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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. 27 minutes ago, Lars Mulder said:

    Is that run finished yet? or still going strong?

    Is there any site where you guys keep track on what you've read?

    Technically it finished before the whole convergence thing, so you can read it from start to finish.
    There's a new Deadpool run out, but it takes place post-convergence 8 months later. It involves a few things from the past one, but nothing major that will confuse you.

    All in all, if you like over the top humour, messing with the fourth wall, and a hero that never really takes situations serious, then it's a phenomenal volume from start to finish. Like Diem said, when it drops the emotional feels it doesn't feel cheapened by all the Deadpool humour.

    Another one you should really read alongside is Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool, because it just works in a great way.

    Also, read Hawkeye Vol. 4 too, that's phenomenal too. And you won't have to wait 6 months between issues like I had to do when I was actively waiting for it... The wait between the final 4-5 issues was absolutely brutal. The best comic in that time-period, but the shoddy release-schedule took out a lot of steam in the long run.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, damshow said:

    I've seen Durant's name linked everywhere it seems, wouldn't buy too much into him signing with the Warriors.

    KD going to the Warriors would have them do away with one of their current top 3 guys, which probably means Mr. Triple-Double Draymond Green was going somewhere else in a trade to open up cap space... And that would be a completely stupid move to move arguably the most versatile player in the league to a different team.

    Warriors have a winning team already, and adding KD would on-paper be a phenomenal move, but it would add a third high-output scorer on a team that has two of the best scorers in the league already in the Splash Brothers.

    Draymond is only going to get better, and he's already averaging 15 points, 9.5 rebound, 1.3 block, 1.4 steal, AND 7.3 assists!
    And neither Steph or Klay are going to become worse shooters any time soon either... Between the three of them, they only need good/great rotational pieces to have a perennial contender/championship team, I think KD would disrupt their style.

    The team I personally see him moving to would be the Wizards, but with the way they've been playing I am wondering if KD wants to go there.

    Personally of course i'd love to see him on the Mavericks, and Cuban will no doubt make a play for the guy because that's what the Mavericks do (make plays and fail at getting any big name, ever.). Him running the PF position with Dirk settling into a 6th man position would be a scary combination. And he'd fit in the Carlisle 'pass-pass-pass' offense where the ball keeps moving.

    Of course that will never happen, because Dallas never gets their big-name signings.

  3. 3 hours ago, damshow said:

    Kings need to build around Cousins, even if he's just a guy who is going to stuff stat sheets without wins for most of his career. He's exciting, talented, sells tickets. You only trade him if you bottom out or someone comes to you with an absurd offer.

    The fact he's a +70% free throw shooter arguably makes him the best center in the game by default, because he breaks every sort of 'hack' strategy a team can think off, he's a center that hurts a team from everywhere on the court, both defensively and offensively. He's a demon in the paint, he got a midrange game, and this year he's even added a 3pt shot to his game. He's simply put the fear in everyone that's not on his team, and he's finally getting over his 'bad years' where he was a petulant asshole who felt privileged. Sure, he's still an asshole at times, but he's focusing on actually scoring points and winning the game rather than waste his time being angry.

    Also, Rondo's the best guard he could ever have asked for. He might not've fit in Dallas, but he does fit in Sacramento, and the Kings need to do EVERYTHING in their power to lock him down for his career and give Boogie a guard that can set him up (and others).

    So yeah, Boogie is 25 years old and if the Kings were a better team he'd be in the MVP discussion without a shadow of a doubt.

  4. Yeah, most events (especially the bigger ones) tend to go cheap on Amazon or other sites, as long as you're not looking for sealed/mint collections, it's not hard to find what you're looking for.

    A bunch of people here also have a Marvel Unlimited subscription, and unless you're looking for the newest issues (they have a 6-9 month release schedule on MU) they have practically every old Marvel issue on the site, so if you're gonna read a lot, then a subscription might be cheaper in the long run.

  5. 47 minutes ago, Mad Jack said:

    Smug dick when he's winning, but then again, I think that's more part of the German consciousness.

    I think I like him better than Hamilton.

    Well Hamilton is a smug dick always, it's hard to say whether he's worse when he's losing or winning because he's pretty much a smug twat.
    Vettel at least has some sort of decency about himself and isn't tossing toys around because he didn't win a race.

