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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Lakers got absolutely murdered. Ish Thomas got 23 points from the bench, and that's the same guard the Kings decided to replace for Darren Collison. Good to see Ish can bring it, If he can keep scoring at a high pace and stays on the bench, he's probably in the running for 6th man honours.

    In other news, JJ Barea has returned to the Mavs after 3 years in Minnesota. Good signing as a whole, only on a 1.3 minimum deal and he's still only 30 years old. If he can bring the same fire as his first stint, the bench will be all the better for it. Where this leaves Raymond Felton though, no one really knows. However with Dallas playing 3 guard offense at points against the Spurs, and being reasonably effective with it. I can easily see Barea being part of the action.

    Gal Mekel has been waved after a season, shame to see him go but he was clearly the only guy that made sense to get the axe. Hopefully he can get signed somewhere else, because he showed some glimpses of being good last year.

  2. Have you guys seen Davis? The Brow was great!

    Also Randle :(, I was interested to see him play this year. Dallas also impressed me a lot. Now I'll have my fingers crossed for OKC the next two games. A lot of injuries and Blazers/Clippers. 1-1 will be a great start.

    If there's still anyone doubting that this guy is in the running for DPOY or even an outside MVP shot, they're fucking idiots. He almost got a triple double, with blocks! I might be hyperboling due to being awestruck, but damn he's great to watch him. Unselfish, hard working, and massively talented. I want more Brow! (except next Saturday against the Mavs, please have an off game please :P)

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  3. One thing that made me smile all game long was Tyson's backtapping like it was going out of style.

    It's the little things, but that guy simply knows how to be a great center doing the things that don't appear on the stat sheet. Not neccesarily going for the rebound himself, but rather focusing on retaining possession and tapping it backwards when he can't get it.

    Devin Harris also impressed me a lot with great scoring and being there when he needed to be, and he didn't look out of place at all. If he can keep up his scoring touch for the rest of the season, he can be a great 6th man and arguably a contender for 6th man honours at the end of the season.

    Dirk and Ellis did their things, and especially Ellis has become a much better team player as a whole since joining the Mavs, and it's good to see the team mentality is rubbing off on players in Dallas, it makes good players into great players and so on.

    Only one that didn't impress was Chandler Parsons, whether it's simply being an off-game, having to gel with the team and the style, or just general bad luck. His performance didn't exactly help the team, and it hurt them in the long run.

    But of course it's only one game, against the reigning champions nonetheless. In the other 81 games a lot can happen, but what I saw from the Mavs was very encouraging and if the team can continue to gel and players stay healthy they can certainly push for a high spot in the conference and make a strong playoffs push.

  4. Vintage~! Rudy Gobert posterizing Anthony Davis... Wait, shouldn't that be the other way around?



    And if it looks like he's standing on his tippy toes, it might be. Dude is 7ft2, lanky ass hell and throwing an alley-oop to him bugs out the catch/dunk animation. He's amazing in the pick and roll with Exum/Burks/Burke being the roll man.

  5. Like James said, Haas won't be pulling out because he's already secured a very safe deal being Ferrari's Toro Rosso. Forza Rossa I have heard absolutely nothing about, and the less I hear about them the more I start to think they're becoming the Romanian USF1.

  6. The Qualification system is in place to always have three quali sessions with a 10 car shootout in Q3.

    So where it was 6-6 in Q1&2 before, it will become 4-4 in Q1&2 in America/Brazil(/Abu Dhabi?)

    So Q1 will be 18, Q2 will be 14, and Q3 will be 10 like usual.

  7. Do the backs actually mark the wingers in this version? And are you actually able to defend from crosses this year?

    Because those were the biggest culprits for me last year, full backs did fuck all defending and the AI was super effective from the wings.

  8. As far as Nash goes, I think it's time for the guy to hang up his boots. His body isn't going to get better, and with the reports of him having nerve damage I doubt it would be anywhere near smart to keep going and risk making it worse and suffering from it for the rest of his life.

    With his knowledge and love for the game, his best bet is to simply move into a coaching role because he could really excel in such a thing. Preferably I see him as an assistant coach at the Mavericks, re-uniting him with Dirk :P But I'm biased anyways.

