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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. I'm doing a Leaf Green Randomizer ATM too. So far, my team is Spheal (starter), Hariyama, Ninjask, Growlithe, Togepi and Sceptile. Just beat Surge, who was now an Ice-type leader. Misty was Dragon and Brock was Fire.
  2. I don't like the idea of Williams not being just blue and white Sauber have signed Simona de Silvestro, seemingly with the aim of her driving for them in 2015, which seems increasingly bizarre with Sirotkin's situation.
  3. And what should be a very winnable match against Italy next, too.
  4. I think I downloaded Project Zomboid, saw how near unplayable it was, then decided I'd come back a little bit later when it looked in a better state. That was two years ago
  5. Ew, Lucario is back in new Smash Bros., so he can be a third-rate Mewtwo all over again.
  6. Racing Santander's players just refused to play their second leg of the Copa del Rey after they've not been paid for four months.
  7. I don't mind the Caterham, actually, I think it looks pretty good. The Force India and the McLaren look the best though. Ricciardo managed to get to the end of the pit lane before it broke down this time!
  8. He's looked a different man really since about halfway through last season. Definitely got more confidence about him and now that he knows he can beat Djokovic and Nadal, I think there's a real chance that he can win another Grand Slam. He's not even got that many ranking points to defend in the French or at Wimbledon, so if he keeps getting in to the Semi Finals at least then he'll be in the top four for a while yet. Can't see Ferrer hanging around in there anyway.
  9. Eric Boullier has left Lotus and is reportedly McLaren bound, which would be the nail in the coffin for Whitmarsh.
  10. I can't see why they want to ban tyre warmers. I can't imagine they're massively high on the cost-cutting list?
  11. That is a damn sexy livery, and I hate it when people say shit like that.
  12. Ehhh. So, my general meh-ness about X/Y has got me thinking of ways to make it interesting. As such, I've decided that my new goal is to work out the easiest way to catch every Pokemon so it's ready and waiting for Bank to come back up and I can send it over. I have at my disposal: Emerald, Leaf Green, Platinum, Soul Silver, White, Black 2 & Y, so I figure it's a case of working backwards through those. Wish me luck
  13. KAMUI YAY!!!! What is it about F1 and lovable Japanese drivers? Kobayashi and Sato have to be two of the most universally liked I've ever seen. Taku's drive in Canada in '07 is still one of my favourite moments in the sport.
  14. I don't understand why anyone gets Dallara to build cars for them, they're notoriously shit
  15. Going back to what someone was saying in the thread earlier: yeah, the Celts can be absolutely *awful* if you get a bad start. In the game that Ticklez, Mrs. TKz, TEOL and ADG were playing (/ still are), I got dropped on an island by myself, with only a city state right in the bottom left of the map (on a seperate island), with no gold and a load of jungle. There was legitimately nothing I could do other than fight off Barbarians, which meant that TKz blitzed past me in terms of religion, which was the only thing I could do really as a game strategy, because my production is terrible.
  16. So, the first episode of Season Five was all kinds of wonderful.
  17. Because it's probably the closest he'll ever be to the front.
  18. Schumi is in critical condition, with "serious brain trauma with coma".
  19. Blaziken, Greninja and Venusaur are pretty much the only three viable starters in the metagame.
  20. Do as berober commands and sign up for Eurovision! :D

    1. RoHitman Reigns

      RoHitman Reigns

      Coming from you that doesnt say much :-P

  21. Doesn't he have a bizarrely good sponsor deal? It's why they hired him over Heikki at Caterham. Not that Sauber should really need it now, but still...
  22. No surprise. I kinda hope Gutierrez gets the second seat, but I'd probably not complain if Petrov comes back either. Marussia look likely to stay the same so it's really only Caterham to go...
  23. In the least surprising switch, di Resta is out and Perez is in at Force India. I really hope that they give Hulk & Perez a good car because that is by far the most exciting driver lineup on the grid.
  24. Yeah, there's absolutely no way that the double points rule is going to stay. It'll get overturned again, much like Bernie's last stupid idea about awarding medals. It's also entirely because Abu Dhabi have thrown money at Bernie, not only to be the last race (which is bullshit, it should be Australia -> Brazil always) but to try and make themselves look more important.
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