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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. I'm opening my gates in about ten minutes if you guys wanna come visit. Not that there's much to do around Domino, but...
  2. So, got New Leaf yesterday and was playing it most of last night/this morning. My town's fruit is Pears, which are...fun? I dunno. I got a Perfect Pear this morning which was nice. Got Cherries, Peaches and Banana trees growing in too, but they'll probably take a while.
  3. Tahiti are having to score because Nigeria seriously don't look like they can half the time.
  4. Nigeria are so, so shit it's untrue. They're almost at times making Tahiti look good. I may have shouted "YES!" when they scored.
  5. I got my 3DS! Friend code me up: 1392-4823-5101 I also managed to score New Leaf for £26 so will have that soon ^_^
  6. I need this 3DS like now. Fairy type I'm fine with. Will be interesting to see what it's weak to; at a guess I'd say it'll be with Dark like Ghost-Psychic are weak/strong to each other. Competitive play wise it'll probably do wonders for Gardevoir and Azumarill. ETA: Also, Charizard being in the promo video makes me feel that all the current ones will be able to be played, which means we can get Pokemon over from B/W/B2/W2.
  7. I think that Giedo being penalised for the thing with Nico was harsh, as it did seem that Nico moved over on him rather than the other way around. The Webber one was him being completely useless though.
  8. Apparently the marshall has now died, which is a real tragedy.
  9. Bit of a damp squib of a race bar some good fighting with Alonso-Hamilton-Webber-Rosberg. Nowhere near as good as some of the past Canadian GPs. Didn't even get a safety car Sadly it sounds like a marshall was seriously injured too, apparently he was run over by the crane that picked up Gutierrez's car. Hope he makes it.
  10. Katsuya


    So, the new game by Mojang has come out in to Beta now and you can get it for about £12.95/$20.95. It's a trading card/strategy game, I suppose is the best way to describe it. It's also ridiculously hard to play, even against easy AI. But it's quite well thought out which is something good at least. https://scrolls.com/
  11. So, halfway through Ep. 11 (GOB's second) and
  12. Yeah, it's a joke that they're just stealing the old footage. I thought it was pretty obvious after the first time I saw it
  13. Am I the only one who doesn't care about Portia's face? Maybe it's because I've seen it in general, but I don't think it looks bad. Up to the end of Ep. 7:
  14. New favourite thing: Bottas just told Finnish TV that he thought Kimi was leading the race and moved over to let him through.
  15. Fucking Perez went in to that way, way too late.
  16. On the guest stars: Finished the third episode now. Some genuinely great moments; it's not as immediately funny as some of the early episodes, but it's doing its job perfectly and I'm enjoying it.
  17. Bloody hell, Giedo was 15th and could have been higher, had he got out maybe five seconds earlier.
  18. You have 16 hours left to confirm your visit to Copenhagen. You don't want to miss out.

    1. Nerf


      I'm glad I missed out. It sounds horrific :/

  19. Have you ever wanted to go to Copenhagen?...

    1. Josh


      This is cruel.

  20. Minecraft videos (if you didn't notice them in my sig/the other thread)!
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