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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. I'm confused, were people just applauding the fact you can play two player games? REVOLUTIONARY.
  2. "The proof of Wii U being able to do all this will come some time. Honestly. Honest."
  3. See, the problem is I've been watching back some of the earlier series the past couple weeks and the level of candidates now compared to the ones back then is just shocking. You look at Ricky and he'd have been fired within the first couple of weeks in Series 2 (although I'm purposefully skipping re-watching the final of that, just because I know what's about to happen and I'd rather keep it in my head that Ruth wins)
  4. Singing Live and Let Die to an 86 year old whose husband is in hospital. Oops.
  5. A gay planned all this, right? Nowhere else would you get someone putting a hula-hooping Grace Jones, an angel-esque Annie Lennox, Shirley Bassey and Village People Kylie Minogue in one concert.
  6. I can't be the only one wondering where the hell is the Queen, right?
  7. Sorry Annie, you're about ten minutes late with that outfit. She's also about thirty years past your welcome, mind...
  8. I fucking love Grace Jones. I hope I look that good when I'm 64.
  9. I really hate that she's calling herself "Cheryl" now. And say what you will, Cliff can still do it when he needs to. Better than the Hump, at least.
  10. This woman lost all credibility by using the phrase "rad". ETA: Oh hey, it's Kinect Angry Birds.
  11. Ascend looked a bit bizzare, Lococycle...erm...yeah. And that Matter looked like an updated Kula World.
  12. "Mr. Simpson, your silence will only incriminate you further" "No, Mr. Simpson, don't take your anger out on me! Get back, get back! M-Mr. Simpson, noooooo!"
  13. In fairness, a lot of Fire Pro's names were completely different from the actual wrestlers they were portraying. They looked exactly the same bar a colour swap, yes, but Wrestling Manager had barely changed names as well as the colour swap. Fire Pro put marginally more effort in, at least. Fair play to him, though. I really, really doubt that it'll ever lead to a good game and there's probably some kind of shady business deal going on somewhere in there, but you can't fault them for trying. Still won't pay ten quid or whatever for the game though.
  14. Are there any Pokemon you've ever never really trained (or used)? I mean obviously with the newer ones that's more likely but I mean the original 151-251 etc. To memory, I can never, ever remember training an Onix or a Paras. I also don't recall ever using a Pinskr or Tauros either, but that's mainly because my teams were set by the time I got to Celadon...
  15. Apparently, they receive 3500 SMS votes in Cyprus. No phone votes. No jury votes. Just those SMS votes. They also scored remarkably well in the Israeli televote (possibly winning it) having scored no points in their jury vote. The idea is that they rigged it in all the countries where the viewership / voting figures are generally quite low, so they could get the most reward.
  16. So, fun rumour: Azerbaijan rigged the televote!
  17. I've wanted to play Sword and Sworcery on a bigger screen since I couldn't get in to it on the iPhone. Seemed too cramped.
  18. I want to do an EWB version of Pointless. Hmph.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TEOL


      It'd be more accurate to say he didn't do one :/

    3. Katsuya


      I'm writing it!

    4. Dingle


      Ask 25 people and times it by four >_>. And whilst it's easy to google, where's the fun in that!? We had an FM league where you could (if you wanted) save and replay a game until you won, so its worth a try.

  19. Another reason why Sauber > all.
  20. I can help I'm sure...
  21. Nobody yet, but I can't see why Marca would be so sure about it. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part that we can finally rid ourselves of Valencia.
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