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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. So after I returned from my holiday I decided to get back into W3 and tackle some more sideplotty things...
    I started to play Gwent...

    I am now addicted in the worst way, and jesus christ my entire life revolves around scouring the map for people to play Gwent with, and hopefully win some unique cards.
    It's a bit tricky to get into and it seems confusing, but it's actually pretty easy once you come to grips with the idea. The basic gist is that you really need to win with as many cards left in your hand, and then hopefully get the opponent into card troubles in the deciding game.

    One useful trick is to stack your deck with spy cards, you'll place them on the other person's side and it gives you 2 cards out of your deck. If you have a lot of spies, you can basically kill your first round by just loading the other guy up with a bunch of spies and getting a lot of cards from your own deck, and then in the two rounds afterwards you take home a reasonably easy win because you have more cards than the other. It's not infallible, but the more spies you start your first round with, the better odds you have at winning.

    Another tip is to always have the minimum of 22 monsters in your playing deck, and also as little possible trick-cards. Some people like to play with a bunch of trick cards, and I often take a dummy + 2 Commander horn. The former lets you remove a card from the table and back into your hand, useful if you're losing and you want to return your card for the next game. And the commander horn gives all cards a 2x boost across it's line, e.g. 12 damage infantry becomes 24.
    I don't use weather cards, I don't like them and they are too situational to be truly useful.

    Other than those, healers can be very useful to have, especially if they're mid-range power. They'll be able to revive any non-trick non-hero card from your discard pile, INCLUDING spies your opponent places on your side, so this might be equally useful if your opponent used a 0 power spy and you can revive him for 2 free cards against no damage boost for your opponent.

    Finally your normal fighting card really must be close-bond cards. The reason for this is because cards with close bond double each-other's power if there are multiple on the boards, and the powers do stack. So having 3 close bond cards of 4 power will net you 36 damage from all three of them combined. Very powerful and useful, and they can really mess up an opponent.

    Cards without boosts tend to be useful only as long as you don't have other cards that are inherently better. So I still got a few 6 power cards without specialties, but as I earn more specialized cards I swap them out for close bond, spies, and medics.


    As you might be reading, i'm fucking addicted to Gwent and I am a fiend for new cards. So i'll stop it here and continue sleuthing for people to play and beat!

  2. You can tell that's been taken off a phone or something. Really looking forward to the game coming out.

    Really, I thought the scanlines were part of the game...

    Also, that Cesaro face reminds me more of Scott Dawson than it does Cesaro.

  3. Hopefully they've also improved the Create a Player feature. I mean it was awesome compared to old gen creation, but every player looked like an absolute goomba unless you managed to find that one perfect slider setting...

    This is the only player I managed to make in 2K15 that didn't look like he had some birth defect...

  4. I was on the fence for a good while, but 13 bucks was too good to pass up so I've decided to buy it.

    I've started in the WHL with the Kelowna Rockets, who for all intents have a strong roster with a few NHL prospects. A huge logjam at center which means I need to somehow juggle those talented centers onto the wings and somehow have them be good as snipers.

    Needless to say, after 17/18 games played, I am second overall in the WHL and I am first in the western conference (Brandon is first in the east). And due to my team being filled with a plethora of playmakers, I have no player in the top 10 of scoring as everyone seems mightily content in sharing the puck and having everyone get a turn of scoring. Despite all those passers I am fourth in scoring with 3.59 goals per game.

    Sure, i'd like it if one guy decided to pick up the slack and become the top scorer, but I really don't want to break a winning system. We're supposed to be challenging for the title so I am more than happy to see this run going on much longer.

    The logjam will be less... logjammy next season, since the best part of my centers are losing eligibility or more than likely being called up to the NHL (Draisatl). So I will be looking to draft some good scoring wings.


    Anyone else playing EHM, who are you playing with, how are you doing?

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  5. Looking at that Owens entrance, it always irks me that they don't give the characters some sort of emotion. It's just dead stares for all of them, and it's unsettling. It's not that hard to give stars some facial emotions during entrances, heck they have plenty of stuff in NBA 2k where they show emotions other than nothing.

    Secondly, is 2k16 planned to be released on the PC at the same time as the consoles this year, or will we have to wait another 6 months like with 2k15?

  6. I never have played golf, but my brother is a bit of a fan of it. I've had interest myself in the past, so I know this from him.