    True character is shown when a winning driver doesn't win. And Vettel has shown over the past two seasons that he's a standup guy who doesn't throw hissy fits when he doesn't win. The dickishness from his 4x WDC days are gone.

    • Like 2
  6. 8 minutes ago, Meacon said:

    So before I pledge my allegiance to Sebastian Vettel, is there anything I should know about him?

    Does he hate black people, or kill children, or blow up puppies or anything?

    He's German, some people have issues with Germans in F1...

  7. MyTeam is a load of fun if you can get over the bullshit-y aspects of the mode. Like the meagre point payouts, and when you're playing people that are deadset on using every exploit to win, rather than just playing the game.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Lars Elric said:

    That's why I want him. Just because it's stupid. :P And he's the White Mamba! But yeah, have you seen the 96 rated Ty Lawson? That's even more silly.

    The most offensive one i've seen is 96ovr Diamond Jamal Crawford

  9. 13 hours ago, Lars Elric said:

    Yeah! right now my line up is: Amethyst Curry - Amethyst Harden - Gold DPY Kawhi Leonard - Gold LaMarcus Aldridge - Gold DPY Ben Wallace

    You're on PC or console? Because I'd have no issue getting murdered by that team in a game :3
    Although I love my Silver Alec Burks with gold badges, dude can ball.
    Also I got Gold Lillard through Domination which shocked me, since Domination rewards always tend to give me bums like Robert Sacre rather than anyone useful, Dame's jumpshot is absolute butter and his 78 3pt shot doesn't do justice to how easy it is to score with him.

  10. 11 hours ago, Lars Elric said:

    That's awesome! I could make some decent Coins by selling my Amethyst Curry and Harden but I'm lazy.

    I also had a Gauntlet game once where the game gave me: Diamond Jabbar, Diamond 98 overall Crawford and I used DPY Leonard XD 

    I'd be so conflicted if I had Amy Curry/Harden, they can make insane MT on the auction, but they're so damn overpowered to use in RTTP. It's like a catch 22.

    But with the bank you make you can practically buy anyone on the market and have money to spare, but still it's a tough decision.

  11. 19 hours ago, Lars Elric said:

    So they added a Diamond Moments Jimmy Butler Card, Amethyst Jabbar and Big O! Gold Stockton! 

    My most fun card so far is Defensive Player of the Year Kawhi! STill fucking love MyTeam! 

    I bought a DPOTY pack the other day and immediately drew DPOTY Marc Gasol... He's pure filth, especially putting him at PF with Gobert at center swatting everything ever.

  12. Someone I know watched Jessica Jones (binged it), and he didn't really understand the purpose of the finale.

    Spoilered for anyone who still wants to see it

    He didn't like it that Jessica simply snapped Kilgrave's neck and dropped him dead without so much of a shred of remorse. And feels that she could've done it much earlier (e.g. when they interrogated him).

    He kinda misses the point of Jessica trying to get a confession out of Kilgrave and getting justice for Hope and in part recognition for everyone that had been manipulated/abused by Kilgrave. Also he feels that 'everything is OK' at the end, which is completely opposite of the truth, since Jessica (and friends) is more messed up than ever, with but a bitter-sweet taste of revenge.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Twist said:

    Just left the London game. Great fun. Can't say I'm a fan of people jeering the home team during free throws but such is the beast. Gutted I don't get to watch games more often.

    Where were you seated, and what were the prices for the game?
    Also, how was the attendance, like WWE in UK level of packed?

    I'd love to go to an NBA in the future, it's one of the things I really want to get off my bucket list and experience at least once in my life.

  14. 3 hours ago, Lars Elric said:

    Man, JJ Barea is smart and annoying but the referee shouldn't have called the second Tech on Russ. 

    Barea did what he did best, that was being a pesty twat. But Russ overreacted in a major way and let himself be T'd up, Russ let himself get frustrated. As a Mav fan I inherently like Barea for what he can do on offense and what role he had in the title win, but he can be an utter twat when he has to defend someone with a short fuse, because he'll find a way to get those guys into trouble.