  9. The only way those mentalities change is if there's an incentive not to train like a madman.

    Right now a fighter gets injured and they go ''Ok, we'll replace you and you can fight when you're better.'' And nothing happens, the big names have enough cash to survive those 3 months out of action and those 3 months getting back into fighting shape.

    From what I know about pro fighting. When the contract is signed, the fighters get a stipend up front, and that means whatever happens they got money to survive an injury. And whilst that's a good thing, that's also a bad thing, because that means fighters can go ''I will train like a madman, because if I get injured I can live off the up-front money.''

    For what it's worth, fighters need to be punished both in their wallet, and professionally for getting injured in training too often. Less title shots, less money for those that essentially train too hard. And do the reverse for fighters that in turn train smart and actually make it to their fights in one piece.

  10. So, I've started a game next to the Bucks game with the Suns and I've decided to just trade some stuff and see what I can get and I ended up with Wiggins and Westbrook.

    That sounds like the good old NBA 2k13 style of trading. Ridding yourself of average talent and ending up with big time talent in 4-5 trades.

  11. I can imagine the FOX headline already.

    ''Are your kids training for domestic genocide? We speak with video game ''expert'' Bob McBias about this shocking new game that is looking to turn your children into killers. Watch for the full coverage at 8!''

  12. The most talented team in the game right now is probably the Pelicans. They have Monobrow as the star, then you got Holiday/Gordon/Tyreke in there who can score like madmen.

    Ryan Anderson is a poor man's Dirk stretch-4 who can shoot lights out on a good night. Omer Asik is a strong defender too.

    Then the bench comprises of hit and miss talent in Salmons, Rivers, and Fredette.

    With all these guys you can easily build a title contender in quick time. you got great shooters, great inside guys, and generally all round studs.

    If you want something more of a project team these are pretty fun.

    Utah Jazz, Magic, Raptors, Suns (and their 50 point guards), T-Wolves, 76ers, Bucks, Hawks

  13. I just had my sweetest win of the season.

    Went up against the Knicks, Exum got his first start of the season.

    From early on Melo went on a scoring spree, and he finished the 2nd half off with 14 points and caused havoc on our defense. If he wasn't scoring, he'd pull defenders away for a guy like Amare to score.

    But despite our woes on defense, we managed to claw back with Hayward doing everything Melo was doing, but with more presence on defense. And as the game went on, and we stuck around, Melo begun to crack under the pressure of having to carry the entire team.

    In the second half Belinelli also got more time, and he went on a hot streak that essentially got us the game. Scoring 17 points and scoring all three of his three pointers when it mattered.

    And in the final quarter the Knicks fell apart, our biggest lead being 15 before we went into time-waste in the final two minutes. Our 10/12 FT and 6/13 3pt being too much for the Knicks to handle, who only went 1/11 from long range.

    So we won 100-96 away from home, in one of the hardest games I have ever played. For most of the first half I felt like I was going to get blown out, but once I got the hang of defending Melo and also abusing the shoddy defense from Melo I started to edge them.

    My bench as always stacked the deck, and Belinelli is simply a beast when he gets open shots and a bit of luck. Hayward is a poor man's superstar, and if he can develop into a more skilled forward he can become the star of the team.

    For some reason I am absolutely shit with scoring PG's though. Their assist totals are more than good, but the field goal percentage are piss poor as I simply cannot break my defender down, and if I do my guy misses it from pathetic ranges.

    Also Rudy Gobert, that lanky 7ft1 center somehow outperforms Bynum every game. And I am starting to love his game more and more, he's hustled his way onto my project-list.

  14. Chris Singleton is a free agent and he's rated as a interior defender. C inside Defense, B- Perimeter Defense. 24 years old, but he has D+ potential...

    Peyton Siva is 24, has B- potential, C+ perimeter Defense, and has 3* Athleticism. So he could be a fast sparkplug PG who you can personal train into a better defender.

    Non Free Agent ''top'' defenders (that aren't impossible to get) are...

