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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Another crazy stat for Steve, he was 1% off from being 50/40/90 FOR HIS CAREER.

    He was probably the sweetest shooter to ever play the game, in his prime he was unstoppable shooting from anywhere on the court. And whilst his scoring will never truly be as noted as his legendary passing, he truly was an offensive monster even all the way during the 12/13 season.

    I had loved to see him return to the Mavs for one last run together with Dirk, but sadly that was never to be. I do hope we see him on the sidelines someday, he's got a brilliant mind for the game and he could become a good coach.

    • Like 2
  2. I still have to play the new Tales, and of course the new GOT will suck me in too when it drops. I personally love the zany and crazy humour from Tales, it's done perfectly and I love the utter lightheartedness adventure that made me love the genre in the first place back in the day of Monkey Island.

  3. Steve Nash officially retired today.

    It's a real shame he can't finish his career playing and has to end it like this, but hearing in what kind of hell he lives with his pained back I can only hope that he can recover one day and live without crippling pain.

    Also, that Mavs Vs. Grizzlies game had some atrocious officiating. Three T's in 5 seconds with Amar'e getting ejected and Carlisle getting T'd up for asking why ama're was being thrown out. Mavs still lost deservedly because that 4th quarter they gave the Grizz everything they wanted, and you can't win like that. But man they've had two crappy officiating games in a week. First the Thunder mess and now this game with the Grizz.

  4. After finding out about them last week, I've been absolutely hooked on Royal Blood. It's been stuck in my head for that entire stretch and it's driving me nuts in a good way, it's insane that they are such a young band but yet have such an amazing sound.

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  5. Im really displeased with the German GP dissapearing as both tracks were among my favourites. Sure they might not have been as exciting as some, but Hock was a great nimble fast track, and the Strecke was a good technical track. Now we don't have a German GP in almost 60 years.

    But in Bernie's mind, he gives no craps about traditions and as long as there are Malaysians, Mexicans, or Qatar-ians paying a buttload of cash Bernie is going to continue to ruin the traditional races.

  6. Oh sweet, there is a London street circuit? I might go to that.

    Also apparently next year there won't be a Monte Carlo E-Prix due to scheduling issues (classic Monte Carlo Grand Prix), so they have been planning on doing a Paris EP instead, which would be pretty sweet.

    And the Swiss have loosened the racing ban too, allowing races with E-Cars only, so there's a chance there might be a Swiss EP too.

  7. So. Red Bull are threatening to pull out of F1 at the end of the season unless the rules are changed. Such poor losers - it's okay when it's they who are dominating!

    Poor losermanship for sure, but they still have a point in general (even though they're massive hypocrites).

    Seeing Merc's stroll away with a victory with around 1min30 difference from them and Ferrari is ridiculous, compounded even more so by the claims that they are also down-tuning the car heavily to keep the cars healthy. Mercedes has done impeccable in their building up to V6, and in doing so have killed the entire competition from a neutral standpoint... It doesn't matter what Ferrari/RB/Williams do right now in improving their stuff, they won't be able to even remotely touch HamilBerg this season, and I don't see it changing at all. And if the down-tuning rumours are true, they're just going to put the cars in the higher settings if by some miracle the other cars do start becoming competitive.

    Red Bull shouldn't be the one making the claims though, because it cheapens the truth heavily... But through Merc's dominance the excitement has become very very low when it comes to the guys winning the race.

    As a racing fan though, I'm completely engrossed in the 3-10 battles because the non-Merc cars are amazingly close to each other in terms of performance.

  8. Cities: Skylines sold over 250k in it's first day. That's fantastic news, and will also mean that there will probably be a ton of ridiculous custom content.

    It's truly been the city builder everyone had been clamoring for after SimCity 4. 12 years makes gamers very yearning, even more so after the mess that was SimCity 5.

    And also the developer allowing full customization is just a very thick layer of frosting on top, it made a good game into a great game.

  9. Yeah, anyone talking about Russ being part of the MVP race is absolutely nuts... He might be having lots of trip-dubs, but the team is absolutely suffering through his hero-ball.

    For me it's still all about Steph Curry, he's the best player on the very best team, and he and Klay are keeping the west on lock.

  10. Max Verstappen was going great, the final guy to switch tyres and he was still fighting well at that moment, he would have done even better on the softs... That is if his car didn't break down :(

    Also apparently both he and his father DNF'd in their rookie races on the same lap 34... Hopefully that will be the only thing comparable about their careers in the future.

    Absolutely gutting to see him drop out when doing so well :(

    Also, Felipe Nasr is absolutely something else entirely, the way he just outraced Ricciardo was really spectacular.