    Charlie V on the other hand I want to see cut yesterday, dude's a complete bum trying to go for Russell's throat. He adds nothing to the team, his 3pt shooting is shit too this year and he's a detriment in every way. I don't want the team to be associated with a guy like Charlie V, there are other players much more deserving of a rotation spot... Like Salah Mejri, who went 17/9 coming off the bench.

    • Like 1
  15. Binging so much Bowie songs it's mind boggling to realize how many songs of him you actually know and recognize, you never really expect to know so many yet he has made so many brilliant songs that you can listen all day and still have music to listen to.

    In my binge-ing I've found this cover of Life on Mars, one of the best songs he's made and arguably a spectacular yet different cover.



    • Like 1
  16. I'm unsure about Blood/Palicki leading a show, they're good characters in their roles on AoS, but they'll now have to carry a 45 minute weekly show rather than get condensed spots of being awesome on AoS.

    I mean I love the character of Lance Hunter, he's a great douchebaggy loveable asshole when he's onscreen in AoS, but I feel what makes his character fun doesn't work as a lead role. I also hope they're going with a short 10-12 episode season rather than the insane AoS 24-episode schedule, because I simply can't see a long-season panning out well for them.

    At the end of the day, it'll miss what makes AoS such a great show to watch, and that's Clark Gregg. He's truly the anchor that everything revolves around in that show, and he carries that in the best way possible as Coulson. Most Wanted will have none of that, apart from maybe a few cameos here and there, which hurts the show before it even debuts.

    Regardless of my reservations towards the show, I will watch it when it comes out because I'm just a total Marvel fanboy.

    5 minutes ago, Cloudy said:

    Agent Carter

    See, I don't think you can really count Agent Carter as a spinoff. Sure, the show had a small backdoor pilot/cameo through Agents of Shield, but nothing in the show self is even remotely connected to what's happening in Agents of Shield. I personally feel it stands on it's own like the Netflix shows, rather than counting as a spinoff.

    Agent Carter is as much a spinoff of Agents of Shield as it is a spinoff of Captain America: The First Avenger

    • Like 3
  17. Well there go those rumours of DC being part of the Top Gear reboot.

    But seeing him and Humphrey back together is nice, from what I remember of the old F1 coverage on BBC they were great together, the only thing they'd need is EJ to really relive old days.

    Naturally I don't have access to Ch4 in The Netherlands, but I might stream it a few times if Sky coverage falls back into their circlejerking ways.

  18. 31 minutes ago, Gazz said:

    As a non-US based Spurs fan, this is true. The first 82 games of the season are irrelevant, we will win the division and we will make the playoffs. About the only thing up for debate is will we be top seed or second.

    It's so much easier than supporting Newcastle.

    Crazy to think the Spurs are also on a historical season (highest point differential in like 40 years), yet they're completely overshadowed by the 35-2 Warriors.

    Crazy stat, there's nobody on the Spurs with a defensive rating above 100 (points allowed per 100 possessions), and they have 9 players over 110 in offensive rating (team points scored in 100 possessions)

    The only two players that aren't shooting 50% from two point shots are Danny Green (41%) and Aldridge (49%), in total there's only one player shooting below 40% from the field in Danny Green (37%) who is in a wicked slump right now.

    Spurs have a 13.9+ point differential in the league, which is higher in number than the worst team in the league -12.1, so the Spurs are better at being good than the Sixers are at being shit.

    The Warriors are at 12.2, and the only reason they're at that mark is because they have a +7.2 three point attempted (+4.4 made) differential compared to the Spurs. If you take away the insane 3's from Curry, the Warriors are nothing compared to the Spurs who seemingly can throw any player but Green onto the court and have them produce with efficiency.

    Both Warriors and Spurs are on pace to have 65 wins this season, yet there's a chance that either (or both) of these teams won't even get to play in the finals... Edit: Since the early 70s, only two teams that have gotten 65+ win seasons have failed to win the championship in that season. 1: 06/07 Mavericks, 67 wins and got ousted by the Warriors, 2: 08/09 Cavaliers, 66 Wins and lost the ECF.

    Just wild...


    Edit: And elsewhere in the conference Rick Carlisle gets a random bag of players and turns them into a playoff contender because he's Rick Carlisle

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