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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. That previous episode was easily the best episode of the entire past season, so much shit happened that it's hard to even comprehend most parts..

    Fandoms rejoiced for a few seconds, Grant looked like an utter and total madman/badass and was the best character all episode long. Of course the whole Coulson double-angle, a pretty cool action/spy sequence with Hunter/Bobbi, and then it was capped off with a crazy plot-bomb at the end of it all. Great episode, and i'm completely 'into' the show again after feeling a bit 'meh' in the past few weeks since the whole infiltration arc was so short.

    I can't stay mad at AOS, they really know what they're doing and it's great entertainment.

    FitzSimmons though, took them bloody well long enough. And the wrinkle at the end of the story made it even more complicated than it already was.

  2. Harden is easily the worst defender in the entire league right now, and that's not even coming from my biased Dallas Mavericks supporting side... He's just non-existent on defense and it'd be less bad if he actually tried, but he just plain does not put in any effort on defense at all, shockingly so...




    Even in a league where the likes of Melo play, Harden is the most infuriating player to watch on both ends of the court. He'll score like it's nothing on one end, and then give up double that point tally on the other end.

    I'm actually shocked McHale held on that long with the Rockets, because he's a great coach but any team would suffer if you're playing 4 on 5 on defense...

  3. 47 minutes ago, Adam. said:

    Recently? He's always been like this, since day one in the sport.

    Let's be fair though, Rosberg doesn't exactly come across amazing either sometimes.

    Apart from #Hatgate, Rosberg has been pretty classy under the fact that everybody regards him as the #2 driver. He's sucked up all the abuse and it's only really blown up once and that was in Austin.

    Hamilton on the other hand has a hissy fit every single fucking time shit goes wrong for him and he's a massive fucking knobhead. He's talented as hell, but he's a childish unsportsmanlike kid that can't handle losing even if the race doesn't even matter.

    Nico outraced him in Mexico, he controlled the race from start to finish and didn't do anything wrong. And instead of being a good teammate, Hamilton just throws more fuel onto the fire and claims that Merc is showing favouritism to Rosberg, which is about as far from the truth as it can be, since it's been obvious from the get go that Hamilton's the one that gets doted on by Niki and Toto.

    Nico is in a no-win situation however you cut it. If he does good, it's because Lewis didn't give his best. If he does bad, it's because he's not as good as Lewis. If he makes a mistake he chokes under pressure, and if Lewis makes a mistake then it's clearly the fault of his teammate/team. However way you cut it, it's Nico's head around the noose and he's getting shit on regardless of what happens.

    Hamilton's the kind of douchebag that can't stand it that his teammate gets a win every once in a while, even when that win matters nothing to Lewis and matters the world to Nico and his (then) crushed confidence.

    For all the talent the guy has, he has time and again proven that he's a childish dickhead.

    Making it even worse is the fact that he only acts like a massive twat is when Nico is winning. Whenever Seb got victories there wasn't an issue.

  4. :( This has shocked the shit out of me. They were acting like it was no big deal. 

    Well, in all truth Hodgskins Lymphoma is a form of cancer with one of the highest treatment rates around. Survival Rates are around 85%. So nobody really saw this coming, but as cruel as it sounds there will always be that 15%, and Flip was one of those.

    May he rest in peace, and may his family be showered in comfort.

  5. Silly Conspiracy time: Rosberg was ordered before the race to 'take a dive' at a crucial time if it was Ros/Ham with a few laps to go...

    Actual fact: I'm a Rosberg fan, but damn he looks like an utter knob throwing a tantrum. I get that you're distraught over what happened, but keep that in until you're in the motorhome and then break some cupboards...

  6. Amazing race, just heartpounding at all times and Verstappen was competing for a podium place for such a long time... He drove those supersofts for 37 laps!
    They might've doubted his Hungary 4th due to all the punctures, but this 4th was all him. The best rookie in a long long time...

  7. I'd like to add a re-marry one for me.

    I loved South Park for a long time, and I watched it almost religiously whenever a new episode came out. But around the end of Season 14 I was just completely done with the show, it started to revolve more around pissing off groups 'for teh lulz' rather than send an actual message, and especially Cartman episodes became absolutely fucking awful because they just kept droning on and on and on with his hole Jew-hating schtick to a point where it simply wasn't funny at all, it was grating and offensive not just to the groups, but me as a viewer trying to watch it.

    So at that point I just decided 'fuck it, i'm done with SP'. And for a long time I really didn't watch it and had no interest in watching.

    Then the latest season started, and they really went all in on the new direction of it being semi-serialized and storylines arcing over an entire season rather than just being episodes of the week. Stuff like PC-bro's still 'meh' me out, but on the other hand Garrison becoming SP's equivalent of Trump, and the whole sodasopa/whole foods/sht pa town stuff is just genuinly funny. Sure, there are still duds in there like the whole Yelp episode which I found to be grating rather than funny, but I feel like they've actually decided to not re-invent the wheel but improve it instead.


