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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. I'm gonna throw the spanner into the ''exclusive'' shit and say neither console have enough interesting exclusive titles to warrant me to buy either console.

    I'm still waiting until I buy either console. And seeing most of my wants are being released on PC anyways, I'm more than content to wait a long time, and a bunch of price-cuts till I jump up.

  2. Shaq: Gordon Hayward reminds me alot of myself. Great finisher, great shooter, 80% from the line for his career.

    Ernie: So what reminds him of you?
    Shaq: 80% from the line for his career.

    *awkward silence*

    • Like 2
  3. So what your trying to tell me is that F1 doesn't already force the drivers to slow down under yellow?

    Nope, Yellow never said that they need to slow down, but it was a general accepted rule. But when you're under pressure to keep up the pace and be competitive, the rule goes flying out of the window.

    Double yellow means be prepared to stop, again no speed limit.

    But a speed limit in place would be a lot better, because it would take the decision out of the drivers hands, and levels the playing field. No one can boot it just to catch up, everyone has to drive at a set speed.

    And onto the championship. I am dreading the last race, because I really get the feeling that the championship is going to be decided by the dreadful double points. And it will do neither Hamilton or Rosberg any good if they win it through double points.

  4. Just did that 50 kill (+ 100 hit streak) mission.

    It was a chore, but I got through it in one go, and I also got the optional bonus of a 100 hit streak.

    Basic tactic to get the optional, if you got vault stun, spam vault stun. If not, just spam stun in between counters and wail on the guy that you stunned. That way you can quickly rack up hits and also finishers. If you got the one skill where you get 2 hits if you time your strikes, you will generally breeze through with lots of hits and kills.

    Of course if you got that one skill where you can string along multiple finishers in a set time, you're basically unbeatable.

    • Like 1
  5. Wraith Flash gets you some breathing room and spreads damage around. Other than that, just counter, counter, counter, Special Attack, counter, over and over. Can always take advantage of focus and ping a few headshots to thin the herd if you need to.

    This. And if there are ranged dudes throwing shit at you, find them and kill them first.

  6. So in a lot of threads this occassionally gets talked about. Where people (as I), buy digital download games through other sites than the original source like Steam/Origin/Uplay.

    Some people might be generally confused about the legality, safety, and ease of the system. And hopefully we can make this thread a general Q&A thread to make people who are on the fence less confused and more confident in buying their game keys for lower prices than through the services themselves.

    First off I want to talk about the legality of buying keys, which is generally a very confusing topic even for myself, because there are multiple definitions of it.

    Official Resellers: These sites and companies are official resellers of keys, and buying through them tend to be the easiest, safest, and most legal way of doing it.
    Examples: Steam, GreenManGaming, Humble Store, Amazon.com etc.

    Un-Official Resellers: A weird definition. But these operate in the grey area of selling keys. And the shadiness varies wildly from some sites being very trustworthy and professional, to other sites being... well shady as hell. Caution is always in order on these sites, and you generally need to check for reviews of the site in question to be 100% certain if they're good. Prices aren't as low as the geo-lock sites, but they are (much) lower than the official resellers.

    Examples: G2Play, CJS-CDKeys, Kinguin*

    *Kinguin is an aggregate seller (in the style of Amazon), they associate with other sellers and are a middle-man.

    Geo-Lock Sellers: These are sites where you can buy keys from cheaper nations that are geo-locked. More often than not you need to use a VPN (often East-Europe) to get access to these keys. These sources aren't official, and they are the most shady. I personally stay away from these sites, despite nice prices. Unlike the ones above, these keys can get you banned on steam/origin/u-play.

    In general, the legality of buying keys varies wildly. But as long as you don't buy from shady Eastern-European sites, you're generally in the clear when it comes to activating a key.

    As with all sorts of buying stuff on the internet, caution is always a good thing, and using common sense to spot and detect good and bad sites are something of a must. And if you're unsure about a site or anything else regarding buying a key on the internet, use this thread to ask about it.

