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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Early game they are, but as time and technology moves on, they fall far behind reformed cultures and religions.

    This, pretty much. It's a chore to beat up the norse when one of the warrior kings decide to gobble up the entirety of Sweden, because they can get tribal holdings.

    But when those big lords croak, the entire place is in flux and will be a shithole for a decade or so as they start to infight for power.

    So yeah, fighting the Norse is a no no and the best thing you can do is just... let them do their thing and accept that they're raiding your coastlines. Once religions start reforming and the rest of Europe catches up on tech, they tend to become a lot weaker.

    The reason they're OP because at that time they were OP and the dread of the world. Nobody wanted to fuck with the Vikings and they kinda did a lot of things. They didn't turn into legends because they loved to braid the shit out of their hair.

    And finally, tribal holdings can sally forth those big tribal armies for one big reason, and that is to try to maintain some sort of status quo in those regions until technology becomes advanced enough to run through the unwashed masses. Those areas were in flux for centuries before they got ''tamed'', and I feel it's a nice challenge for even big rulers to cut their teeth on.

  2. I have been reflecting deeply about my presidency and about the 40 years in which my life has been inextricably bound to Fifa and the great sport of football. I cherish Fifa more than anything and I want to do only what is best for Fifa and for football. I felt compelled to stand for re-election, as I believed that this was the best thing for the organisation. That election is over but Fifas challenges are not. Fifa needs a profound overhaul.

    While I have a mandate from the membership of Fifa, I do not feel that I have a mandate from the entire world of football the fans, the players, the clubs, the people who live, breathe and love football as much as we all do at Fifa. Therefore, I have decided to lay down my mandate at an extraordinary elective Congress. I will continue to exercise my functions as Fifa President until that election. The next ordinary Fifa Congress will take place on 13 May 2016 in Mexico City. This would create unnecessary delay and I will urge the Executive Committee to organise an Extraordinary Congress for the election of my successor at the earliest opportunity. This will need to be done in line with Fifas statutes and we must allow enough time for the best candidates to present themselves and to campaign. Since I shall not be a candidate, and am therefore now free from the constraints that elections inevitably impose, I shall be able to focus on driving far-reaching, fundamental reforms that transcend our previous efforts.

    For years, we have worked hard to put in place administrative reforms, but it is plain to me that while these must continue, they are not enough. The Executive Committee includes representatives of confederations over whom we have no control, but for whose actions Fifa is held responsible. We need deep-rooted structural change. The size of the Executive Committee must be reduced and its members should be elected through the Fifa Congress. The integrity checks for all Executive Committee members must be organised centrally through Fifa and not through the confederations. We need term limits not only for the president but for all members of the Executive Committee. I have fought for these changes before and, as everyone knows, my efforts have been blocked.

    This time, I will succeed. I cannot do this alone. I have asked Domenico Scala to oversee the introduction and implementation of these and other measures. Mr Scala is the Independent Chairman of our Audit and Compliance Committee elected by the Fifa Congress. He is also the Chairman of the ad hoc Electoral Committee and, as such, he will oversee the election of my successor. Mr Scala enjoys the confidence of a wide range of constituents within and outside of Fifa and has all the knowledge and experience necessary to help tackle these major reforms. It is my deep care for Fifa and its interests, which I hold very dear, that has led me to take this decision. I would like to thank those who have always supported me in a constructive and loyal manner as President of Fifa and who have done so much for the game that we all love. What matters to me more than anything is that when all of this is over, football is the winner.

    That's all well and good, but what does Sepp Blatter have to say about it?

    Pretty sure he's on a flight to the darkest part of the world, bags filled with millions and millions of bribes he managed to collect in the past election season.

  3. So instead of giving the runner up Prince Ali the job, they have decided to hold yet another election in 5-10 months...

    The pessimist in me is saying that Blatter is going to come up with his chosen one and then that guy is chosen and the circle of jerk continues.

  4. It's a bit too early for 15/16 since some leagues still have playoffs and whatnot going on, so I think it'll be somewhere mid-june, early-july before we get a database with relegations and promotions in place.

    That one you linked is indeed only for player/manager movements.

  5. It's instrument in the moves Manor are making, but I wonder how much money they have to throw at it because just signing a bunch of engineers, designers, and consultants won't get you a title...

    Unless your name is Ross Brawn...

  6. Upcoming patch fixes for console.

    Geralt will not longer interact with candles near chests and other interactive elements.

    General stability and performance improvements

    Significantly Enlarged GUI and HUD elements (including fonts) on consoles and slightly on PC.

    Improved camera smoothness

    Performance improvements during some cutscenes.

    Fixed case where game was crashing on loading a save in certain situations

    Various bug fixes and user experience improvements in GUI panels.

    Fixed issue where some players were unable to run after Wandering in the Dark quest

    Fixed issue where players were unable to talk to Eight after the Lord of Undvik quest

    Too many wild hunt minions were spawned during Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog quest.