    On the flipside, Family Guy I stopped watching like 4 years ago and I've not had a single moment of wanting to start watching it again. That show went down the hill fast and McFarlane and co are too ass-deep in their millions to give a fuck about producing a show of decent quality.

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks to the rain, this is officially the best qualification ever...

    Boating/Breakdancing/Celebrating Engineers

    Dancing Drivers

    Mexican Test-Drivers washing windows

    Juggling Russian

    More boating engineers

    Dads sitting in kids cars...

    Red Bull Bowling

    Carlos Sainz trying to dry the circuit...

    Force India Bobsledding

    Johnny Herbert having a quick tug.

    Extreme Red Bull Frisbee

    Mercedes Engineers kicking a ball around

    Third 30 minute delay of the quali session, so people are doing whatever they can to stay entertained... A bunch of fans staying on the grandstands because they're amazing.
    Race director apparently prepared to wait a few more hours before he might pull the plug on Saturday qualifying.

    Without anything to do, bantering occurs on twitter...


    • Like 1
  9. That trailer has made me more hype than I've been for Daredevil and other Marvel stuff. The entire premise of her trying to find Kilgrave and stop him whilst the latter can use mind control, very interesting and it seems to be done quite sensibly and psychologically rather than go fully insane with the power potential such a mutant/superhuman could have...

    Also, speaking of Agents of Shield. I am very miffed that they've rushed the Hunter infiltration arc into like 2.5 episodes, for a season that's gonna be 22 episodes long, that's just very dissapointing because it just felt stupid to have May go 'He's going too far' when for the viewer it feels like a few days have gone past. It should've been put on a slower burn imho, Lance doing more fucked up things just to get close to Ward, and only then giving that gutwrenching moment with Andrew and May.

    It just felt very rushed, and that's dissapointing because I felt it was a good way to go to split up the team and also build some real character into the likes of Hunter who is one of the better characters on the show, but often ends up being 'loveable cockney asshole' rather than something more. This arc could've solidified him as a guy that's a nice guy, but can do some really fucked up shit when he's hit his boiling point... Whilst they showed it, it only scratched the surface of what could've been.

    And like I said, 22 episodes this season, they could've easily stretched it out over 6 or so episodes from start to finish, or even push it to the midseason finale...

    Shame, really.

    Well, Bobbi and Hunter are getting their own spin off, so it was probably done quickly to set things up more for writing him off the main series at the midseason finale

    I thought that show idea was only a rumour, so they're actually getting their own spinoff? As much as I like Hunter (and Bobbi), I have a hard time seeing the two of them carry a show as lead characters, honestly.

  10. That trailer has made me more hype than I've been for Daredevil and other Marvel stuff. The entire premise of her trying to find Kilgrave and stop him whilst the latter can use mind control, very interesting and it seems to be done quite sensibly and psychologically rather than go fully insane with the power potential such a mutant/superhuman could have...

    Also, speaking of Agents of Shield. I am very miffed that they've rushed the Hunter infiltration arc into like 2.5 episodes, for a season that's gonna be 22 episodes long, that's just very dissapointing because it just felt stupid to have May go 'He's going too far' when for the viewer it feels like a few days have gone past. It should've been put on a slower burn imho, Lance doing more fucked up things just to get close to Ward, and only then giving that gutwrenching moment with Andrew and May.

    It just felt very rushed, and that's dissapointing because I felt it was a good way to go to split up the team and also build some real character into the likes of Hunter who is one of the better characters on the show, but often ends up being 'loveable cockney asshole' rather than something more. This arc could've solidified him as a guy that's a nice guy, but can do some really fucked up shit when he's hit his boiling point... Whilst they showed it, it only scratched the surface of what could've been.

    And like I said, 22 episodes this season, they could've easily stretched it out over 6 or so episodes from start to finish, or even push it to the midseason finale...

    Shame, really.

  11. For me I can't imagine QI without Fry as the main host. He's like that interesting gay uncle who can tell you anything about the world and interest you in science. He's the parlor-knowledge god and nobody else will interest me in a show like QI than he could.
    Toksvig could do just as well as him, but it wouldn't be the same. It's pretty much the Top Gear effect when names are synonymous with a show, and without those names attached it's just not the same regardless of quality.

    I like Supernatural and still watch it, but I totally get what you mean. I also find it really stupid that they could have had several seasons based around Gods of world mythologies vying for power with God and Lucifer gone, and instead they were like "nah, we'll kill a load off in one episode with about fifteen minutes build, lol".

    One thing that really managed to piss me off was killing off Bobby. It wasn't as much that him getting written off the show was the bad thing, it was him first showing up as a ghost, and after that arc he still seemingly comes back every once in a while in flashbacks. So it's not like he was written off because the actor wanted out or was doing something else, it was mostly just a way to 'shock' the crowd and give them a gutpunch rather than something truly emotional that had lasting effects.

    On the other side, glad they didn't make Garth into Bobby 2.0 and just let him be his own character and grow out of that dimwitted idiot shell into a skilled idiot.

