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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. 5 hours ago, Chris2K said:

    Pretty fun night, bit disappointed in some of the attitudes of the big guys not even trying in the Skills Challenge when I'm sure there are plenty of guys who would have wanted their spot, and I was completely confused by the commentators burying people left, right and centre during dunk contest. Otherwise everything was excellent.

    The commentary during the Dunk Contest was just a #Bantz clusterfuck, which has become the norm for the contest. Kevin Hart was kinda heeling it up a bit, and Kenny was his usual "LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!LETSGOHOME!", and it was pretty part for the course as far as dunk contests are concerned.

    There isn't really much to talk about either, so they're pretty much forced to banter around.

  2. Watching the 3pt contest I had my mind blown by Klay hulking up and draining all the threes needed to beat Steph on the final rack.

    Then the dunk contest happened, and that second round was just completely insane. If there ever was a moment to have a 'tie', this contest was it. The spinning mascot, and the seated one was just mental. Then LaVine one upped with that mental alley oop and between the leg... Like people have said, the fact he was half a foot over the line doesn't matter because that distance is insane in every way, and the fact he can do that distance and also move the ball between the legs, that's crazy.

    LaVine revived the dunk contest last year with his crazy stuff, then Gordon and him proceed to create the best dunk contest ever. And we need a rematch next year for sure.
    After the 'dark ages' where they were pulling out dumb props like double baskets, cupcakes, and convertibles, they've finally returned to a contest where there are either straight on dunks, or assisted (oops) dunks that actually take crazy skill to pull off.

    The fact every dunk in the finals was done in one go made it even more impressive.

  3. 51 minutes ago, Cloudy said:

    I have 13 children, at least half of which are illegitimate. I've decided to go on a Royalty World Tour, and so far I've slept with multiple Queens of England, multiple Queens of Scotland, multiple Princesses of England, the Queen of France, the Queen of Castille, and a few Queens of petty Irish kingdoms. 

    Also, my heir turned out to be homosexual. Hasn't stopped him from having 5 kids of his own, though, two of which have the Strong trait. I've also betrothed a number of my younger sons and grandsons to my granddaughters. One couple is married - a Strong granddaughter to my second youngest son - but they haven't produced any kids yet. The next to get married is a granddaughter/grandson pair that are currently tweens. 

    I've also pissed off the reigning King of England, because I was leading a faction to install King Knud IV of Denmark as our new king. Before he declared war on me, though, he joined the Crusades and so did I - as a result, we have a temporary truce, but I expect once the Crusades end, he's going to declare war or, worse, imprison me because he knows I've plotted to kill him.

    If I die, I had an eventful 50+ year life. 

    EDIT: Oh, and I've slept with the wives of all of my married sons. Had a couple of bastards come of it, but I got lucky and they were oblivious to the fact that they weren't their kids. :D

    Your ruler has so much sex, he makes Rasputin blush

    • Like 1
  4. Christ, only 44 too. Surely there's something more to his death than simple pneumonia, athletic people don't just kick the bucket before their mid-forties.
    He wasn't the best MMA fighter around, but he's one of those early 00s names that stand out because he was a blast to watch and every fight was exciting and awesome.

    RIP, 'Monster'

  5. Wehrlein in one seat, and potentially Rossi in the other, that would make for a very awesome field without any really standout 'bad' drivers. Sure, a few average ones, namely Palmer and the two in the Sauber's, but it's still a very good roster of drivers, either young and talented, or older and skilled.

    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, Lint said:

    A big complaint about season 1 was that, while Peggy was this strong and independent woman, she didn't really have any friends who were women.  Yea, there was the room mate, but she wasn't a good actress and it didn't feel natural.  Her interactions with the other women co-stars this season feel much better then the first season did

    I agree. But Season 1 was also mostly the story about Peggy breaking the gender roles and being just as much (if not more of) an asskicker than the guys. Season 1 was about her cat and mouse game trying to outplay her SSR colleagues whilst digging deep to clear Howard's name, and at the same time stumbling upon a gigantic conspiracy. It was 8 episodes of spy action where it was about Peggy taking center stage as the big star.

    Now the playing field is widened a bit to show that Peggy isn't the only strong female character, with the addition of Rose, Whitney Frost, and of course Ana Jarvis that show that Peggy isn't just an anomaly in a world of frails.

    With this season being longer, it also helps that there's generally a bunch more time to focus on character development and given the outlying characters (Rose) more of a presence in the story, and being able to work in fun and interesting new support characters (Ana).

  7. If Wes could actually drain those shots when it matters, i'd be a very happy Dallas fan. He's been in an awful slump ever since Parsons turned up his own level of play. Wes is averaging less than 10 on awful shooting whilst Parsons is over 20 with great shooting.

    Clearly they've been cursed to even each other out...

  8. I can understand why they might want to dump Teague for other players, since he's on 2yr/8m, but on the other end he's a 15ppg, 7apg player even if this year's worse than the last (All the hawks are worse off this year).

    Needless to say, he'd be a great pick up for any play-off bound team that needs a high-octane combo guard with pretty good shooting IQ. He's no franchise guy, but he'll be perfect to be a second or third choice on any team.

