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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Just now, Benji said:

    It'd be pretty innocent and inconspicuous to have a white hood on you when you live in an area where the sun beats down blaringly hot all day. Probably go a bit more simplistic with clothes hanging off, but the series has never really been very good at making the assassin's look inconspicuous anyway because they're weirdly obsessed with them looking like they have throughout the entire series.

    Probably gonna go the way of the Brutus Armor from AC:B, as in looking like an utter madman with wolf pelts and crazily embroidered metal armor that would cost a fortune to craft in Roman times.


  2. 7 minutes ago, Benji said:

    They've long since established them both going back before then. I remember Xerxes I (a Templar) was killed by an assassin with the first use of the hidden blade in 400BC or so. That was established in Ezio's games.

    I know they're established as existed since time immemorial, but I was generally more interested in how they're gonna look, since the garb has been mostly based on middle ages / renaissance era clothing. And I doubt they're gonna look as flashy as that in a time where even rich people wore plain looking stuff (especially compared to the Renaissance)

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  3. 37 minutes ago, stokeriño said:

    A game set in Egypt and codenamed 'Empire'?

    I don't even feel like I can make an educated guess of what time that'll be set in. >_>

    I think personalities wise it'll probably be around 40BC, these have the most easily recognisable historical names surrounding it.
    There's the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 by Brutus, the reign of Marcus Antonius and his affair with Cleopatra, then the invasion of Egypt by Octavian.

    With Octavian/Augustus forcing Antonius and Cleopatra to suicide and killing Caeserion, and his consolidation of turning Rome into an empire rather than a Republic, he's an obvious choice to be made into the templar big-bad.

    Edit: Failed to notice the sarcasm in your post...

    Personally i'm more interested in how they'll explain the Assassins in that time-period, since they're originally based off of the Hashashins that were formed around the second crusade. Of course they've said that both templars and assassins have existed in some fashion since time immemorial, but I'm still intrigued in how it will all look.

    In general i'm happy they've gone away from the industrial era, I personally don't feel connected with stuff like London/Paris, and I was a lot more drawn to the older stuff, personally the Italian cities from the 2-logy were the best in 'atmosphere'.

  4. If atmosphere is something you're after, 'This War of Mine' might be a good bet for a playthrough. It's a survival game, based in part on the siege of Sarajevo in the Bosnian war. You need to manage food and supplies, and most importantly keep your characters living both mentally and physically.

    It's not the hardest game ever, nor is it the longest game. But it's made extremely well, and it's very very harrowing.

  5. 1 hour ago, Lineklaus said:

    DTM champion Pascal Wehrlein's chances of a 2016 Manor Formula 1 drive are diminishing, according to Mercedes motorsport boss Toto Wolff.

    The German, Mercedes' F1 reserve this season alongside his DTM campaign, is a contender for a grand prix race seat with Manor.

    When asked in Vienna about how negotiations with Manor were progressing, Wolff said the suggested figure of €4million that Mercedes would pay for Wehrlein's drive now "seems by far not enough".

    GP2 race winner Rio Haryanto has also been linked with a Manor drive, having been affiliated with the team in its Virgin/Marussia era.

    The Indonesian is rumoured to have £10million worth of backing from his national government, a figure that left Wolff concerned.

    "With the amount that was in the media to buy a ride like this you destroy F1," he said.

    If Wehrlein misses out on a 2016 F1 promotion, he is likely to defend his DTM title.

    The Manor situation is preventing Mercedes from finalising its DTM line-up, with GP3 champion and marque protege Esteban Ocon keen to move into the touring car series.

    Mercedes' DTM rivals BMW and Audi have already firmed up unchanged driver rosters for 2016.

    Says the bloke whose team has been staunchly against money saving in the F1 because they're afraid it'll ruin their dominant position.

    They're getting outspend, and now they're not happy about it, fuck off Merc, if you gave enough shits you'd cough up the cash.

  6. I think K-Mart could be a decent bench pickup for any team that's looking to do anything in the playoffs. Dude has a lethal scoring touch when he's given the chance, but by god is he a massive minus whenever he's not spotting up shots or shooting FT's. I'd personally have no issue seeing him come off the bench for Dallas, but right now we've got like 5 guards already and the team is better than anyone expected them to be, so I don't see a need to dump any player unless it's kicking Barea back to Minnesota (but I doubt anyone wants a 5ft10 turnstile who loves to chuck and is on a 4 year deal).

  7. 12 hours ago, damshow said:

    Rondo generally looks pretty terrible.

    I for one am glad he fucked off in Dallas, on the other hand i'm pissed we wasted the likes of Crowder and Brandan Wright on such a cunt of a player.

    Dallas and 'high profile' trades are cursed, we always overpay and we always end up getting some twat of a player in return that only hurts the team. First Odom, last year it was Rondo...

    I hope he never gets close to success with the Kings, a twatty player on a team filled with twats, match made in heaven...

  8. 8 hours ago, Lj. said:

    My mate & I having been giving co-op a go but have yet to figure out how to pass the ball directly to one another. It seems like the computer won't allow it for whatever reason. Kinda messes with the flow of the game & we end up missing out on easy baskets. Is there a way to switch this without having to bring up pass icons every time? 


