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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. Casually stopped my brother from rugby tackling me with a gutwrench powerbomb.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maxx


      You don't have to order Kats to do that...

    3. Maxx


      You don't have to order Kats to do that...

    4. TEOL


      The hate you feel is mine, Kats.

  2. Ah. So, I read the Hunger Games trilogy on holiday in the space of about four days. Other than absolutely hating Katniss as a character (never have I seen a more self-important character in a book since Holden Caulfield) apart from bits of Catching Fire, I loved the books. Finally got round to watching the film and...ehhhhh. I like the way they played it out with giving Seneca and Caesar bigger parts so we weren't stuck with interminable Katniss monologues, but there was so much missing that I felt it was a bit lacking in parts. There was far too little Effie Trinket and the makeover team, who became characters I was sort of attached to by the end of the trilogy. I thought (and it seems I'm somewhat in the minority on this one) that Woody Harrelson was far too coherent a Haymitch for the majority of the film. I mean, it's pretty much right up until the night before they head to the arena that he's a drunken idiot who's falling over/throwing up everywhere in the book, but he seemed to be on it right from when they met him in the film. They didn't play nearly enough on the romance between Peeta and Katniss and then the end sort of fell flat for me because I was expecting more from it. On the positive side, Kravitz was an INCREDIBLE Cinna. Foxface was great too. I'm more excited about some of the casting for Catching Fire though, which is good since CF is by far the best of the trilogy:
  3. Katsuya

    Doctor Who

    Martha was better in the couple of episodes she appeared in when she wasn't the companion. She's definitely the one with the least to her out of all the companions we've had (barring Xmas ones like Astrid). Donna always seemed to be the one who would stand up to the Doctor and was clearly independent, whereas Rose & Martha both followed him around a lot more and didn't do a lot of questioning.
  4. Laura went out 6-4 6-4 to Stosur, still an incredible performance though.
  5. Lotus, when they were Renault at least, had a habit of picking it up at the end of the season too (thinking of Alonso's return years) ETA: Lewis definitely had room to move over to the right before Grosjean hit him. The first contact is what pushed Lewis on to the grass which meant he had no control.
  6. Alonso has made the point that this was Grosjean's seventh first lap incident in 12 races, mind. Also, I'm far too tempted to put a fiver on Kimi to win the title. He's done it before...
  7. I could have sworn he had a bit of room left. I was watching the race on my iPhone though, so maybe I missed it.
  8. In defends of Grosjean, his "cut" across the circuit was a lot less drastic than Maldonado's and Lewis had room to move over some more. It was also hindered by the fact that Kamui couldn't get away quickly, which bunched Perez up AND Maldonado's jump start meant he had blocked up a bit of road he shouldn't have. It was an unfortunate chain of events that warranted a five/ten place drop at most for Romain, but to ban him for a race is far too harsh. Ironically, Webber's gearbox change probably saved him from being caught up in that. If Maldonado hadn't have impeded Hulkenburg too, then the likelihood is he would have managed to not be where he was to help cause it. Also: how the hell did Hulkenburg and di Resta get up there?
  9. Grosjean has been banned for a race, which seems unnecessarily harsh and they'll probably wrangle that down. No idea who the third driver at Lotus is, though. Maldonado will take a ten place grid drop for the start jump and causing an incident. ETA: Wiki says its D'Ambrosio. I'd love it if Kubica returned from nowhere, mind.
  10. Kimi either wins or crashes at Spa, so there's that. I have a feeling it might end up being a bit like Raikkonen-Fisichella back in 2009 actually. Kimi has double DRS where he had KERS in 2009, which was let him beat Fisi in the quicker car. On paper, Jenson and Kamui (even Perez, in all likelihood) might be quicker but Kimi might have the advantage.
  11. Sauber or Lotus to win please?
  12. Robson has improved ridiculously in the past six months or so. Give her another couple of years and there's every reason to see her fighting in semi's ala Murray.
  13. I can't say I'm ever that enamoured by Silverstone, but I can appreciate it as a great circuit. I like Melbourne a whole lot more, it's *the* season opener and always should be.
  14. As much as Bernie might say F1 doesn't need to go to places like Montreal, Silverstone, Monte Carlo, Spa etc., he knows that it really does. There's just much more of a buzz and excitement about going to those circuits than there is China, Korea, India. He'll do anything he needs to sp he can keep those ones.
  15. Yeahhhh, this didn't die but I just did a blog instead http://365daysofeurope.wordpress.com/ So, yeah. If anyone's bothered, you could look at that ^_^
  16. I'd be more upset if Gamesmaster ended
  17. Two votes left to go in Eurovision and six songs can still win! Oh, the drama!

  18. More disturbing is the whole "he did it in his own blood" bit.
  19. City got far too complacent and have suddenly just realised that.
  20. What the hell were QPR's defence doing all match? Seriously. Every shot, even from the start of the match, they looked like they just weren't interested.
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