    For the rest of it, same old Mercedes dominance, so it's going to be all about Nico Vs. Lewis again this year.

  11. this is a no win situation for sauber, whats to stop nasr or Ericsson taking sauber to court if they get dropped.

    I really don't feel bad for Sauber though, they messed around with contracts fully knowing what could happen (Monisha is a lawyer too for god sakes!), They expected Giedo to take it lying down and don't fight the bullshit, they were wrong and he did decide to take them to court, and rightfully he won his cases because his contract was signed at an earlier date than both Nasr/Ericsson, and all the money he had pledged has been thrown into the blender already too.

    It's a very simple exchange, they made a contract where Giedo gave them 8 million big ones, and in turn he could drive a car in circles for 20 odd races... Giedo gave them 8 million, but then the other end of the deal decided to go ''Thanks for the money, you can feck off now''. And for good reason he sued them for those dubious and inethical practices.

    And as far of Nasr/Ericsson taking them to court if VDG gets a drive, it's Sauber's own fucking fault for taking on three deals with only 2 cars.

    Giedo has released a statement on his Facebook in which he says he is waiving his legal right to a seat in the Australian Grand Prix.

    That either means he's going to pick up the fight for next race, or they have settled. For everyone's sake I hope it's the latter.

    As a fully biased Dutchman, I hope VDG can find another drive with a team that needs the cash. Manor might be an option, or maybe even Force India/Lotus if he can bring in more cash than the current guys.

  12. I don't understand anyone being against VDG in this situation. He paid for the drive and hasn't got it, what would you do?

    I'm against VDG because I'm against seats being given to people for anything other than merit.

    Pretty sure VDG has just as much merit than Ericsson has at this point, in fact VDG has done more in Formula One than Ericsson has.

    Edit: but right now all that matters is that the Australian court has given Sauber a court-order to honour Giedo's contract this weekend and have him drive. In failing to do so, they are in contempt of court and Monisha deserves all the shit she's getting right now.

    They made the stupid mistake of signing two new drivers whilst they had another one on contract already. And they have done nothing other than stick their heads in the sand at every single turn. They had simply tried to stay silent in the hope VDG would give up and go home, but instead of that he went ahead and sued them for them refusing to live up to contractual obligations they made BEFORE signing both Nasr and Ericsson.

    Every single ruling is in Giedo's favour, and they are only making it worse and worse trying to delay the inevitable. In the eye of the law (and quite a few drivers), he is the guy that should get a drive, it's merely up to Sauber to play ball with him and choose whether they want to be sued by Nasr or Ericsson, that part isn't VDG's problem but their.

    If they didn't want this shit happening, they should have paid off Giedo a long time ago, or not be utter idiots and sign three guaranteed deals for only two seats.

  13. You need some sort of provisionam SL for practice, one that proves youre not a danger to yourself or others on track...

    VDG would easily get that license, but due to Sauber/FIA stalling he couldnt get it in time... It has become an extremely petty affair from Sauber just being a pouty kid and refusing to budge rather than just take the hit and live to see next weekend.

  14. So I assume VDG will take the next step and sue the shit out of the FIA.

    It's hard to comprehend the convolutedness of this entire Sauber/VDG row, so many angles of it are stupid to the core, from Sauber's boneheaded decision to VDG's insistence of driving... To now the FIA deciding to throw their hat in the ring and essentially flip off the justice system by helping out Sauber on this case.

    I really want to know what's going to happen next, because I know it's going to be silly and headache inducing.

  15. Yeah, Giedo might be in the right here. But he's ensuring that he will have burned every single bridge before this is said and done.

    He might get a token race seat and cause Sauber more issues, but after his run with Sauber is done he'll be shunned completely... Trying to force your way into a seat is pretty much one of the biggest no-no's in the sport, and there isn't going to be any team that wants to touch him with a ten foot pole after this.

    And when he gets to drive, he's gonna drive in a car designed for another driver, and the engineers have little work with Giedo. So the odds of him having any sort of success will be very minor...

    He must be really feeling that he won't get a drive otherwise, because he surely will never get one again after this row is done.

  16. I don't know why, but I really haven't really played a lot of the game.

    My camp is still at Haven, I have just made contact with the mages after the Templars decided to be a cunt to me and my knoife-ears. I've recruited Dorian and Blackwall too.

    I'm too focused on doing all the side-stories, (and getting curbstomped by too high-level rifts) and before I really get a chance to continue the story I lose steam and decide to hold off again.

    I'm also afraid that I'm going to make a choice too soon and I don't want to be stuck with that before I made a full decision.

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