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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. In related news, Luca di Montezemelo has said that he thinks Ferrari will be racing 3 cars next year and that Jules would likely have been the one to take the third seat.
  2. Prognosis of Diffuse Axonal Injury It is thought that diffuse axonal injury can occur in just about every level of severity, with concussion thought to be one of the milder forms. In mild to moderate forms of diffuse axonal injury, recovery is possible, with the mildest forms of diffuse axonal injury often resulting in few if any long-term issues. About 90% of survivors with severe diffuse axonal injury remain unconscious. The 10% that regain consciousness are often severely impaired.
  3. Yay, I got the UR Pro Paige! She's up to Lv. 33/35 and I'm just - *just* - outside of getting in to Legendary. Hopefully those last two levels will push me in to it. Saying that, I'm currently bossing an Epic KOTR and I'm 3rd so far, which is looking good then.
  4. The only thing I can think is that it didn't hit him full on in the face - which would explain why the helmet and visor were still mostly intact. It might have been that he was just low enough for it to hit the top of his helmet and that's what saved him. It's the rear of the car (the rollhoop backwards) that took the worst damage because that was just higher up. The front actually just slid under...
  5. Fucking hell. EDIT: Honestly, it's a testament to F1's safety these days that he wasn't killed instantly by that. I think everyone imagined that it was a lot...I don't want to say "less violent" than that, but Sutil saying he went under it sideways probably *would* have been less violent.
  6. The difference with the opening rain though is that it wasn't getting dark then - which Sutil said meant he couldn't see the puddle and presumably neither did Jules.
  7. I noticed Bianchi tumbling down the race order but just assumed he'd gone off somewhere else because of the weather and that was why the safety car came out. Then the medical car came out too and they kept randomly showing shots of Marussia and it sort of clicked that maybe he's been involved there. Twitter and the Bianchi graphic popping up confirmed it too then. His helmet looks in tact though - as does the visor. If the entire car went under the tractor then surely they'd be damaged too. I have a feeling (and I realise it's pointless really to speculate, but I'm clutching at straws to justify that he'll be okay) that the rear of the car went under the tractor and his head slammed in to the side of the wheel or something, but not like Maria de Vilota where it was head on.
  8. L'Equipe and SSN reporting his surgery is complete and he's breathing by himself. Fantastic news if so. Looking at that picture - it does look like the back of the car took the worst damage and it sort of looks more in tact just before the back of his head.
  9. @SBSRadioSport: #Breaking: Jules #Bianchi's father comfirm on #FrenchTv that his son is currently being operated on and in a critical state. #f1 #sbsf1
  10. Mika Salo was the driver's steward, he's apparently said the car did go under the tractor and Jules took a "heavy blow" to the head.
  11. Daily Mail have pictures of the aftermath. The rear of the car is non-existant. Perhaps, thankfully, it looks like the worst of the damage stops before the survival cell, but it's a wreck.
  12. Fucking hell. Apparently he may have gone *under* the truck. Sutil has said he went in to it sideways...
  13. Bianchi crashed in to the crash site...
  14. Bwahaha. "Credit to Maldonado too, he came in for the intermediates as well...unfortunately he's been off the road twice since."
  15. THIS IS THE POWER OF THE MENADO (ad infinitum)
  16. I got the new Epic Sheamus as a KOTR pull.
  17. Okay I've been watching the first episode of this new season and Phil's voice has got SUPER annoying.
  18. Yeah I'm just aiming for top 20k and that should be easy enough.
  19. Black and White remain the best games other than Gold and Silver. Shame they tried to fuck it all up with Black 2/White 2.
  20. ...huh. That was sudden, even with what I was saying
  21. I like the little details in bits, like how it remembered what costume I had for Link from the demo. But yeah. Meta Knight is still the best by far. Link and Shulk are good backups though.
  22. Simona di Silvestro won't have a Sauber drive next year because her financial backing has gone, it seems. And Alonso has given the strongest hint he's on his way out of Ferrari after he said there's no guarantee he'll wait until his contract ends before leaving the team. You'd have to guess that means he's on the way to McLaren and, given that it's Suzuka this weekend, you have to think that Honda will want to announce the deal in the next few days for full effect. Eddie Jordan's also suggested that it's possible that both Alonso and Vettel might be at McLaren next year, which would be *crazy*...though if Vettel goes to McLaren, then maybe Alonso would be tempted by the other Red Bull seat?
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