    Finally I will also add a list for trusted sources, for people to add to as they have good experiences with said shop.

    Trusted Sources*:

    Allkeyshop.com (Aggregate Site)

    CJS-CDKeys (JasonMUFC)

    Fast2Play (Rocky)

    G2Play (JasonMUFC)


    Humble Store


  7. I can't justify $60 on the PC version of NBA 2k15 just yet.

    I can, however, play the hell out of this browser-based NBA GM game.

    Edit: If you'd like to use updated rosters (current as of yesterday!), check out their forums.

    To be clear the PC version is the exact same version as the PS4/Xbox it just doesn't have face scan. Some people are having issues with the graphics though, some mid-low cards are fine, some aren't some high end cards are chugging or causing glitches.

    2K has been working hard on fixing the online issues too, because naturally that shit is unacceptable when online integration is practically neccesary on the MyPlayer mode.

    I personally have no graphical issues, but I don't have an average PC by any stretch of the imagination, so I can't speak for the rest of you.

    And other than the face-scan (which is trite anyways) like quom said, it's exactly the same game you get on the PS4/XBone, which is a very good thing.

    Also taking a quick gander online, the average price on steam keys from sites that I personally have good experiences with, you can get the game around 40-45 bucks.

    And I'm sure if you wait a month or so, the price will have probably dropped another 5-10 bucks.

    I personally use this site to find good deals on steam/origin-keys. It's an aggregate site where you can also create price alerts for games... http://www.allkeyshop.com

    That being said, wasn't there a thread for sites regarding buying steam/origin keys, where people can talk about that stuff?

  8. Well, the season has 2 weeks left. And we're all doing pretty decent in the series.

    Dewing can still get a top 3 placing at the end of the season, and the rest of us are in the top 10 or just out of it. Haas being 11th and behind my driver.

    Hopefully we can finish off the season strong, maybe have Dewing snatch the third spot of the drivers championship.

    It's been a slow season, not much in the way of huge results after the first few weeks and well, hopefully we can change it up going into the next season, we'll prolly pick a new series once more to test our mettle in. Suggestions anyone?

  9. MyGM mode seems awesome so far!

    Amen brother, what team have you taken?

    Personally I really like the simple additions to MyGM that makes the mode much better. From the badge-system to the star-system and player descriptions where you can easily find player strengths without having to dig through every stat. And the improved training system where you can give players personalised training to actually make them better at the places you want to see him improve at.

    And the manager level system reminds me a bit of the old NBA/NHL games where you could also slowly improve your skills and get more advantages by being a more experienced manager.

    The ability to manage player/staff morale is also a good addition, and you can actually somewhat keep bench players content through smart conversations rather than be victim to watching them slowly get extremely pissed and see their attributes tank, without the ability to change it (other than put him in the starting 5).

    The only mark-downs are some obnoxious Virtual Currency additions. Like having to pay 50K VC to buy the Jazz, or ''Buy'' a level. They're minor problems, but it's still a bit annoying and lazy nonetheless.

    Gameplay wise I'm finding defence impossible. I'm used to playing tight on guards and it feels weird. As soon as they move you slide like you're on skates. I need to get used to playing a step or two off them.

    I had the same problems early on, what I found works best is to keep an arms distance between you and the guard. Especially elite guys will carve the crap out of you if you try to be cheeky and either over-guard or attempt steals. Simply staying between the ball and the basket will force most guards to take it slow and look elsewhere.

    Yesterday I won against the Mavs with the Jazz in the second game of the season, and Dirk Nowitzki was a one man wrecking crew once the Mavs started to lose the game. Guards were a boon, but it's simply a case of knowing their weaknesses and playing them to their weakness. If they don't have any weaknesses, well you're fucked and are left just preventing them from demolishing you.

    Also it's a minor thing, but I love the new player portraits. The full-body portraits just look more impressive than simple headshots.

