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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. There are reports that there might be a PC released based on leaked info from a Korean ratings board.

    If that ever happens, I'd be the happiest man on the planet.

    Knowing 2K, and their other major franchise (NBA 2k, which is getting next-genned on PC this year!), they tend to deliver a game that's just as good on PC as it is on the consoles, without shitty-port-itis syndrome.

    Knowing the modding community of NBA 2k very well, the hopes would be very high for the same to happen to the PC community :D

  2. They're going to ban us for being a multi account at this rate... :shifty:


    Oi, you forgot the guy in 9th place!


    I would've had a better time if I hadn't gotten 2 DNF's in practice. Bloody game sometimes, I drive the practice with 1 risk/aggro, and they still decide to throw me into the gravel trap.

  3. Episode 5 thoughts...

    First impressions were that that seemed like a really underwhelming finale. There wasn't a decision or a plot point that I agonised over or even really cared about. I didn't help Luke, alerted Kenny and Jane to the theft (because fuck Bonnie putting the blame on me), shot Kenny and walked away from Jane,

    Same sentiment here.

    I didn't like how Luke just got killed off like a total chump with the drowning scene. Just completely unmemorable to me.

    I didn't alert them, trying to talk down... Still got shot by that fucker Arvo, even after helping him... Shot Kenny, also walked away from Jane.

    Just quite dissapointed with the lack of ''eventful'' things happening all around. Very underwhelming and I gave little fucks about it in the end. Nowhere near as gutwrenching and feel-inducing as the ending of S1.

    The only thing that I really found memorable was seeing Lee again, because fucking hell Lee is amazing and I miss him.

    Once more it really felt the choices didn't really matter and I was really just getting strung along for the ride... It's still a great game, but it lacked the ''oomph'' it should've had for a finale...

    EDIT: Also did some youtubing, apparently the non-Jane endings are much better...

  4. According to Max's Twitter he voluntarily gave up his seat for the better of the team.

    Basically, Gene Haas just tossed a fuckload of cash towards Marussia to give Alex Rossi race experience till 2016.

    A bit sad, Max was terrible as a driver, but he's a likeable chap.

    Lotterer on the other hand, if he wasn't driving a Caterham he would be a guy I would peg for point finishes every race... Sure, LMP and FN aren't really a comparison. But Le Mans winners tend to do good in F1 and vice versa. Just look at Webber, his car-flying skills translated very well to F1 and back to WEC.

  5. UFC Fight Night: Bisping vs. Le Prediction Sheet

    Michael Bisping vs. Cung Le

    Tyron Woodley vs. Dong Hyun Kim

    Bonus Questions

    1) Finish / Decision

    2) Michael Bisping / Cung Le

    3) Yes / No

    4) Tyron Woodley / Dong Hyun Kim

    UFC Fight Night: Henderson vs. dos Anjos Prediction Sheet

    Benson Henderson vs. Rafael dos Anjos

    Mike Pyle vs. Jordan Mein

    Francis Carmont vs. Thales Leites

    Bonus Questions

    1) Benson Henderson / Rafael dos Anjos

    2) Yes / No

    • Like 1
  6. Austin Haas you sexy beast, you fucking owned that qualification :D

    .400 difference between me and you, that's what i call a comeback.

    And the entire 5-man band in the top 10 quali for Valencia, that's what I call making a splash :D

    Now here's to hoping I get my first win :P


    Putting that competition on lockdown!

    • Like 1
  7. Got to say, after the ridiculous transfers my DOF tries at Auxerre, id like to do a file where you have to accept whatever your DOF does.

    I have essentially that, but with youth players my HOY signs.

    The only thing I get to do is have a final say on the matter, and he does the rest from paying and negotiating the deal.

    And I gotta say, if you have a really talented HOY, he can find some absolute gems without you having to lift a finger.

    I also let HOY/DOF sell/loan my Transfer/Loan listed players. If they're transfer listed I don't give a crap. and with the loanees I only prune the offers to not include anything lower than first team/key player.

  8. This is just absolutely insane to think about.

    Red Bull must see a whole lot of not-Jos in him to give him this shot this early in his career... His second season in one-seater will be in the F1, it's just... ridiculous.

    As a racing fan i'm unsure, because damn he's 2 years younger than the youngest F1 guy ever. As a dutchman, I'm happy and excited to see a dutchman on the grid again.

    And here's to hoping he gets a few test drives in the coming half-season, because I don't want to see the guy get into the F1 car cold turkey and then flying all over the place, it would break my heart...

    Also, when he debuts, he can't legally smoke, drink, drive, pay his own taxes, or any adult stuff... And he's driving in the Formula 1!

  9. I was expecting a reveal like last year where it showed a clip of the characters in game.


    Most secretive game ever. I don't get it.

    It's a sports game thing overall.

    The only thing they've shown of FIFA/NFL/NHL/NBA are also extremely meager and mostly teaser trailers and small tidbits that don't give you a thing to really go on.

    It's fucking annoying, but it's their way to make sure that people are maximum hype and have as few doubts as possible about the game they are interested in buying.

  10. So I accidentally lost my Athletic save, pretty gutted about that.

    I decided to start in Brazil for a change. Started in the midst of ABC's season (july), and I got tasked with getting a decent spot in the Serie B... I did one better and got 3rd place against all odds.

    So that's all nice, I make a few signings in the off-season. Most known ones being Fran Merida (that kid from Arsenal) and Willian José (that kid from Real) who I got under 100K combined.

    I'm playing as ABC, so I'm in one of the shittiest regional leagues in Brazil of Potiguar. I easily sweep the regionals and get ABC's 53rd regional title, big whoop. Also reached the semi finals of the North-east Cup losing against Vitoria, so that's reasonable.

    Anyways, I'm going into the Brasileiro knowing full well that it's gonna be a hard and gruesome season with many painful losses and few if any wins. I'm aiming for a 16th spot, and that's just enough to survive the season...

    Well, it didn't exactly end up being pure suffering as I expected it to be. In fact, after 38 games I finish in 7th place! 7th of 20, 9 spots above my personal projection!

    Willian José became shared 2nd in scoring in the league with 18 goals and pretty much lead the charge, Lucio Curio was also good with 12 goals himself.

    So yeah, There's a potential chance that I can get into the low-continental cup with my final position, which would be insane... I also had a great influx of youth talents, had 6 players with 4.5* potential or higher, and also managed to pick up 5 more from lower teams.

    The amount of talent that's present in Brazil is just sickening and if I keep this up this team will no doubt start owning the league sooner rather than later... Some kids I picked up weren't even in the active league system, and still had 4.5/5* potential.

    Can't wait for the next season, which will be infinitely harder and i'm not expecting to finish as high as I did this year.

  11. A winner is me (H).

    Plus Jason was second until he went off the track and finished third :(.

    I could've been 2nd... :(

    But I'm still third, so I'm very very chuffed at this result.

    Just a shame Haas had to explore the gravel trap...

    Anyways, still a good result for Team EWB, and it's something everyone can build on. Team EWB for the win!

    And to mark the occassion, I decide to write a presser.


  12. Hah, Albers. The most notable thing he did was almost get killed by Yuji Ide, and drive away with a fuel hose once.

    But anyways. Despite the dutch motorsport media jizzing themselves over the fact Max Verstappen has signed a junior contract with Red Bull. I sincerely doubt he will be starting in the F1 any time soon.

    Like MJB said, he's still 16 and this is his first year outside of Karts.

    If anything, Red Bull will give him a drive in GP3 or FR2.0 next year to see how he develops.

    If he's ever gonna drive in F1, it will be in his early 20's at the earliest.

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