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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. My first Epic KOTR went horribly, even with six UR Pro's, an Epic Flair and SR Pro Big Show on my team. I mean, I only have the SR Pro Paige as a Diva but even so...it was rather awful
  2. Yeah, it's a pretty good lineup. Hollywood Miz too! I'm pretty sure if I want to go for the Diva UR pair...
  3. I caved and am now re-watching Season One. The Guido's are so delightfully crafty.
  4. A fully levelled Epic Cameron that isn't a Pro will still be better...
  5. I loved JVJ. Jill was the original badass girl of the race. But yeah, I used to love TAR. I've seen all of them up to like Season 13/14 I think, then I gave up. I think when they started to just re-use loads of other reality stars it started to lose its charm to me. Or maybe it was just Margie and Luke.
  6. New Peoples Champion thing just popped up for me "starting soon".
  7. Through a combination of lucky pulls and getting the UR Lesnar pair from the People's Champion mode, I've pretty much got a killer team going on. UR Pro Big Show UR Pro Brock Lesnar UR Pro Batista UR Pro Booker T SR Pro Paige Managed to get them in to a UR KOTR (since I entered Show + Lesnar before I gave them any levels when they were Pro) and I'm on course to demolish everyone in that. Hopefully I get a Diva pair and then I can move up to Epic KOTR. Even if not, I'll probably replace Batista since he's horrendously underpowered compared with the rest. I've got an Epic Ric Flair too that I can sub in and out of matches to help with stamnia too, which is handy. I wonder what the next People's Champion mode will be? I wouldn't be shocked by a Rollins-Ambrose one or, if they do go through the "legendary matches" mode, then a Michaels-Bret one? I'm pretty surprised that Bret's not already in there as a card TBH...
  8. I've got to say Ole's goal in Barcelona. One of those moments that can just be played over and over again.
  9. Yay! ...Sauber are looking awful, but yay! (Admittedly, Sauber always manage to pull a good car out of nowhere at some point)
  10. It wasn't really anything *that* special by JEV, he just dived down in all the right places at the right time. He just had the best tyres out of that group - Perez managed to wrestle his way through too a lap later on the same tyres and was pulling away, Bottas was just holding them all up horribly.
  11. I like how they tried to convince everyone that Hamilton would have to fight his way to the front through the Red Bull's and Alonso and in reality it was a cakewalk. Shame for Nico. Amazing drive by Vergne at the end there though, it'll be a shame if he doesn't get picked up by someone.
  12. So Bernie has now come out and said he's behind the "top teams with 3 cars" thing again. It sounds like he's trying to push Sauber, Marussia and Caterham out too, which is concerning. Particularly for Sauber at least, since I'd hate to see them go. But the other thing is...can the other eight teams all afford to run 3 cars? I mean, I wouldn't be against it at all - I think it'd be massively cool in a way - but I can't see how Lotus, Toro Rosso and maybe even Williams/Force India could do it. So does that mean three cars for Red Bull, Mercedes, McLaren and Ferrari only? EDIT: Plus it'd be interesting to see who went where if those teams all ran another car. Ferrari would almost certainly bring Bianchi in, but the other three would be confusing. Red Bull would have to either promote Kvyat or maybe bring Buemi back (or hire from outside the team for once), Mercedes might go for the new test driver and McLaren...maybe a Japanese driver to appease Honda? Or, if they *do* get Alonso, then keep Button + Magnussen?
  13. So looking at the rewards for People's Champion, it looks like you're actually worse off finishing between 2501-5500, because you only get a single Epic card when you compare it to the 5501-11000 reward which is a x2 UR Cena/Lesnar. I'm currently 4,180 and I'm debating pushing forward to be in the 1651-2500 group, which is a x2 Epic card reward or just hoping that when I inevitably fall, I fall to that "better" lower group.
  14. BF got Hyrule Warriors, so we've been playing it Co-Op. It actually does a really good job of making the story work for it and it's actually refreshing to play the Dynasty Warriors system when you don't have to do the same old Romance of the Three Kingdoms story every single update. That being said, the graphics are pretty shocking outside of the cutscenes, which is a bit weird. I mean, they're *good*, but there are moments in the early levels where things look really blocky and not as polished as they could be.
  15. Ehhh. I've always wanted handheld Smash Bros and I'm loving it on 3DS so far. I mean, I'll play it on Wii U when it comes out, but it'll be like I've used the 3DS for practice before the main event of multiplayer on Wii U.
  16. I didn't think the DJ was too bad actually.
  17. Link is AWESOME. Like legit the best character of the five.
  18. Prost has since apologised and taken blame. Which really he should have done after he, you know, deliberately drove in to Heidfeld The whole thing is available on YouTube, including qualifying. It was quite good, some fun battles down the field between Piquet/Servia/Sato but the circuit was really, really shit. Don't understand why they don't use some actual race circuits and just street ones...
  19. What gypsy did Nick Heidfeld piss off so he'd never win an FIA race
  20. I was literally looking at the list and thinking "ooh, I bet (insert ex-F1 driver) will be in it...there they are!". The fan vote thing sounds fucking retarded though. Three drivers will each get what's effectively a KERS boost to use in the race based on social media votes. I'm willing to bet that Heidfeld, Sato and Trulli all get it to begin with by virtue of being the three biggest names. I think that it's a good idea, but in practice I can only see it ending up like A1GP, especially with such an overly long season so spread out.
  21. I can't believe that the first we'd be hearing about this would be from Adam Parr of all people
  22. Webber was brilliant today. Said that Red Bull must have given Vettel "his car" this year and completely dismissing the Rosberg-Hamilton stuff based on the (completely accurate) fact that you can deliberately try and puncture someone else's tyre as they were trying to claim.
  23. ...that is what you do But seriously - I have my Epic Ric Flair, UR Pro Batista and SR Pro Brie Bella then two random commons, which puts me just in to UR+. So long as the two Commons go in to the tag team match (if there is one), I'll win 2-1 because Flair/Batista/Brie are too strong for the other cards.
  24. Yeah, that's a real, real shame. Kind of expected after the last few days, but you hope for the best. RIP.
  25. Yeah, grinding cards is so much easier when you realise the exploits to do so
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