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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Oh yeah, Tristan is just idiotic trying to force himself to such a deal. He's playing behind one of the best PF's in the game when healthy in Kevin Love, and then he demands 17.5M as a player with limited usage. He's just crazy and LeBron is also an asshole for practically telling him to do such a thing rather than talk sense into the kid.

    I get why Tristan would ask for it, since it might be his only major payday of his career even if the cap goes up, and it's obvious he's a limited player who won't have all-star upside.

    But still, dude needs some sense because there's no other team that will pay that much for a player like him, not even the Kings would go there...

  2. Like Quom said, the best defense is one that's just preventing your opponent from trying anything and force him to take bad shots that can be challenged. If you're going for steals do it in the passing lanes rather than trying to take it off a dribbler.

  3. Haven't yet played NBA 2k16, but i've heard some stuff about MyCareer, maybe you guys can answer on them...

    I heard you're forced to do a one-and-done in college. Is this true, because I personally would love to do a full 4 year stint in college before jumping to the NBA...

    Aside from that spoilered thing, the idea of a ''story mode'' career is something I wanted so much from sports game. I loved Fight Night Champion's story mode despite it's cheesiness and sometimes down-right bullshit moments, but it's just so much easier to get into a ''career'' when you have narrative around your player, rather than having to play 82 games a season without anything to hold you over...

  4. Well and then there's the fact there's only like 8 races in the base game in comparison to 23(!) in Blood Bowl...

    I mean, some races are redundant and a few are a bit unbalanced, but in a game like Blood bowl you want to have the ability to have every race available and not have them be shilled as post-release DLC.

    And if I want to play multiplayer I rather go play Fumbbl, to be honest.

  5. Why does it need subtitles? I hate reading subtitles :( 

    Personally I'm perfectly fluent at the English language, but in some series it just feels nice to have some sort of guiding line with subtitles. Sometimes people just speak too soft or they're talking fast, or they're spouting technobabble or any of that, and I don't want to miss out on some clue/plot device because of it.


  6. Just played a game in BB against Khorne Daemons, and that was easily the most unfair game I have ever played... Seriously, fuck Khorne Daemons the overpowered twats...

    They !all! have Frenzy, which gives them a second roll if they get something like "push" or a stumble, so they basically can block twice a turn!
    Their Bloodthirster also has Claws AND horns and Juggernaught, making them most OP super-brute I've ever seen (And he's level 1!)

    Their bloodletters also has Juggernaught and Horns
    And finally their Herald has horns, Juggnaught, AND Frenzy...

    So basically what happened was that it didn't matter how I blocked, during their turn they would rape the shit out of my robust Orc's like they weren't even there and they just rolled over me with a 0-2 win.

    To make matters even better, they killed 3 of my players (one I saved through an apothecary), including one black orc and a blitzer... A second blitzer got a permanent -1 AV due to a broken skull.

    And as a final 'fuck you' the game gave my sides MVP to a black orc who had done nothing of note and had 0SPP, so I also have no players going to level 2...

    Seriously, fuck Khorne, they are unbalanced pieces of shit. High AV's, Average strength and Agility, and 6 movement across the board (Even for their beast!)

  7. Eddie Jordan isn't a guy to just talk shit rumours either, he's often been right there with scoops of big import... E.g. Brawn starting his own team, Mercedes buying Brawn, Schumi returning to F1 with Mercedes... Dude's got the inside scoop big time, so this news is pretty huge.

    Personally I think we're going to see the VW group probably using the Lamborghini moniker for the team

    • Like 1
  8. I'm a pretty serious gamer, but I personally can barely see a reason to buy a console. The only thing I would really play a bunch of is The Show, NFL, NHL and a few console exclusives like Uncharted...

    For 4-5 games I can't justify dropping 350-400 euros on a console, then also pay near 300 euros on those five games alone... Even if I had the money, 700 bucks for that is shitty value for money.

    • Like 1
  9. Is that the eye/glove cut one? Or the rematch to that?

    That's the rematch, where Vitor got cut off a headbutt and then got pummeled into a corner stoppage. 

    Crazy how that was in 2004 and 11 years later, he was in another UFC title fight.