    1: My brother likes it a lot, it also depends on how serious you are.
    2: It's a sport about technique, so it'll take a bit of time before you really get underway. The hardest part is getting the ball where you want it to go, so form is important... If you're with a casual group of all sucky people, and you don't take that too serious, then you can still have a fun time because everyone is sucking.
    3: You can often rent them at most if not all golf places, depending on your height/sex there are different sets more often than not. Taller people need longer clubs, and shorter people need smaller ones.
    4: Personally I think you're best off having some practice first, Like I said it's a sport about proper swinging technique first and foremost. And if you don't know how to stand, then you'll have a bad time. Depending on the place you go, and how busy it is, the people at the club will be helpful to newer people, since they obviously want as many new customers as they can get. If you're at a place where they brush you off despite it not being busy, then you're probably better off somewhere else. (but the same goes for every other sport and activity, really)

    Again, bad form can be bad on how you play, but it can also cause some pretty nasty shoulder/elbow injuries if you are just hacking it. Clubs are stick with a heavy block at the end of it, so you need to know what you're doing.

  7. In the grand scheme this seems like such a minor thing but 2K have managed to do what every game before it sucked at.

    CAW Beard physics.

    They've basically stole their own concept from NBA 2k15, since that was the first game with proper BIG BUSHY BEARDS!

  8. Man those comments in that variety article are extremely infuriating. People blaming MBJ playing a black Johnny Storm on why the film is bad. When a lot of the reviews actually say that Jordan's performance as Torch was actually one of the highlights and the standout as one of the more ''human'' characters on the film.

    In fact I am kinda confused why FOX went with Sue Storm being adopted rather than just have two black characters in the film. I don't want to let out my reverse bigot, but I guess it's more because FOX wants that blonde-bombeshell trope in their summer blockbuster, and would probably not be cool replacing that with a well cast woman of colour.
    But I can look past it, from what i've heard from the film is that the chemistry was non-existent anyways and the entire film is a jumbled mess, I don't think one different casting choice would've made it less of a turd.

    I've said it before, it's just a real shame that FOX are essentially sabotaging themselves in an attempt to stiff it to Marvel rather than just concede that they simply can't produce a good F4 film and let go of the rights back to Marvel. Of course FOX would no doubt know that if Marvel got their hands on the rights, they'd turn it into yet another great summer film in 4-5 years when people have forgotten about Fant4stic.

    At this point I wonder if anyone could take a film built around the Fantastic Four serious anymore. No matter who produces it... Then again, same was said about Batman before Nolan/Bale took their swing at it and became part of the Superhero-film revival.

  9. They should've just done a Deadpool and record the stuff they wanted to record, build a trailer from it, then have it ''leak'' onto the internet. If the fans cried out that it was great, they would've had a lot more leverage against FOX meddling in their shit.

  10. Seriously, fuck Jane that two-faced bitch. At every point she's trying to get you to turn on Kenny, and at the end of it all it shows she was just playing his buttons all the time and trying to put him over the edge. I am so glad I decided to stick with Kenny till the end.

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  11. Jesus christ, they could not have cast someone more perfect as Deadpool. :wub: 

    I really really love how Reynolds has gone from being vilified as Deadpool in the ''prequel that will not be named'', and finally got cast in a proper Deadpool film. He just fits the bill perfectly, very glad they gave him a second chance.

  12. The entire DC area is the most infuriating piece of land in the entire Fallout series, because you just want to go one block the other way, and the game forces you to take three subway tunnels, fight yourself through a raider camp, maybe meet a few super mutants for good measure, and then you get there, meet a guy who tells you you need to go the other way to another place you'v never been before, and of course it's even deeper into the DC ruins.

    Fallout New Vegas had some invisible walls too, mainly the early game trying to force you via Primm to get to New Vegas, unless you want to run like a madman through deathclaw nation.

    But in general I just want to be able to head a direction and find the place I am seeking for, if that means I take more time jumping over an unexplicable wall of cars that blocks off the street, then so be it, let me take that shortcut that isn't actually a shortcut, and fuck off with having to go through the most ridiculous path imagineable just to cross the street.

    It's even worse when you're playing a game on the hardest difficulty, and you're trying to rush for that intelligence bobblehead that pushes it to 10 and gives you max XP. Being a level 2 scrublord and having to spoon the waterside whilst somehow dodging super mutants, raiders, mirelurks and everything else that's out to kill you gets really really frustrating. Because you're too weak to fight back, and fighting back means you're probably going to level up and cause you to lose a bunch of valuable XP.

  13. Also, Mark Hunt broke Struve's jaw (and who knows what else with those sledgehammers), and the same goes to when he fought Travis Browne and got his face caved in too.

    I want to support Struve due to him being Dutch and all, but he really is the most average fighter in the division despite having the physical gifts to be devastating. He has a huge reach and could kick people from the other side of the octagon, yet everytime he just lumbers around and lets strong guys get inside to smash him in the face, and his striking defense is shocking.

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