    • Like 1
  12. Supernatural is the one show that I absolutely loved from season 1 to 5, then kinda got eh about in season 6, then after season 7 I just fully gave up on it.
    Very fun show, lots of fun lore and generally narmy fun all around especially in the early seasons when they were still trying to find their groove and finding what works and what didn't.

    Then at the end of Season 5 they literally killed Lucifer himself and Sam goes down to hell whilst Dean goes on to live that ordinary life that he always wanted to live with the stinger that Sam's actually alive. Happy ending right, just leave it at that reasonable open end and end the show.

    Nope, instead they tack on more seasons because of high ratings and they gotta find a way to make it 'work' since they've already killed the biggest bad possible. So they jump the shark multiple times trying to write some sort of narrative, and it just returns to that early run 'I just want to have a normal life' angst that simply doesn't work at all at that point.

    I really loved Supernatural, and especially the episodes where they mess around with the fourth wall and generally have fun are highlights just as much as some of the emotional episodes are. But it should've ended at Season 5, for me it just went downhill afterwards.

    I can't set myself to watching Season 8 and beyond.

  13. It's his fault for havin' a funny-sounding French name. :angry:


    Incidentally, how much is the game and can I play it Watcher/Unemployed Booker style and observe the game world evolve without my involvement?

    37 euros on Steam, cheapest key site has it at 22 euros, or completely free if you're a pirate... I paid like 15 at a keysite sale.

    And you can play watcher games, the game has insane stat tracking, and you can go back year by year on a player, team, league basis and see who was top scorer in what year, or who had the most hits, who had the most blocked shots, and what not. Almost every single stat is recorded and remember in the game, so even in fictional leagues you'll end up with encyclopedia sized lists of top scorers.

    The stat-porno is one of the main reasons I absolutely adore the game, and it really has a leg up on EHM with that. You can also enable ''GM mode'' which will automate training/coaching and leave you to send up/down players, do trades, and generally run the non-coaching side of the team whilst you sim the results.

    And well, as you can see, sometimes you end up having your fucking legendary franchise player getting his nogging crushed...

    I got the first Franchise Hockey Manager and HATED it. A buggy, disorganized mess. Won't be giving them my money again.

    Fair enough, FHM1 was absolutely shit, but I gotta give credit where it's due because FHM2 is everything the first one should've been. I've not yet had crashes, no bugs i've noticed, and the only thing they're guilty of is that the UI could and should be a lot easier to traverse.

    • Like 2
  14. So, I got this game after I got annoyed with EHM's slow going updates. And well, after wrestling with the clunky and confusing UI for a bit, i've actually learned to enjoy the game quite a bit.

    Started a game with the Flyers, decided to GM only and let Hakstol do the coaching. And after a dissapointing first season where I missed the playoffs (and had Voracek/Simmonds out for long stretches), things started to look up a bit.

    Did a bit of drafting, second rounder got called up for the first season and he's been doing well. Scoring wise everything is massively on the up, and Claude Giroux being the beast he is is scoring 40 points after 35 games and like the previous season carrying the team on his thick Canadian shoulders...





    The one time a player picks up a career ending injury in the first two seasons of this save, and it's my franchise player, the one player I would never ever trade or let go on free agency, the one player that's an unstoppable beast on the ice.

    First Chris, now Claude... This city is cursed!

    • Like 1
  15. If Trip somehow comes back i'd be pleased and confused as fuck at the same time. He had a criminally underdeveloped character and backstory that could've been more than it was. Instead he was just pushed into the background as 'Mr. Smiles the nice Black Guy of the team' who is a nice guy to everyone.

    But right now with 8 people (9 with Lincoln) in the team, it's crazily congested for a 40 minute TV show... In season 3 you're already seeing a few of them slip into the background as the story revolves around Coulson and a few others.

    Not sure if spoiler tags needed, but i'll drop this in anyways.


    At least they've done a smart thing and split up Lance and May into the whole HYDRA infiltration arc, but with the way last episode ended it seems they're fast-tracking that storyline rather than play it out over half a season. I personally hope they'll give it a bunch more episodes and probably a huge gutpunch at the end of it, because I doubt Grant's going away any time soon.

    Also, I'll never get enough of Stan Lee popping up.

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  16. Hornets will be fun with Batum! And Lin apparently has been good! And Zeller is playing well! And Kaminsky! And defense! GO HORNETS!

    I think this year will be much better for Lin as he can shift in and out of the lineup as a sparkplug offensive presence whilst Kemba is the main guard.

  17. I think it's good to have both in the marketplace. Every comic shouldn't look the exact same.

    The comics I loved the most were the ones that were written/penciled without too much going on in the picture, sure I love the Jim Lee stuff where the entire page seems like it's exploding, but almost every comic is like that.

    One of the best runs of the last few years was Hawkeye Vol.4 by Fraction and Aja, I loved the minimalistic art-style, and it was also interesting to read a thrilling story that wasn't about the world exploding (again).

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