    The heaviness of player movements is still something I gotta get used to, unless a good slider set comes out that nullifies that issue. But right now as a gamer that has gone from old-gen to new-gen NBA 2k, this game is awesome in every way. I can understand people who've played 2k14 on XBone or PS4 might be less impressed though.

  10. Curious. I didn't much follow the business side of the NBA when the last lockout happened, and reading literature about it just confused me even more. Can someone explained what happened and why it led to this weird ass problem for 2016?

    Well the last lockout was I think 2 years ago. And it was more about how much of the money should go to players, before the lockout it was a 57/43 split for the players, and during the lockout it got dinged down to 50/50 because the owners alledged that they were running heavy losses and basically wanted an equal cut.

    Now this monster deal has happened that has tripled tv revenues and will make the NBA and all the owners a fucktonne of cash, and will no doubt increase profits by a big margin over the coming years.The players on the other hand feel short-changed, having had to cut the money they made 2 years ago because the league was in bad waters and now it has suddenly done a complete 180. The owners will make tonnes of money, and the players won't see a penny for it.

    So the players now want to get rid of the max-wage and increase the soft-cap for wages. That way players can make more, and teams should be able to pay more too.

    I personally feel that there needs to be a compromise though. Cuban has said that it needs to be more NFL-like in terms of contracts. No max-wage, but also no guaranteed contracts for longer than a year. So players can't cash in after a good year, and then tank completely and expect to keep making the big money deals. Players want guaranteed money, owners want guaranteed performances, neither are realistic from any standpoint.

    I'm all for raising the cap and nixing max-wages. But the players also need to compromise in that regard, and getting rid of the terrible guaranteed deals would go a long way in making the league a lot more competitive. And helping to get rid of the high-earning low-performing players who don't add anything.

    • Like 1
  11. Well, it sounds wrong. But I feel that Marussia simply needs to send out Rossi and have him do his thing, it's simply the right thing to do, and being a racer himself Jules wouldn't begrudge it happening either.

    That's the way the sport works. If Rooney breaks his ankle, Man Utd doesn't send out ten men until he's fit. The team still needs to fight to keep themselves on 9th place, and it's not like Alex Rossi is doing a congaline for having to replace Jules.

    Again, all thoughts go out to Jules regardless of it being 2 cars or 1 car. It also doesn't do Jules any service if Marussia sends out one car, and a team like Sauber gets a chance to overtake them in the WDC, nullifying those 2 points Jules got in Monaco.

    Alex Rossi might be the most unlucky lucky driver there is. He gets to drive in F1, but he gets to do it knowing that he has to replace a guy whos'e in Japan lying in a coma.

    But again, it's how the business works. Cars need to be driven, and Rossi is the guy that has the dubious honour of taking the drive.

  12. Nelson and Harris are not the worst to go up against!

    I want to go SG first time around, hopefully land on a play-off team without a great SG starter.

    It's an interesting system. You gotta have a try-out with a team you choose (not every team is on there), and depending on the general level of team and also competition, your expectations are going to be higher for the try-out.

    Like the Hornets wanted to see a C from me, whilst the Thunder wanted an A+ performance.

  13. I read somewhere that on the Next-Gen you are undrafted.

    Yup, the next-gen game (PC too) makes it a whole story-mode kinda affair with drama and all that good stuff.

    You start out undrafted and have to play yourselves into a team. Depending on what position you took, some teams are easier to get into as other.

    I started as a PG, and the demands from the Mavericks where much higher because they already got two decent guys in Nelson and Harris.

  14. I got my steering wheel and I gotta say, I love every second of using it.

    I'm absolutely shit now, and I can't get the laptimes I got with the gamepad. But the sheer concentration and driving feeling you have simply trumps it in every way.

    Even after playing for around 3-4 hours now I'm already getting better, and making laps around Melbourne (crashing into walls) I finally start to become better at the game itself, seeing the apex and learning to properly shift gears and such.

    Maybe if I get much better I might finally take a crack at attempting to do some sim-racing and competing against people who will curbstomp me into oblivion.

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