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Posts posted by JasonM

  1. Also, since it wasn't mentioned here. Lewis Hamilton reversed (on the car's power) in the pitlane during Qualifying yesterday (which is one of the biggest no-no's to do in the pitlane), and he got a stern reprimand from the stewards.

    At the same time Kevin Magnussen can start in the pitlane because he missed the weighbridge after confusion over whether he had to go there or not (Kvyat was already present at the bridge).

    Nice parity, stewards!

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  2. I don't know what Todt and Bernie's games are, but they need to get their fucking heads out of their asses real quick. I know they're playing the long con so they can end up as 'heroes' that bring the sport back to the promised land, but this has become utter farce.

    Another idea I heard from Webber on the C4 broadcast yesterday, just bring back the old old style of qualifying where teams get an hour to set the fastest time, and give them some super durable sets of tires that are only usable for Qualifying.

    It's not a perfect format, but it'll truly give fans a chance to see the drivers put the cars to the limit rather than have to stop 4 minutes before the end because the ultra soft tyres have gone off the cliff after two laps.

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  3. I got that fight 49-46 Rua on stats alone. The third round Cormier was a bit better, and the only thing he was 'better' at in the entire fight was stamina management which shouldn't matter because you had him ruined on significant strikes.

    You got straight up GSP'd on that vote, and that's why you never let it go to the judges because they're shit.

  4. 2 hours ago, GoGo Yubari said:

    Grant Gustin's Flash is "the wrong tone" for Zack Snyder's DC cinematic universe, according to Snyder.

    (aka he is an optimistic portrayal of a superhero)

    Then why doesn't he jizz all over Amell as the Arrow then? Since that's probably right up his grimdark alley.

  5. I for one don't understand why they have decided to cast new characters for the Arrowverse main characters. I guess a guy like Gustin doesn't 'fit the bill' for Superhero films...

    The brilliance about the MCU is that it's one big universe from the individual films to the TV series, Netflix series, and anything in between. The only thing that's not part of the MCU are the animation series and the comic-verse, but other than that every single thing being aired is considered canon across the board.

    DC on the other hand decides to handle two distinct verses for the big screen and the TV, and as a fan of Flash it kinda annoys me that they just sweep the TV Series under the rug as if they're 'lesser entertainment', which has always been a huge problem with comic film/tv canon in general. It cheapens the TV Series because as a collective you're saying 'you dont need to watch those tv series, they don't matter anyways'.

    DC and WB are trying so hard to emulate the success of what Marvel and Disney have gotten with the MCU, but they actively fail to understand what they did to become so successful in the first place. Because they didn't reach that success just by having a big explosion-fest with 'the big names' at the forefront. Marvel focused on building a living world where every piece of media had a lasting effect on the canon, and it built its blockbusters around good stories with great casting choices, with the top-budget set pieces being secondary to that.

    I really want to root for DC/WB here, but they make head-scratching decisions with their material and make it very hard to actually care if their biggest blockbuster to date is a critical failure.

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  6. Managed to sweep the Clippers, although the game did its best to drag it out to a fifth game after I won the third. Because in game four I barely looked as great as I did in the prior three games (consistency is a bitch)... As i expected the Warriors wilted without Curry and the Grizzlies wore them out in seven games... Also the Timberwolves upset the #2 seed Spurs and beat them in seven games with KAT carrying them through... But that makes my semi finals a lot easier than having to face them instead of the Spurs, so maybe there's a chance I can have Dirk and Wes carry the team to the conference finals where almost certainly the Thunder will be waiting.

    In the other conference it's Cavaliers/Pacers and Heat/Bulls, so that's going to become quite interesting too with no Hawks or Raptors in the mix.

    Only problem I have right now is Chandler Parsons getting a pinched nerve and having a pretty big stat drop. So his lessened skills will put a big strain on my flow offense. I played game three with Harris at the 2 and Wes at the 3, and that game was a chore to get through... So I'm wondering whether to continue with that smaller lineup or go with a weakened Parsons in the lineup...

    • Like 2
  7. 10 hours ago, Meacon said:

    Me me me. I do! And I recommend it.

    Does it have online co-op multiplayer, or only local co-op? Because that really got me down about Lego Marvel Superheroes, such a great game without the ability to faff about with distant friends.

  8. Finally stumbled into the playoffs in my MyGM game with the Mavericks. Played all but 6 games of the entire 82 game season, the 6 games I simmed where at the end of the season where I was stuck in 6th seed with no possibility to go up or down in the standings, so I really didn't feel like playing lame duck games with nothing at stake other than me being furious at the inconsistency of my players.

