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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. I also want to recomend Rocksmith 2014 to learn with your computer. Its a great tool.

    I got the game, I love the game. And although the technical learning side is kinda lacking, you really get a lot of gains with reactions and just general playing a song.

    When I started I could barely switch chords at a reasonable pace, but the challenge of the game (you can slow it down if you want to) will drive you to be quicker and quicker.

    Also, there are a fucktonne of ''custom'' DLC's available for free on the internet, so even if the in-game stuff isn't up to taste there are great quality customs out there, a lot of them with the same functionality as the real DLC songs.

    Earlier this year I bought an '04 Epiphone LP Custom limited edition. Man selling it had a lot of guitars already, and he wasn't using this one. The value (with custom 3rd bucker) was 900 euros, he wanted 600, but I managed to haggle it down to 300 shockingly enough.

    The entire thing is an absolute dream to play, it was in pristine condition with only very minor scoff marks from use. Everything works, and well It's infinitely better than my old beginner knock-off Strat.


  2. But won't he just play shit and refuse to sign a contract extension? May as well take the cash if the big European sides want him. I usually take double what they are actually worth.

    If he's on a 1 year deal, then you might get in contract trouble. He might play like shit, but he's still affected by general morale changes... So a few wins whilst coming off the bench still bumps his morale back up to good levels.

    More often than not players ''get over it'' after enough time. As long as the teams aren't offering a contract you have to refuse every single week, they'll prolly stop moaning and open up once more after 3-6 months...

    For Bernardinho, the player is on a deal till 2018, with me having 3 option years to add to that... So even if he wants to go on bosman, it's a long fucking wait.

  3. Allione, my star player, wants a move to a big club after I rejected bids from Spurs, Dortmund and Wolfsburg.

    Ipswich is a big club, right? Right?! :crying:

    Fuck him and let him play whilst being miserable.

    I got a kid at ABC (Bernardinho) A Brazilian with a German passport, who is getting hunted by all the big teams from PSG to Man Utd.

    I tell those clubs to give me 10M + 50% next sale or to gtfo, they don't do it. Bernardinho gets pissy and I tell HIM to go fuck himself.

    Like hell I'm gonna let him go, knowing that all the major European clubs want him. That's just the ultimate sign that he's a future god.

  4. My sim has gotten stupidly fat. No idea why, Have them working out every day and only eating garden salads and they're still porking it up. Might be the lazy trait, but it just seems silly.

    Maybe he's just big boned...

  5. Lotus are all but confirmed to be running with Mercedes engines in 2015.

    Good on Lotus, but in no way Mercedes is gonna be giving them a better engine deal than Renault has tbh. If you look at McLaren, they have vocally made it clear they're going to work with Honda because of the fact Mercedes is working all on their factory team (for good reason) and McLaren got the 2nd rate equipment. I see Lotus getting the same deal, because I don't see Mercedes making it harder on themselves by giving their own factory guys competition.

  6. I can be sure that Lotus is no doubt very much pissed off at that news. Because that means they're completely shafted in terms of getting competitive Lotus engines.

    I like that though, maybe in all the upheaval we'll see more teams jump ship to different manufacturers, especially now that Honda is working with McLaren.

    And I Like Todt, I agree with his sentiments, but everyone knows Bernie isn't ever gonna say no to all that Putin monies he's gonna get.

  7. If you can get a Yeti or a snowball on the cheap, then that's the ultimate thing you can get really.

    But I think if you're just starting out with the streaming stuff, it's not really neccesary to invest in big time hardware, especially if you might not go through and end up shelving it after a few weeks.

  8. Not suited to DM?

    He's already a quality DLP/D .If you work on his off the ball and his teamwork and decisions increase with age, then he'll be a great DLP/S or Regista.

    There's no need to train up his dribbling, he's a Pirlo. Sitting deep and spraying passes all over the place. Look at that passing, creativity, composure and technique.

    Yeah but I feel I'm wasting his finishing ability by placing him deep. Currently I'm really really wondering where I'm gonna go with him. And I assume going DM DLP/REG is the quickest and easiest way to go, without having to retrain him in other positions.

    Also wondering how to play my formation. I'm back in the 2nd division after absolutely being drizzling shit in my 2nd Brasileiro season. I'm succesfull, but I'm not really playing to expectation.

    I've messed around with 4321 and 4312 the most (all wingerless), and whilst the 4312 gives me good success.. It also causes the wheels to come off at the weirdest moments.

    Right now i'm trying a 41311 (DM/3xMC/AM)

    I ain't got a right winger though, so I'm pretty much stuck using wingerless formations.

