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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. I cannot for the life of me throw the gas canister in to the air vent on the first heist.
  2. I stole some guy's car and then I started getting shot at by a group of guys, and then two cars started chasing after me. So I'm guessing there's some random gang stuff
  3. 360 - Fayu, but my Rockstar name thing is katsinthebox so who knows which'll come up. They're linked, anyway. EDIT: I keep hitting Request Invite and it says Request Failed. Halp?
  4. I played a set of Tennis. It was far too much fun. Am I right in thinking you can do a Triathlon in this too?
  5. Seriously, the driving isn't hard :/ Same with the police. I managed to drop them with a 3 star wanted level. You all just suck
  6. I found a random jetski whilst escaping the cops in the Tativiam Mountains. I fucking love this game so much.
  7. I caved. It's installing now. I only install the first 360 disc and not the second "play" one, correct?
  8. So CoroCoro has leaked and Fairy types are apparently: Weak to Poison/Steel (giving Poison that sorely needed boost) Not effective against Fire/Poison/Steel Immune to Dragon Strong against Fighting/Dark/Dragon In other words, I think it's trying to balance out the Fighting-type weakness a lot of the Fairy/Normal types will have by allowing them to hit back just as hard.
  9. The sad thing is I don't actually think Hulkenburg to Lotus is as done a deal as people hope. Keeping in mind that he's inexplicably ended up without a drive already, and Lotus' apparent salary issues (though I imagine he'll want considerably less than Kimi), it's not as obvious as it may seem.
  10. Massa's confirmed he will no longer be a Ferrari driver. Serotkin is 99% going to be awful as Gutierrez, but everyone thought that about Kimi and look how that turned out.
  11. Yup. BBC article pretty much says Kimi to Ferrari, Hulk to Lotus. Good deal for both of them really. Shame to see Massa go, but you have to think that it's been on the cards for ages now.
  12. And as I say that, apparently the deal for Kimi to go back to Ferrari is pretty much done. Hulk to Lotus then please?
  13. You'd have to say that Hulk having a good drive this weekend is starting to ring doom bells for Massa.
  14. I'd be shocked if Korea goes ahead, really. That seems to have been a nightmare in planning from start to finish, I have a feeling Bernie trying to make them host it twice within eight months is his attempt at killing it off and getting rid of it from the calendar. Also, isn't Spain meant to rotate between Barcelona and Valencia or did that get scrapped? EDIT: Also, I don't see it more as Massa not playing the team strategy and more that the strategy is stupid. Nice idea in theory but you have to get it spot on for it to work, and in two years at Monza it's backfired on Alonso. All things considered, this "definitely an ex-Sauber driver at Ferrari next year" rumour is rumbling. I'd hope for Hulk's sake he gets it, because another year in a midfield team would really harm him more than anything. Any more on JEV maybe going to Lotus either?
  15. Mega Venusaur's Def. and S. Def. both go up too. It look like he becomes the most brutal tank in the game.
  16. Mega Venusaur with Thick Fat is going to be a killer. Leaves him weak to Flying (who are so nerfed by Stealth Rock that it probably won't matter) and Psychic, which he can take down anyway. EDIT: I still like the idea of Mega Evolution. They made it clear that this is something specific to Kalos, and I'd rather have new variations of old Pokémon than a bunch of reject/recycled new ones.
  17. HOLY SHIT. Major starter / mega evolution spoilers:
  18. Two Door Cinema Club are the worst.
  19. Yeah, I've pretty much won. Great War Infantry + Cannons smashed through Sao Paulo and Rio, giving them back to the Brazilians, before moving on and taking Ravenna as well. I had my Ironclads and a Privateer to do damage to the naval cities too which was pretty handy. Got a carrier out finally and sent about four planes over hurtling towards Rome's borders. Ended up taking Rome itself next after sending some Cavalry in after the Bombers wiped out the defenses. Got Artillery soon after, which sealed it for Rome and they were gone within about 7-8 turns after that. To do so I sort of had to send one land based team off up north to take out Orleans, which they'd taken from the French way back when, whilst the other (smaller) team just wiped up with the help of the Bombers. At this point, I decided that instead of letting Brazil take all the land I'd razed, I was just going to have to backstab them finally despite being their friends pretty much since meeting them. They had no defences so I tore them apart; at the same time, Napoleon decided to denounce me (possibly because I didn't give Orleans back) so the land squad went on and wiped him off the map too. I've now got Carthage, Arabia and the Iroquois left to deal with. The Iroquois are my next targets, and I've got 9 Bombers systematically wiping their cities out, though they've managed to settle a couple far enough away that I'm having to send some extra Infantry in as backup. They're also annoyingly trying to settle in other bits of the world so I'm trying to get through this quickly as possibly so no more can pop up, but it shouldn't be too tricky. I'll save Carthage until last because they'll give me no real concerns. DOMINATION YEAH.
  20. In further tales of Boudicca, Rome managed to finally get their claws in to France, taking out Orleans and having it as a puppet, before razing Lyon before finally settling for peace with Napoleon only having Paris. They then decide to turn and take on Brazil, who manage to hold their own for the most part, whilst taking control of Mombasa as well. I discovered Aluminium on the doorstep of one of the two city states on my continent and decided that it was time for them to go, so a quick 3-4 turn siege took them away and I nabbed it for myself. Rome then suddenly shows up and settle on the one last little strip of the continent that they possibly could, which is all I need to decide it's time to take Rome down a peg or too. The military advisor pretty much tells me that I'd crush everyone bar Rome, who I'm matching (likely because they have a wealth of more units, given they have about 7-8 cities now). So I declare war on Cumae and it takes three turns of cannons and a Privateer before it falls. In the naval battle, my two Ironclads absolutely crush about four Frigates without breaking a sweat. I then start to send an army towards Herculaneum, which they've also bizarrely settled between Sao Paulo (the new Brazilian capital, after the Romans managed to Puppet-state Rio) and Geneva, who are my allies. I manage to get about 3-4 units towards Herculaneum before Caesar pops up, begging for a peace treaty and handing me Herculaneum on a platter. Which also means I have a new air base. It's not close enough yet for my bombers to hit Rome, but I've got Carriers on the way. Annoyingly, the Romans took Sao Paulo (I have open borders with the Brazilians, who now only have Salvador left) which means I'm going to have to smash my way through there, but I've now got Great War Infantry and the last time I saw a Roman soldier, it was a Pikeman. Yeahhhhh. The only other annoyance is that Islam and Protestantism are starting to match me in terms of religious spread. Arabia also snuck in and stole the World Congress, but then I managed to push the World's Fair through and got every single bonus for that, which means my Culture has just exploded and I'm already a chunk through Autocracy now.
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