    PG - Elfrid Payton - Magic - 74ovr - B+ perimeter - C- Potential

    PG - Marcus Smart - Boston - 77ovr - B+ Perimeter - B Potential

    C - Bismack Biyombo - Hornets - 73ovr - B+ Inside - D- potential

    But in general, great defenders are hard to come by, so you should seek them out, and keep them in the team. Great shooters are reasonably common, Great defenders are total gems you need to lock up for a long long time.

    Also a suggestion, get rid of Sanders. He might be 79 overall, and a great rebounder. But he's on a 4 year 44M deal, that's superstar money for a player that delivers roleplayer results. If you can trade him for something cheaper, you'll be better off. You're rebuilding, so focus on grabbing a few good kids and effective roleplayers to build around KlayBari.

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  15. But in the end, none of those games revolve around the slaughter of innocent civilians. You can do it in many games, but it's always optional and not part of the plot whatsoever.

    Hatred on the other end revolves purely around the slaughter of innocent people for the sake of slaughtering innocent people.

    Also apparently to some sources, the developers are right-wing homophobic white supremacists to boot. Not that such news surprises me in any way after their statements, and the trailer of the game itself.

  16. Im a masochist, so I picked the Utah Jazz to start my MyGM career with.

    In the first game disaster struck where Kanter broke his ankle and is out for the first 8 weeks of the season. The head coach suggested I should get Andrew Bynum, and I begrudgingly got him on a 1 year 5M deal. The worst part is, Rudy Gobert has been outworking him and is in and out of the lineup.

    I also did a trade of Ian Clark, Carrick Felix, and Steve Novak for Marco Belinelli, and Austin Daye. Daye is a backup and will be gone asap. Belinelli has become my 6th man though, and his shooting touch is helping the team not be completely shit.

    As with all small teams, my defense is completely atrocious and I get murdered. 3-6 after 9 games, and I lost all my four home games. Which isn't great, because I need to win 18 games at home.

    I also picked up Nazr Mohammed as a defensive addition, and he's been adequate.

    My Current Lineup is as following:

    PG: Dante Exum (74) (Will get his first start against the Knicks)

    SG: Alec Burks (76)
    SF: Gordon Hayward (79)

    PF: Derrick Favors (78)

    C: Rudy Gobert (71)

    6th Man: Marco Belinelli (75)

    Other Guys: Trey Burke (75), Andy Bynum (73), Rodney Hood (71), Nazr Mohammed (70),

    Reserves: Jeremy Evans (70), Austin Daye (67), Trevor Booker (74) (inj), Enes Kanter (75) (inj)

  17. I've been looking around and no-one seems to have anything positive to say. Thankfully it looks like this pathetic attention grab will wind up tanking the studio.

    The only thing I'm expecting that by the time this game tanks hard, the damage has already been done in the media. Because this is exactly what the Media wants to once more put the blame on video games for the state of our fucked up society.

    I have the feeling that gaming has been finally getting away from all that negative attention. And even the GTA5's biggest controversy were a bunch of celebrities being satirized. (And the torture scene)

    If the media gets one whiff of this product, you can expect that we'll be right back at the start. Because the media don't care about the fact that this is a fringe game that's a pathetic attention grab. The only thing they see is a violent game, and they will teach every housewive that every child in the world is playing it and are one step away from shooting up their school.

  18. This was done a decade or more ago with 'Postal'. Even the camera angle is the same.

    This is what it reminded me of the first time, and I liked that game when I was... 14 or so. Now when I look back at the game I'm shaking my head and going ''Why the fuck did I ever play that''.

    It's the same mentality I now have about this game.

    This is creating a shitstorm for the sake of creating a shitstorm, and doing it under the guise of ''art'' and ''entertainment''.

    If this becomes somewhat of a thing, you can bet your ass FOX is going to have a schoolday on gaming as a whole once more, because this shit is exactly what reinforces their boneheaded mentalities about video games.

  19. Just made starter last night - I am addicted to this. The shot meter is a god send and I've somewhat figured out the dribble moves this time as well as the mechanics of the game better.

    I love this years shot meter, It's much easier to learn timing now.

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