  9. Maybe consider looking into OBS?

    I have used OBS many times in the past, and it's good enough to do the job and then some.

    I know a few guys who are more involved in streaming, and they also use OBS.

    If you're saving your files as output at the same time, OBS has a much better and already encoded output video, so you're not gonna kill your hard disk like with a programme say FRAPS. No clue about X-Split though.

    Anything you save to disk with OBS is also ready for upload from the get go, no need to use Handbrake for video encoding.

    X-Split is more fancier, but OBS does the job. OBS also does HD for free, but you're probably not gonna get that on Twitch/Hitbox unless you're partnered. But I can be wrong.

    As far as microphones go. The CAD would probably be better quality, but you'll have to have headphones extra., but the Giotek would be more all-round. A quick of Amazon reviews makes the CAD better review-wise.

    I personally use the Zalman MC1 microphone. It's cheap as shit, but the quality is actually very very impressive after a little bit of setting up.


  10. So i got this player who went from Avaí reject to a guy that looks like he can become a world beater. I picked him up on a freebie in 2014, and back then he looked like a project... But now he has turned into a player that doesn't seem to be anywhere suited for the Defensive Midfielder role.


    He went from having 1 high skill (Nat Fit) to having 11. And the coaches say he'll grow significantly in the future too.

    I'm on the fence about what to do with him though. I'm training up his dribbling, since it's really the only skill that is lacking. But if that goes above 10 then I will be hard pressed to have him in midfield, rather being a potential forward option (which I'm stacked in).

    So, any suggestions on where to go with this kid? Because he seems like a pretty special guy. He reminds me of a poor-man's Vidal right now.

  11. So, SimCity was so vile and hated by me that I never even bothered the pirate it, let alone buy it.

    Right now also on the fence about that same thing. With the way EA/Maxis have gutted the game compared to previous versions, I have little interest to even ''try'' it.

  12. Got Ipswich to the Capital One Cup Final! :w00t:

    Awesome stuff.

    Quick question, if anyone knows. I've seen tactics that pre-loads opposition instructions into it, so you don't have to do that during gametime. How do you do that yourself, because I keep getting tired setting wingers on weak foot and such.

  13. People seem to like ps4's controller. You should test both and see what you want to hold for 7 or 8 years.

    From a friend, PS4 controller is good, but the analog sticks are extremely wear heavy. So you're gonna be swapping those out if you're playing a lot.

    At least, that was his experience, and he's a FIFA gamer.

  14. There are reports that there might be a PC released based on leaked info from a Korean ratings board.

    If that ever happens, I'd be the happiest man on the planet.

    Knowing 2K, and their other major franchise (NBA 2k, which is getting next-genned on PC this year!), they tend to deliver a game that's just as good on PC as it is on the consoles, without shitty-port-itis syndrome.

    Knowing the modding community of NBA 2k very well, the hopes would be very high for the same to happen to the PC community :D

    Don't you mean the opposite? This will literally be the first time ever NBA2K is the same on PC as on console as normally it's missing a number of modes.

    Must be my inexperience with the console versions of NBA 2k. But I've always noticed that the PC version are stable and work very well, and also mods, lots of mods.

  15. I have a legit reason to hate the Brazilian leagues now... And that reason is their scummy and useless ''minimum fee clause'' system.

    Basically, every player has a minimum fee for domestic teams to pick them up, and they get decided for what wage they earn rather than it being negotiated.

    So unwittingly, Flamengo swooped in and poached the next Tiago Silva for only 775K.


    I was so pissed, i went back a save. A month of gametime gone, because I got fucked over by the system...

    So now i'm taking nothing for granted, giving all my talented kids a 3000/m contract for as long as possible to get the minimum fee over 3M

  16. I don't really see how the manager stats you assign will properly come into play, so I'm interested to hear about that.

    I'll definitely get it. Determined to do a net game with Ant and/or Benji on this one.

    Well I can only really imagine knowledge giving you a better/worse insight on how good/bad a player really is. Fog of War 2.0, as you can see in the last picture of the album. Going with various ranges, rather than the all-or-nothing FOW we have now.

    Management/Motivating/Discipline will prolly go hand in hand with player morale.

    The coaching attributes will no doubt help out in training players to their fullest, but I might think that it'll be easy to just forego that by hiring enough coaches to do that job for us.

  17. I can wear a tracksuit! :w00t:

    His dream of being a chav comes true!

    EDIT: The coaching attributes are a pretty big fucking change. And I'm sure they won't go down with a lot of people, afraid that they'll lose matches because of their skills rather than... their skills.

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