    This is also the event where Couture then called out Wanderlei, who brought his PRIDE belt into the octagon. That was so fucking cool when I first watched that, I wished more stuff like that could happen now :/ 

    Yay for semi-legal PED-usage, I guess?

  10. Spanked an Orc team 3-0 with my Dark Elves last night, but did take some knocks along the way - nothing too serious except a -1MV Injury to one of the linemen. But since I have a runner with +1AG, Pass, Accurate and Strong Arm, it makes hanging back in the field then launching a bomb upfield to be caught a very viable play against orcs.


    Kill it! Kill it with fire! How are the rest of the team skilled up around it? Can see that team being a handful to play against.

    I can imagine everyone is in service of the agility-freak, and he's seriously doomed if his runner breaks his neck and dies...

  11. So I started a new campaign with the Orcs, because I want to be something less bland than Human, so I took the next blandest thing...

    First game in the clean cup, against the Stunty fuckers called the Goblins...


    They didn't have a good time...
    In fact, in the second half the game so lopsided (they had 3 guys left with 5 turns to go), I just bunched up near the endzone and started passing it back and forth to farm some SSP whilst the big guys did their thing and bullied the few gobbos that hadn't been destroyed.

    Fun times all around, 2-0 win which I could've easily milked to 3-0 if I had done less posturing with passes, but hey, SSP was gained, I won. One of my brute Black Orc's got an injury, but nothing permanent so I pretty much had the perfect match to start the career...

    Here is my team right now, no level up's, but with two guys at 5SSP I will most likely get two level up's after next game if all goes right (it won't, most likely, it's BB after all!)

    Needless to say, I like the Orc's already!

  12. Not trying to be that guy, but how many people actually play as the Diva's and how much can you realistically do with them? It's not like you're going to be able to have a vast variation of matches with them compared to "Stunning" Steve Austin vs. "ABA" Undertaker or Mikey Whipwreck vs. Enzo Amore, let alone have them going for almost any of the titles outside of the Diva's and maybe NXT Women's if it's included.

    Go away with your logic!

  13. Oh yeah, i'm sure everyone was right on top of that sucker trying to grind it drier than the sahara, but the moment FOX decided to air a Rob Riggle CSI spoof about the whole fucking thing I just lost a part of my sanity.

    Here is to hoping they'll leave it alone now, but knowing average sports coverage they'll probably ride it as long as Patriots are competing for a title.

    • Like 1
  14. Was my first time watching opening week of the NFL. For some idiotic reason I watched the FOX preview of it, jesus christ the way they just rode Patriots' dick dry on the whole deflategate shit was infuriating.

    We get it, they did a thing, FOX loves Pats, and lets all give them a good warm hearty handjob every other sentence whilst were at it.

    • Like 1
  15. @Meacon (and all other North American viewers.)

    Singapore Grand Prix is next weekend, and someone on the F1 reddit posted a poster regarding the US coverage of the event. Quali will be on CNBC whilst the Practice and Race will be on NBC:SN.

    General info about Singapore, it's driven around the Marina Bay of the tiny nation bordering Malaysia. It's often called the "Asian Monaco", and in terms of track difficulty it's certainly up there. It has a lot of tough twists and turns and a total of 23 corners.

    Interesting factoid: In 2008 it was the beginning point of a scandal dubbed ''Crashgate'', which involved Renault F1 driver Nelson Piquet Jr. (son of) to deliberately crash his car into one of the barriers, causing a safety car to be deployed. Since his teammate (Alonso) was running 15th at the time and just had a pitstop, he ended up gaining first place as the other cars stopped for tyres... At the time Piquet brushed it off as a simple driver mistake and nothing was said from it, it also didn't end up helping Renault as they still finished 4th among constructors that season...

    The season afterwards Piquet was dropped after the Hungarian GP, and the scandal blew up when he told the press and the world that the Singapore race the year before wasn't actually a mistake, he had actually crashed himself on the orders of Renault F1 to give Alonso that advantage and eventual race victory.

    After investigation Renault F1 was banned for two years from F1, Pat Symonds (Current CTO of Williams F1) got a five year ban, and Flavio Briatore got an indefinite suspension. Although all these suspension where eventually overturned by a French court, it directly facilitated the departure of Renault F1 from the grid the next season, and Flavio Briatore decided to retire from the sport and has multiple times indicated he won't return to the sport despite being free to do so.

