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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. What do you mean, you've not signed up for Eurovision yet? Well go and do it, or else I'll set Quom on you.

    1. TEOL


      What if I want Quom set on me?

  2. Wow...there was so much shit last night >_< seriously, only Marcus and Little Mix really impressed me. Misha and Craig were good but there wasn't particularly anything special about them. Kitty was a bit forgettable for the first time ever, too. It's going to be very, very interesting to see who goes, but I have a horrible sinking feeling that Frankie is going to stay in despite all the odds.
  3. Like cheesy european music? Sign-up for Eurovision in the Cube! Don't like it? Sign-up and find something better then!

  4. I'd rather Sophie stay than Misha, to be honest, but it ain't happening. Unless Alex sends it to Deadlock.
  5. Why *don't* they have the J-League rights? You'd have thought SEGA might have wanted it by now...
  6. Yeah, they really were. They've grown on me so much really, I wasn't a big fan of Super Bass in the first week but since then they've not had a bad performance. Last night just had really good vocals, a bit of a different twist on the song itself and then the staging of it was great and they pulled it off so well.
  7. I thought Alex was actually really good last night. Certainly able to give them good advice from the former winner perspective, more so than Cheryl Cole harping on about it. I was surprised they didn't get Scherzinger in though, she's already a judge in the US so it makes sense to keep it all close and in the family etc. Little Mix were absolutely awesome last night. I HATE the name change, but they've already started calling their fans "Little Mixers" which they couldn't do with the old name, I guess. Thought Janet's performance was the best she's done so far on the live shows, very haunting and epic. Marcus was damn good, as were Kitty and Johnny, but that's standard fare now. Risk were awful and Frankie just needs to go. If they're not the bottom two then there's an issue. I can imagine Sophie might be in trouble too though, although she seems to have quite a good bit of support behind her. Frankie vs. Kitty would surely go to deadlock though if they're the bottom two again.
  8. Yeah, but Brundle and Coulthard both made the point that there was nowhere else for Massa to go. Lewis wasn't ahead, there was still half of Massa's car ahead. Felipe was either going to get forced off the track or he was going to have to try and turn in for the corner. The fact Lewis was there was because he wasn't backing out of it. It probably was a bit of both and neither should have got the penalty, but I;d have put the blame more on Lewis than Felipe if you had to give it to anyone. But that might be a bit of my anti-Hamilton bias, I guess.
  9. Is it bad that I like Eve's new theme?

    1. deli


      Eve has a new theme?

    2. Josh


      I like it if only because when I first heard it on the PPV, it reminded me of the chorus of this:

      At about 1:04.

    3. Josh


      Alternatively, this:

  10. Oi: go vote in the World Cup Quarter Finals. Or I'll post semi-naked pictures of old fat men via Grindr.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Katsuya
    3. Gazz


      Googled it. Why would I know about that app?

    4. Katsuya


      it sort of got a bit of notoriety in normal public when Stephen Fry went harping on about it on a load of shows.

  11. Ugh. I still don't know really what to say about this, other than RIP. Just absolutely horrific. I'm hardly a fan of MotoGP, I'll watch it when it's on, but this year Simoncelli really stood out to me and he was the one I wanted to see doing well. For this to happen is just such a tragedy. Last year it was Tomizawa who I was supporting, this year Marco.
  12. Congratulations to Belgium, winners of the second Eurovision contest!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cymbols


      Thank you to all who voted for me. VICTORY IS MINE!!!!

    3. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      I, for one, am shocked that the person who picked a good song won.

      ... no, really. That is shocking to me.

    4. Plubby


      Spoilers man, c'mon!

  13. Yeah, Frankie being in the bottom two is a huge shock because it sort of proves that the teeny girls aren't going out and voting for him as everyone seemed to assume they would. He'll probably be gone in the next couple of weeks. He managed to murder The Scientist one way or another last night
  14. Yeah, pretty much what I said in my thread (which I guess can be locked now), just tragic that this happened. RIP.
  15. Where did Tsigalko end up >_>
  16. And in more ""-ness, GTA 3 is coming to iPhone, iPad and Android.
  17. Katsuya

    The Avengers

    A bit Iron Man heavy but that's no surprise. Looks absolutely epic.
  18. I didn't personally think Misha was brilliant, but that's because I don't like randomly inserting raps in to the middle of songs. But she's definitely got a niche and considering she was trending on Twitter for most of last night, over the rest of the acts, bodes well for her in the rest of the contest. Plus, she did absolutely nail the opening to Rolling in the Deep.
  19. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if Amelia went, you know. Kelly definitely has a soft spot for Sophie and Amelia's was the "weakest" of the four girls tonight. The fact is, Kelly picked her girls incredibly wisely; Amelia has the slight gritty quality to her, Sophie has the powerful voice and control, Misha has her rap and Janet is just...well, she's Janet. They're all so different that they wouldn't split the vote, whereas Gary, for example, has Craig and Marcus doing very much the same thing.
  20. The fact that any of the girls has to go is a travesty. It should just be the four of them in the competition every week and let's leave it at that.
  21. Epic, Kobayashi jumps from 10th to 7th because he actually started a lap and then aborted it while Michael and the Renault cars didn't. Looking good for Sauber there at least.
  22. All of Minecraft looks like that though Yes but this one actually has the bumps that you get with Lego too
  23. It looks like it was made out of lego.
  24. Actually, I'd say that the majority of the episodes since they went in to HD have been of a really good quality. There have been some stinkers, sure (hello, Lisa and the Magician episode) but there have been some where I've been laughing almost as much as in the "good old days". I'm still not entirely convinced that they'd cancel it though, the report only says "likely" to be cancelled. I'll wait until Fox actually come out and say "yeah, it's ending". Then I'll cry and watch Lemon of Troy over and over again.
  25. Katsuya


    You know what? That was probably one of the best episodes of the entire show. It actually feels like the show that I loved all over again. And Mercedes was right, Rachel knew that she wasn't as good as Mercedes in the audition.
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