    As much as Dallas has had bad luck with trading guards (Rondo...), going off what I know his fast and high octane game would fit well into the Dallas 'hot potato' offense. Of course, with D-Will being a perfect fit in Dallas I'd be really hard-pressed in messing with the PG position a second year in a row. The team has plenty of point guards right now, we're more sorely lacking in consistency of the bench.

    Of course, a good trade is something I'd never want to see be passed up... But there really are better teams out there for Teague to end up with.

  9. 14 hours ago, KevinStorm said:

    The only mode I've ever played in NBA 2k with regularity is the career mode.  I'm so angry they fucked it up so much this year but I've played it too much to get a refund already.

    It's doable, you can get ROTY (i've even seen people get MVP) in your first year unlike last year. And the first season is only 8 games long, so once you get past those the story is done and you can focus on your second season which opens up the mode and gives you a MyCareer that's the best in the series.

  10. 36 minutes ago, KevinStorm said:

    Jesus the MyCareer story is so awful.  Terrible character development.  No player choice at all even when it acts like you're going to get to choose something.  Everyone talks about you like some big superstar when your starting stats are terrible and you get drafted in the 20s somewhere.  I wish they would have just kept it like the usual MyCareer.

    Yep, the story part is utter utter shit. But it actually gets fun afterwards, and MyPark is a great blast if you team up on Teamspeak and work together with people.

  11. Just now, Meacon said:

    Last I checked, they were actually doing better with him out of the line-up. I'm not sure what they could possibly expect to get back from Denver in return to make it balanced, but I don't think it's too insane of an idea.

    Well, they did play better when he wasn't with the team, so yeah, it's been a toss up whether his awesome stats are crazy inflated, or if he's truly a boon to the team.

    The fact is, DeAndre Jordan is such a drizzlingly bad shooter, that he camps near the basket, which means Blake is forced to move out wide and become a shooter, which he's good at, but it's a very weird fit. Also, his close shots are at an all time low (.293 attempts from 0-3ft), and he's a below 40% shooter from mid-range and three, which means he's not an efficient shooter.

    I don't see him going to Denver, because I can't see any of the Nuggets players being a fair replacement, other than crazy trades like Gallo + Faried/Jokic/Barton which would do the Nuggets zero favors in their rebuild.

  12. I want to get this, but i'm going to wait for a bit until the price drops to something less... expensive, i've found it for around €30 online, but I am a massive cheapskate.

  13. I think Steph Curry will completely Stockton the 3pt record when he's done. Unless he has some freak accident that prevents him from shooting threes, he's just gonna continue being as effective he is and even if he slows down he'll be a lethal spot-up shooter.

    When he's done, the record will be so far ahead of the rest, I don't see anyone else breaking it.

  14. The TL;DR of that spoilered wwe/F1 article, "Don't tell fans it's all about giving them what they want unless you really mean it. "

    Also, I don't see Red Bull continuing their partnership with Renault beyond 2016 unless they have literally no other choice. It would firmly put them behind RF1 in competitiveness and it'd mean the end of them competing for top spots, because it's simply not possible to actively compete if you have a B-Spec engine... The only one that's managed to come close is/was Williams F1, but they only succeed because the car is made for pure speed, and any technical circuit will have them suck balls (see Monaco)

    I still see Red Bull either trying to take away A-spec status from McLaren by doing a shady deal with Honda that would fuck over Boullier and Co.
    Or they're gonna act on the rumours and try to hash out a deal with the VAG or BMW to firmly get back as a pseudo-works team.

  15. The term 'volume' mostly come in effect for 'smaller' franchises that haven't really had year-long runs of their comics. And they generally work towards an ending of sorts, rather than just cycle stories until the series run out of favor.

    It's changed a bit in the past somewhat years, with popular volumes being made into things that span multiple years on end and occassionally cycle storylines. But generally it's one story throughout that's wrapped up.

    Hawkeye vol. 4 has 1/2 storylines throughout it's run that are wrapped up in the finale #22. It gets a bit more confusing when it was followed by All-New Hawkeye Vol. 1 in 2015, which only ran 5 issues because of the big Marvel convergence that reset all the issues to #1, so now there's All-New Hawkeye Vol. 2 that's ongoing and right now it includes quite a few elements from Vol. 1 (Yeah, 2015 was a bit of a clusterfuck with a bunch of starting volumes being abrubtly 'cancelled' and remade into a brand new volune.)

    It gets even more confusing when volumes are cut up into volumes. Which mostly happens with the big franchises (e.g. X-Men), which span storylines inside the entire comic run. Which is done to give people an easy 'jump on' point for when they either want to catch up to old 'notable' stories, or want to start with a comic.

    Another confusing example is the (awesome) 'The Invincible Iron Man' comic from '08-'12 written by Matt Fraction, it's 60 issues long, and after #33 it jumps to #500 when it was added to the main Iron Man continuity... Regardless of it being confusing, it's arguably one of the best portrayals of Tony Stark, so feel free to add yet another one to your list.


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