    It's still one of the most egregious examples of team orders, whereas in the past drivers simply had to concede positions to teammates (Schumi/Rubens Austria 2002), this went way further because it told the second driver to crash himself for the betterment of the team. And even to this day is a big example when talking about the badness of Team Orders...

    Of course, time somehow heals all wounds, and as it stands right now Renault F1 is setting up for a return to F1 next season with a potential takeover of Lotus F1.

    • Like 1
  16. Double posting to recap a hell of a close game I just had.  My humans vs. Nurgles.  The whole match they're out playing me on strength.  My ogre goes down on the first turn for the rest of the game.  They just beat my ass all over the place.  They go up 1-0.  I manage to tie the game later, and I was happy to keep it there.  On turn 15, they try a long range pass to a player about halfway between midfield and the end zone on my side that I have double covered.  My catcher intercepts.  Turn 16, I run my other catcher past three tackle zone squares to the end zone.  He makes all three rolls.  I move the catcher with the ball up to a little on my side of mid field, and throw a pass.  Catcher in the end zone catches it.  I win 2-1.  Holy shit.

    When things go right in Blood Bowl it's just so freaking awesome in every way...

    It's offset by the fact that 99% of the times it doesn't go right, but it probably fails horribly... But that makes the good moments all the sweeter.

  17. You said the gist of it, that's the gist. She's got superpowers, and within the beginning of her career the Purple Man (Killgrave, David Tennant in the series) mind controls her and forces her to help him in his schemes for 8 months. She's eventually rescued after trying to murder Daredevil, badly injured and put into a coma in the process. After she comes out of the coma she decides not to be a superhero anymore, so she opens up a detective agency to try and get away from the hero life - but due to her connections as a superhero, she winds up taking on a lot of clients who have their own connections to other heroes, powered people, etc.

    EDIT: And as for her own powers, she has superhuman strength, can fly, and has claimed to be bulletproof.

    There's also a huge undercurrent of her having PTSD from the whole ordeal, but I am not certain they will translate that part into the series.

    • Like 1
  18. My dad and I played when I was a kid, but he simplified the shit out of the rules so when I came to play the pc version or the one on 360 I was way out of my depth. Gonna pick the new one up on XB1 and give it another whirl. I won't bombard the thread with noob questions, I'll get to reading the subreddit for a lot of it. But is there a particularly noob friendly team you could recommend I start with? 

    Humans are good for all-round, they can pass, bash, run and all that. They're the prototypical ''master-of-none'' race to play, so they're always a good bet for starting out.
    Orcs are also a good solid race for beginners if you like a more bashy approach to the game, they're less agile so you're going to play a more bashing game.
    Pretty sure one of the Elven races in turn are really good at dodging and passing a lot with high movement values and agility, but in turn are made of glass.

    • Like 1
  19. Well, for the sake of everyone that's gonna read this thread and want to get into Blood Bowl... There are multiple ways.

    There is the video game versions:
    Blood Bowl 1: Chaos Edition (This is the complete version with all races, the main go-to version for online play too.)
    Blood Bowl 2 (The newest version coming out on Sep 22, 2015 - It's unsure how popular it will end up being compared to the solid but flawed BB1)
    FUMBBL (Online version of Blood Bowl, no real graphics, but the ruleset is better and the RNG is more realistic than the video game versions)

    Places of Power (Guides & Tutorials):
    r/BloodBowl (The ''official'' subreddit for Blood Bowl, they're pretty noob-friendly and are always looking to help people get started)
    Team Summary (A summary with all 23 teams, the opening post is a general summary, and the replies below add more information!)
    FUMBBL Newbie Guide (A very general newbie guide that gives very useful tips regarding Blood Bowl. Do's and Dont's)
    FUMBBL Help Section (Includes the newbie guide, and lots of race-strategies too!)

    Youtube Guides/LP's
    Basics of Blood Bowl (A video from TotalBiscuit that describes much of the basics of BB.)
    Beginners Guide to BB (Beginner guide from LPer cKnoor who has lots of BB content on his channel)
    LP BB Skaven (Let's Play of BB:CE with the Skaven aka Rats aka Stunty Fuckers by Veriax)

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