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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. RAGE. Just got a random Passerby challenge me to an online battle. It got down to his heavily, heavily weakened Greninja against my fresh Mega Venusaur. I accidentally hit the Run button. Then, trying to cancel it, hit the "Forfeit now" button.
  2. It seems odd with Hulk. He's saying he might stay at Sauber, Eddie Jordan said he's going to Force India (and he's surprisingly accurate a lot of the time) yet the BBC had been pushing a story about Lotus effectively saying they'd hire him despite his size being an issue all week beforehand. He seems to have an issue with always switching to a team at the wrong time, really. Though with the way the seasons ending for him, he's looking a lock for the top ten in the drivers standings now, so maybe the Sauber switch wasn't too bad.
  3. Nope. Shaking grass is MIA altogether and I don't believe that Audino's in any of the three Pokedex's.
  4. Yeah, I'm beginning to think that Game Freak kind of threw the Exp. Share in late on and forgot to playtest it after that. Suffice to say, by the third Gym, I had about 5 levels on the gym leader having not even tried to grind. Got the Mega Ring and off to the next Gym, I presume. The game didn't really give me any instructions for once after getting the Mega Ring running with: Sabrina the Delphox Silvanus the Venusaur (w/ Venusaurite) Phoebe the Golduck Reby the Raichu Hawk Hogan the Hawlucha Lancelot the Doublade Debating when I'm gonna evolve up to Aegislash, but that's pretty much my team sorted I think.
  5. Apparently de Villota's death was linked to the crash. Vettel wins what a surprise. Hulkenburg now might be going back to Force India, which seems...like a bad move again Sauber have suddenly developed what seems to be the 3rd/4th best car on the grid. At this rate, they might even pass McLaren with the speed they're picking up points.
  6. I have Hawk Hogan. Though I'm now struggling in the meantime in that I have too many Pokémon for my team. I've got Hawlucha, Pikachu, Braixen, Psyduck, Ivysaur and Honedge on my team as it stands, with Combusken (with the Blazikenite) and Vespiquen in the box. Will probably find two to drop by the time it gets deeper in game...
  7. I'm definitely enjoying it - there's no doubt about that - but it kind of feels a bit like it's all going through the motions. The story is very bizarrely paced, particularly with the stuff between the first and second gyms and it's holding your hand so much throughout the game, even more so than Black2/White2 which were insane for that. Perhaps it's because Team Plasma were arguably the best villains you've ever faced in a game before, I kind of feel like Team Flare are way too generic despite having much more diabolical plans. I do like being able to use some of the older Gen I Pokémon though, but there are some things which feel so much like unnecessary add-ons it's untrue, like Sky Battles, the riding Rhyhorn stuff and to a degree, the poorly planned out horde battles. They're either boring or ridiculously unfair - like having 3 Scraggy using Sand Attack on turn one, so if you don't have a lead that can hit all of them you're kind of screwed if you have to switch out. The Seviper-Zangoose one is hilarious though. That being said, some of the little details are fucking incredible. Zigzagoon zig-zagging is wonderful, Braixen's Ember attack is a sight to behold and Psyduck holding its head in pain when it uses Confusion is spot on. The PSS is very good and Super Training is way more fun than it has any right to be. Also: going to add everyone on the thread now that I don't already have. EDIT: One other thing: EXP Share is stupidly overpowered. I got to the second gym, having not done any grinding in particular, and was about 3 levels above the Gym Leader.
  8. AFAIK, Growlithe's not in the game. Houndour and Houndoom are, and Houndoom very well may have a Mega Evolution now too. Also: friend codes! Mine is 1392-4823-5101. So yeah, add me people.
  9. Eventually, yes. You can get Pokemon from Gen III up to Gen VI even, though I believe you have to get them through the fifth Gen games. When Pokemon Bank opens in December we'll know more, until then it's down to only the Pokemon in Gen VI (but then there's nearly 400+ of them available in game anyway)
  10. Yup. Just got my copy and some for my friends. Guy said they'd just been told they could sell it early; presumably it's because the pre-orders leaked way too quickly. Also, I had to reset several times before I could get my female Fennekin. SABRINA THE TEENAGE DELPHOX IS COMING FOR YOU SOON.
  11. GAME have broken street date apparently.
  12. Soul Silver regenerated my love for the series, then B/W were the first games since Silver/Gold (and the remakes) to actively use a Post Game to great advantage. Black 2/White 2 kind of did that too. Unfortunately, all reports seem to point to X and Y not being all that good for a post game :/ On the flip side, some of the Pokemon are increasingly looking awesome.
  13. And in the end: there was only GOOMY.
  14. Also, it seems there'll be enough of us, if enough people are interested, to do some kind of tournament/league thing which could be fun.
  15. Fuck knows how they'd sign Rubens, unless he's bringing in a lot of money all of a sudden. If it means no more Gutierrez though then that's wonderful news.
  16. Erm. Big move/Hawlucha spoiler:
  17. Yeah, TBF, now is probably the only time that getting a 3DS is finally kind of "necessary" in terms of games. Pokemon and Animal Crossing are both out now and Smash Bros. will be soon enough, so it's finally a good investment in terms of games to play. Plus Harvest Moon & new Phoenix Wright as well, which are more niche but equally playable.
  18. I know people who have a 3DS XL and said they regret getting it because it's too big to carry around easily in your pocket etc.
  19. You'd be the second person I've convinced to buy one solely because of my Twitter
  20. By the looks of it, Delphox is more akin to Victini than she is Darmanitan. Thankfully. EDIT: Oh yeah, on that note: I can't be the only one to think that Delphox might be the first majority female starter, right? She's easily the most feminine looking starter I've ever seen throughout all three stages.
  21. Is it bad I've already picked my team? Because I kind of did I mean, it might change but I did this ahead of playing White and Soul Silver and found it massively enjoyable and that I felt more attached to my Pokemon because of it. Mine'll be Delphox, Venusaur, Honedge3 (presuming it has one, which seems likely), Hawlucha, Golduck and then probably Pyroar or Tyrantrum.
  22. Holy shit. Major starter spoilers have come out.
  23. All the leaks are flying out now. Including: But in a non-leak: MEGA CHARIZARD X IS DRAGON/FIRE.
  24. One of the things I try and do is get them on a freeway exit, then weave in front of a car and hope they smash in to it behind me. Works every now and again and really slows them down.
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