    Fixed issue where Keira could sometimes fall under terrain during Wandering in the Dark quest

    Fixed issue where Player was unable to move freely during Blindingly Obvious quest

    Fixed issue where Player was unable to activate portal during Wandering in the Dark quest

    Fixed issue where Player could get trapped in Turseach castle ruins

    Fixed issue where Roche was not present at Hanged Man's tree during Eye for an Eye quest

    Fixed issue where Player was unable to talk or interact with certain NPCs

    Fixed issue where Sirens in quest Lord of Undvik could be invulnerable.

    Fixed issue where player was unable to use certain actions after Carnal Sins quest

    Fixed issue where Geralt was sometimes unable to mount Roach

    Fixed issue where some players where experiencing infinite loading screen during King's Gambit quest.

    Fixed issue where Simun was not properly spawned in An Unpaid Debt quest

    Fixed issue where player might have had a progression break after choosing certain dialogue option when talking to Dijkstra in Count Reuven's Treasure quest

    The Pyres of Novigrad quest is of course going to be fixed as well as the XP glitch.

    Ugh wtf I want those candles lit.

    Screw you, I am going everywhere to unlit everyone's candles because they keep telling me mean names :(

  7. It just hasn't quite clicked for me yet. I know it is a good game, I just don't feel uber compelled to play it.

    That's probably how I felt about Bioshock: Infinite. It was a great game and I never got further than 2 hours of playing it.

  8. Well after Chelsea and Citeh trounced me 0-3 and 2-4 respectively, I decided to tinker on my tactic for an away game against Everton...

    I think it worked guys...


    Macias terrorized Butland in the most devastating ways, and in turn ended up giving the other guys plenty of room to add three more goals.

    His hat-trick sealing goal was also one of the most bizarre goals I have ever seen...


    Bad long ball is cleared by the defender back to Butland, and Butland just cannons it into the face of Macias causing the ball to ping into the far corner... To clinch his hat-trick...

    Just FM things...

    • Like 4
  9. So for the PC players and AMD users among us. AMD has released the newest beta of their drivers (15.5) which includes a 10% improvement in graphical performance with Witcher 3.

    I have also dabbled with messing with the graphical settings to min-max my game to look very very nice and run at a high FPS rate.

    Of course, my PC is an I7 with 8GB DDR3 and a Gigabyte GV-R928. But hopefully other PC people can think along and maximize our performances on PC.

    NVIDIA Hairworks

    Off = 10+ FPS gain, seriously it's a big FPS hog and it improved my game from 40 to 50 by disabling it. Only thing is that hair physics are less good looking on characters and monsters alike. I can look past it for the huge FPS gain... Geralt and full-on has no FPS effect, so if you're going with it go either on or off.

    Foliage Distance

    Also makes a huge deal in FPS depending on where you have it. The difference between Ultra and High is the biggest of the setting, and putting it on high gave me a boost of around 5-10 FPS depending on locale. It will give you minor foliage pop-in when moving, but the FPS gain is significant.

    Ambient Occlusion

    Around 5FPS between off and HBAO+, it determines how light works with objects. Giving depth to shadows and such. Example, window has a cross-shaped frame across the middle. With it on AO will give a shadow for that frame, with it off it's just one blob of light coming in. It's a taste thing, it doesn't have a huge FPS gain but every bit helps.

    Anti Aliasing

    What this does is reduce the amount of rough jagged lines on textures in everything. Difference between low-ultra seems to be around 5FPS, but it's a huge difference in quality of gaming for me. Without it you'll have rough lines around lots of objects including Geralt himself, with it on it gives more smoother textures overall. Personally not worth the 5FPS.

    Those are the biggest FPS difference makers really. More stuff in this thread: http://www.gamersnexus.net/game-bench/1952-complete-witcher-3-graphics-optimization-guide-and-performance

    Personally another few things that I have turned off out of it being ugly or simply not making for a nice visual.

    Sharpening: What it says on the tin, it sharpens textures like you do in say photoshop. It personally makes visuals very... rough, and almost is an anti-anti-aliasing. I hated it and turned it off.

    Vignetting: It slightly darkens/blurs the edges of the screen to give you a film-like effect. Google for an example of what it is, I personally didn't like it.

    Chromatic Aberration: Some more photography stuff, it changes the way the picture looks depending on angles and whatnot. It's a bit weird, didn't like it.

    Motion Blur: It gives me motion sickness and tires my eyes trying to focus on the blurry picture. Picture won't blur when running or riding, some like it, I didn't.

    Blur: Same as above but in a more general sense, same reason I didn't use it.

    Vsync: I have it off, it limits frames. Some graphical cards have issues with it off, since I have frames limited at 60 it feels more smooth to me personally. Also apparently it causes some stutter for some people.

    • Like 1
  10. Only way it'll oust him is if those that have been arrested already spill the beans on him.

    Well now!

    Former FIFA VP Jack Warner tells the Trinidad Guardian that he will reveal gifts that Sepp Blatter made in his election campaigns.

    Source: Darren Rovell of ESPN


    Time for the backstabbery to start and I cheer the day Blatter will be thrown under the bus just like he has thrown everyone else under the bus.

