have been the O's. Because go O's!

  12. The ending of this episode crushed my soul and left me completely dead inside.

    I don't even think that the red wedding shattered my soul like this. Such a poignant and soul-shattering ending to an episode.

    Dinklage deserves an emmy for the entire season... But Pascal deserves one for that episode alone.

    Now I need to go sit in a corner and cry profusely...

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  13. Welcome to the team Plubs :)

    Don't worry about effing up a test, you're gonna have a lot more in the future. Also since you joined so early in Season 9, you might have a shake at some points in the rookie series.

    Also decided to bite the bullet and buy 6 months of Superlicense. 2 euros a month is a fair price.

    I know no-one can beat my amazing helmet design!


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