    Speaking of inconsistency, the final month of the season was insanely inconsistent where I firmly trounced teams like Golden State (Curry out for season, RIP their playoff chances) whilst at the same time I dropped games to the 76ers and Kings at the same time before blowing out another playoff bound team. There was just no way to find any sort of constant in the games and even guys like Nowitzki was suffering from the court by bricking wide open shots in his wheelhouse. (And I'm playing with shot timing too!)

    So, as the 6th seed I'm squared off against the #3 seeded Los Angeles Clippies, which is an ultimate grudge match seeing they screwed the Mavs out of getting DeAndre Jordan (I'm over that, but it's still a great narrative for a first round series)...

    And despite the first two games being away from home against a hostile crowd I blow them out in Game 1 with a 108-85 score, and Dirk Nowitzki (Who is retiring after this season *sad face*) went off for 29 and 11 bringing his prime-time/champ DNA into play and making him become the scoring god he is.

    Game two was a bit more closer, but I still won that 106-96 with D-Will getting 19/11, Wes getting 17/5, Parsons getting 15/8, And Dirk getting a silly 16/11R/4A/2S/3B statline that completely ruined anything Blake 28/14, Paul 19/9, and Redick 14/8R tried to bring into the mix...

    Also Wes Matthews has been average all season for me, getting only 13 points per game on average... But in the first two playoff games he's seen the light with 18 points and 5 assists... Those goddamn prime time badges are crazy effective.

    So yeah, I'm going into my first home game with a 2-0 lead in the series and a real chance to sweep the Clippers in the first round (as is Clipper tradition)... But knowing my infuriating consistency i'll probably drop my home games. *shrug*

    Despite this great start to the playoffs, I can see myself getting through to the Conference Semi Finals where i'll have to face either the T-Wolves or the Spurs... But I just don't see this team getting close to the finals, as much as I would love to have Dirk carry the team into his third (and final) NBA finals.

    Next season is certainly going to be hell, with no decent draft picks and no Dirk (gonna try to get him as an assistant coach regardless of skills). There's going to be no real big-time player on the market that would fit into the team. LeBron might opt-out, but I don't see what he'd bring to the team (other than everything) with Chandler Parsons being my main Small Forward. But who knows what I can get in free agency... Heck, maybe i'll make a diary out of it.

    • Like 1
  9. Even though I don't have FM16, I've also always stuck to 90% condition. But in FM15 I had some very deep squads and I raised that limit to 95% whilst rotating around players whose match fitness was starting to drop. With only a few super-important pieces actually getting a full season's worth of games.

    It really cut down on the injuries a lot, I had a lot less whingey players, and of course it gave valuable playing experience to the kiddies of whom I always feel grow 50x slower for me than AI teams who never even play them.

    I also had a squad where I had three up-and-coming goalies all three of them were rated to become good/great Premier League goalies, that was an absolute mess to rotate around... Until I sold one of them to Liverpool and he never played a single game for them, and I also sold one to a team in Spain of which he also never got a game...

    And yeah, I want to get FM16 but I don't feel like losing another 1000+ hours of my life shouting at my elite striker who can't hit a barn.

  10. 58 minutes ago, Benkid Nada said:

    I went in with pretty low expectations and still came away wondering how anyone could call that a film. It was a manchild's idea of what Batman versus Superman would be, and it was only that for about 10 minutes. The worst part is that the plot is literally given out in the trailer itself, so that you know everything that's about to happen and nothing, not one thing, even the so-called "surprises", are actually all that surprising.

    I guess it can tout that it's still not the worst superhero film of the past year... (Fant4stic) ,so I guess they got that going for them.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Sam said:

    That right there is one of Formula One's biggest problem, they're fast disappearing behind a pay wall. 

    Pay-wall's and commentators jerking it over Lewis Hamilton's everything ever.

    Everyone but Brundle at Sky has a massive wankfest over everything Hamilton does every race weekend.

  12. I personally finished Arrow S3 and Flash S1 last week, and I do agree that they're extremely polarizing in their writing styles. Ollie is a cynical bastard surrounded by people who at least in some way share that cynicism (minus Felicity, who seems to be crying 70% of her screen time anyways). Diggle isn't much in the way of exciting company either, and all the other characters on the show are just as cynical or 'damaged' as Oliver is. The entire tone of the show is just 'the world is dark and filled with mean people, so we gotta be mean too and wallow in our pity for 45 minutes a week'.