    Also, can you change the color of your player's indicator circle? Player 1 & Player 2 look identical.

    Pretty sure I read somewhere that couch co-op is kinda broken, i'm not sure whether this is true for everyone since I play alone (because i'm lonely :().


    Apparently they're fixing it in the next patch... When that patch comes, no idea.
    I'm on PC myself, so i'm even more boned when it comes to patches.

    • Like 1
  9. Looks to be a good film going by the trailer, X-Men is the only one that FOX has really managed to knock out of the park most of the times (except The last stand, fuck that flick). So with the likes of Storm, Grey etc. having new people portraying them they'll have enough to go on.

    No Gambit in the trailer though, so that's no bueno

  10. I am really really jealous of the Boston Celtics, because they have some of my most liked players in their core right now. Jae Crowder is always 'mah boy' since he was with the Mavericks, knowing we traded him away for that knobhead Rajon Rondo still pisses me off.

    I also love Ish Thomas because anyone who is 5ft9* and can ball that well deserves to be praised.
    Also Brad Stevens is the best under 45 coach in the league and it's not even up for debate, you got a team with literally no 'star' to speak off, and they're 13-9 and right there in playoff contention. Sure it might be the east, but with the team he has and the results he gets (like beating the Bulls...) he needs all the praise.

    But at least I can be proud of the Mavericks, the team whiffed on all the big catches this off-season, have four players that had to come back from injuries (D-will, Parsons, Matthews, McGee), and yet Rick Carlisle just gets it done by turning Zaza Pachulia into a double-double player for the first time in his 12 year career...

  11. 3 hours ago, Benkid Nada said:

    What was actually boring?

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    Rosalind and Coulson


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    Daisy and Lincoln is still a thing? Eurgh.





    Really, why the hell was Daisy and Lincoln still a thing?! They've had like a minute of screentime together during the entire first half of the season...

    And Ros/Coulson just felt like added on drama to give Coulson a reason to off Ward, rather than a real concerted effort in trying to add some depth to Phil. She was pretty much just a MacGuffin for the latter part of the first half.



  12. Interesting to see Renault go all in when it comes to trying to get to the top of the standings, which probably means we're gonna get a Renault/Ferrari/Mercedes rivalry in a few years time.

    Also makes me wonder about the rumours of them doing away with Pastor/Palmer as their driver duo, since they're a factory team and really apparently don't need the money Maldonado brings, and Palmer is just an average driver with little redeeming skill, especially in a team that looks to challenge for the top 5. And with the likes of Magnussen, Frijns, Vandoorne, and even Verge being without drives right now, there's enough quality talent on the market that could be built into an elite 1-2 duo for Renault.

    Vandoorne has won GP2 easily last season, which means he's now in racing limbo seeing he can't drive in GP2 again and McLaren has done nothing to place him in a different car yet. K-Mag got axed by McLaren for the same reason, so he's free to go where he wants, and he's shown that he could hang with Jenson Button in 2014 with a podium in his first ever race... Frijns is in Formula E right now, but I'm sure he'd snap at the chance to get an F1 drive (and he's Dutch, I want more Dutch people in F1!)... And finally Jean Eric Vergne has 3 years of F1 experience and seeing he's a French national, that might make him a perfect driver for Renault to put their marketing machine behind.

    Basically, I want to see Pastor axed anyways because he doesn't deserve an F1 seat, and if he did, i'd want to see the guy in a Manor being a non-factor (and giving Manor some financial support)

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  13. Tales from the Borderlands is a great series because it's completely different than all the other games. Where TWD/GOT are depressing as hell, and Wolf is a suspenseful fantasy thriller, Tales just flips the script completely and instead a very fun and engaging heist story with quirky and loveable characters that are larger than life. (Rhys is a great buffoon... LoaderBot is love/life).

    In general it's extremely fun in terms of story, and when the game becomes more emotional it does it in an organic matter because you're attached to the characters.

  14. Another one I stumbled upon whilst browsing for PS2 games to play again... Mercenaries, I want a new Mercenaries!

    The first one was brilliant and had a very very long and satisfying gameplay where you had to take down 52 North Korean baddies whilst at the same time juggling working with the UN, Russian Mob, China, and South Korea/CIA for money so you could buy awesome destructive toys to make life an even bigger hell for the North Koreans.

    The second game was short and quite unpolished, and whilst it was fun it was nothing compared to it's predecessor. But it was generally dissapointing.

    Give me Mercs 3 in the style of the first, and i'll be an extremely happy camper...
    Granted, Just Cause is very much fulfilling that niche, but still, I loved Mercenaries and I'd love to see it return.

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  15. 16 minutes ago, Forky The Snowman said:

    The only thing that can be wrong with that game is having to wait between episodes.

    Personally i've learned to just wait for the entire season to be finished before picking the game up. As much as I want to play them when they come out, It's infuriating to wait 3-4 months for a new episode to get released and you lose half the plot.

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