    "The Caribbean sends their regards" - Jack Warner

  11. To be fair, women did ruin the Earth. We were just fine living in paradise until Eve turned up.

    Bro's before ho's, you know if with bro's you mean just having a solo-sausagefest in the garden

  12. I don't think that's always the case... I've definitely had targets whose demands have reduced dramatically once they became a free agent, or players who request reduced salaries as their renew contracts at a later age (although I suppose this could equally run off their diminishing skill in some cases).

    I'm not saying players never drop down, but it happens too little to really be consistent or realistic. Like Messi often has 30+ game seasons far into his 30's, and as a result the AI thinks he's still the toppest shit (which he'll still be deep into his 30's in FM), so as a result he'll ask a wage befitting a top player playing 30+ games at a top club, despite him maybe having the skills now of a mid-table or a top-team rotation guy.

    Of course, there's also the crazier end of the scale where I have seen Rooney start playing for Burnley in the championship at age 32 after going away from Man Utd on a free.

    But generally player contract logic is seriously flawed. Just like how players are shitting on your high end contract offers, then proceed to sign a much smaller contract to be a reserve guy at a comparable team. Which for all intents and purposes, is SI's attempt at making it easier for AI to sign and harder for you to sign.

  13. Yeah, Ronaldo is getting paid £600k per week on mine. It's absolutely bizarre. Are they really getting VfM there?

    Wages have always been messed up in FM because the game doesnt track player career earnings.

    What this means is that they demand wages depending on who they play for, average team wages, their previous wage, skill and Reputation...

    Age isnt a factor, so a player never really goes for a discount and continue demanding the jackpot regardless of how old they Are.

    Same problem exists with free agents, they rather do nothing than accept a cheap 1 year deal that keeps them playing...

  14. I didn't but the Cards she had :(

    I'm pretty sure you can get better Gwent cards later on anyways. I personally can't wait to get rid off all those crappy +1 cards and just stack my Scoiatel deck with crazy +5/+6 cards that will crush any opponent.

    Also, I'm too amateurish to know better tactics than just brute forcing Gwent games.

    • Like 1
  15. Yeah the tutorials are a bit info-dumpy for me too personally, luckily I had a general idea of how to play the game myself so I could get into it easier.

    Basically when fighting bosses, try to not fight underleveled, and if you do make sure to always stock up on potions that help you. Thunderbolt improves weapon damage, Swallow gives you life regen. Then there are oils for your blades that add damage to certain monster types.

    Thirdly signs are very useful if you know what you're doing. If you got a lumbering opponent, drop an Yrden and make him even slower than before. If you got a quick one, stun him with Axii and get a few hard shots in.

    Group of baddies can be stunned with Aard, and you can do some good fire damage with Igni.

    Finally if you're a more cautious and slow fighter, you can use Quen to give you a shield, essentially giving you no-damage from a single hit.

    Upgrades to all respective signs can make them devastating in their own rights. I have given my Axii two boosts and it stuns practically everyone. And most human combatants I can one hit kill when they're stunned with Axii, even if they're higher level than me.

    Finally, dodge and block. If you're one on one and confident about your reflexes and know what the other will do, go for the parry (timed block) so you can open up their guard and slash them.

    All signs are useful when used, try to use them as much as possible because there's no negative for using it everytime the bar is filled. And against bosses you really need to learn to start using potions and oils to maximize your damage whilst also upping your regen etc.

    And well, it's pretty hard in W3 because of the open world, but don't try to fight people/monsters that are too far above your level because they're seriously powerful especially on higher difficulties. I have been ganked by a group of lvl 6 Nekkers who ganged up on me when I was level 3.

    Sometimes it's smarter to avoid battles and just run away when you're seriously underpowered.

    • Like 2
  16. Just for the record, I at no point said that Rosberg was "to blame" for Hamilton not winning, also my post was whilst Rosberg was driving back to the podium, screaming with joy on the radio and waving his hands around before he had given any interviews.

    Since then Rosberg has been far more logical about the whole thing which is to his credit.

    What else did he have to do? Start sulking and talking about how your teammate deserved the win? I'm sorry, but when you win a race after driving a bike around your living room for 87 laps and won, you're gonna be ecstatic. And Nico did not know the details of what had happened either, so it's not like he knew exactly what was going on.

    You win, you celebrate, it's easy as that. Hamilton has done the same in the past, just like every other race winner who won under dubious circumstances. We can also go back 12 years to when Massa had to give up 1st place to Schumacher on the final stretch. Schumacher celebrated despite the circumstances, he knew it was messed up but you celebrate nonetheless.

    F1 simply is not a sport for being sentimental. They are all competitors who compete at the highest racing class in the world, and every single one of them will celebrate a victory any way they get it. Criticising them for celebrating is stupid, again Rosberg did nothing wrong and it's his place to celebrate in front of the fans that have gathered.

    If the roles were reversed, Hamilton would have done the same thing just like every other driver on the field...

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