    Then you have the Flash, and it's almost jarring to start watching it after slogging through three seasons of Arrow. Everyone is optimistic despite the horrible shit that happened or is happening to them. The 'darkest' character on the show is Caitlyn and she barely gets anywhere close to the Arrow cast in terms of wallowing in her emotions... Although they did their best in hammering in the fact her boyfriend went poof, and turned into a flame-elemental almost every damn episode.
    The fact the show is so positive and generally fun made the finale episodes of the first season that more powerful, because you actually give a shit about Barry truly struggling with the idea of going back in time to save his mother, or to not change a thing and accept the family he grew up with.

    Anyways, haven't seen Supesgirl or LoT and I doubt i'm gonna watch them seeing I also got the entire MCU on my plate. I feel both Arrow and Flash have their respective qualities over each other, but in general fun I must agree that Flash is just that... But season 1 of that can't hold a candle to the Slade Wilson arc of Arrow, imo.

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  13. On 20-3-2016 at 23:11, Gazz said:

    Apparently the crash was caused by Gutierrez's car entering 'power reduction mode' to charge the battery, which reduces engine power by 150BHP and obviously, causes the car to slow down massively.

    That seems like a really bad thing to have when cars are racing nose to tail at 200mph.

    it's funny because the way it happened reminds me exactly how Max Verstappen crashed into Grosjean last year at Monaco. So yeah, freak accidents happen but it does seem to be a recurring issue.

    But it's not an issue that can be fixed as easily, since you can't exactly force drivers to 'take it easy' at the run up to a corner just because the guy ahead of you might go into power saving mode.

  14. HAM-ROS-VET, new quali, same results. And infinitely more unsatisfying because the quali was over with 4 minutes left to go... It's kinda fun in Q1 with all the cars going out and driving their tits off, but it all falls apart in Q2 and Q3 with the tyres dying a painful death.

    Another idea I heart Brundle mention was to give drivers a special set of tyres that can put Super Soft times whilst being able to go 10 or so laps, and make it quali-only. And at the same time allowing teams to refuel in the pitbox rather than having to wheel it into the garage, because the current way wastes too much time and it'll mean drivers are just sitting on their hands watching themselves get eliminated.

    Also, be able to finish the lap after the 90 seconds are up, that'd be a lot better because that way you can fly out with 90 seconds on the clock and still be able to set a time...

    But yeah, TL;DR - Fun action, unacceptable finish. If I was a fan at trackside i'd be fuming.

    In other news, Verstappen the best non constructor driver on the grid! And the STR's made the Red Bull's look silly with their 1 year old Rari engines. So i'm absolutely hype for Verstappen to hopefully rock the applecart a bit tomorrow!

  15. 4 hours ago, Baddar said:

    One link I read yesterday, which APPARENTLY had info from an ex employee, said that the game would be a prequel to RDR, be called Legends of the West, and have multiple playable characters, just like GTA V.

    I've also read rumours of a HD remake of the first game to be released this year, which is something else I'd take right now. 

    If they actually release it on PC, i'd be very chuffed

  16. 2 minutes ago, Cymbols said:

    Started out 4-4, but 0-3 at the Amway. Will hopefully turn that around against the 0-7 Lakers next. 

    I was 13 points up heading into the 4th against Houston, and lost in overtime. So annoying. Other losses came against Washington, Toronto and Oklahoma, whilst I beat Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia and Indiana. 

    My next question though, contract renewals. It says that a few guys only have one year left (Aaron Gordon for example), but he doesn't appear on the renegotiation screen. But also, Jennings and Lance Thomas are on there and it won't let me renegotiate because they weren't on a four year deal or something. What do I do?

    Gordon has team options, so he won't appear on negotations, you'll get a choice at the end of the year whether you want to give him another year, or whether to cut him (you'll still be able to offer him a contract in free agency after)

    Jennings and Thomas, like you said can't be re-signed in the middle of the season because their contracts have been shorter than 4 years. As a result you can only offer them a new deal in the off-season, which will mean that Jennings and Thomas will end up on the market... If their blurbs in their profiles say that he wants to resign after the season, then you've got a good chance of keeping him. If they say they're leanings (or wanting) towards free agency, it'll be harder.

    There is also another thing called 'bird rights', which means a team can resign a player over the salary cap if he has gone three years without being waved, or becoming a free agent. Players can be traded whilst keeping their rights.

    Tl;dr - no need to stress, you can't resign them now so just focus on the off-season. If you're afraid you can't keep them and want to get something for them, then trade them for picks and multi-year deals to teams that want 1-year guys.

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