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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. So, we're about two and a half months away from Eurovision now, which is taking place in Vienna thanks to Conchita Wurst's victory. It's already turning in to one of the most controversial contests ever too thanks to a huge number of things. Most importantly: I'M GOING THIS YEAR But, yes. First of all, Australia are entering this year with Guy Sebastian, because Eurovision = Australia. (But really, it makes sense as a special one off and I'm all for it) Then, last night, the German final took place and the guy who won it decided (live on air) that he didn't want to go to Eurovision after all and gave the win to the girl who took second place after all. Which was hilariously awkward to watch. Oh, and Finland are sending a mentally disabled punk band who are now the second favourites to win: The UK reveals their act on Saturday night at 9.30; rumours seem to suggest that it's Alexandra Burke, even though she denied it.
  2. I dumped my Bayleef before Goldenrod in HGSS, I believe. Mainly because I'd abused the Pokewalker so I had exactly the team I wanted by that point...
  3. You can also get the three Johto starters with their hidden abilities now from Bank. Which means that Sheer Force Feraligatr is now joining the meta game...
  4. There's something that feels very dodgy about this Alonso crash. The fact it's still dragging on seems odd. Williams seem to have stepped it up a bit with whatever upgrades they've done between tests, looks like comparatively speaking they might be about .5 seconds behind the Merc now. Catalunya isn't one of their better circuits from last year either.
  5. Bizarrely they reckon they'll be in Melbourne too. If I were them I'd just purposefully wait until Bahrain...
  6. Don't they usually give the custom ones to charities etc.? I figure that raises more money...
  7. Force India have vetoed Marussia's request to run their 2014 car, which is of course in no way linked to the extra £4 million they would receive if Marussia can't enter this year.
  8. Though the new Ferrari engine seems a beast if Ferrari and Sauber have been running setups relative to the Mercedes. That alone could help Marussia since the Renault engine doesn't seem to be a huge step change up... EDIT: plus, given Kimi's comments, I'd say Ferrari are definitely up there as he'd probably be the first to admit if they were short-fuelling
  9. That Sauber is ugly as sin.
  10. Immortals is currently my mobile game of choice. Yes it's buggy as hell at times, but nothing that really breaks the game.
  11. Yuuup. Mainly because you can match it with Dragon Pulse too so you have a really good shot at OHKO'ing some dragon types if they switch in after a Leaf Storm (like Charizard Y). Serperior + Pachirisu would be a pretty kickass team, actually, in terms of Pachirisu being able to direct enough blows away from Serperior to allow him to set up to like +4 S. Atk.
  12. So hey, Contrary Serperior's about to start wrecking shit in the metagame now he's finally available
  13. I got to Flair and now I can't win any matches.
  14. I have an Epic Rock *and* an Epic Austin. So one way or another I just have to aim for that
  15. I did see a King Ellis but wasn't sure I won that KOTR! And proceeded to pull a Razor Ramon Epic which I can pair! The past few days on this game have been insane tbh in terms of luck. I managed to get Red and Blue Sting's from RTG who are just beasts, the Red one is beating some PP Legendaries and he's still not fully levelled. I got my Epic Cesaro pair, SV Cameron, Legendary Ziggler...yeah. After getting very frustrated with the seeming lack of progress, it's all moved quickly now.
  16. So, through getting that first Survivor Sting, I managed to just sneak in to Survivor on Exhibition, which meant that I got my free Survivor pull...and I got Cameron. Which, under normal circumstances, would be ridiculously annoying...buuuuut considering I only had UR Paige otherwise, it's actually a huge help to me
  17. I got an iTunes card for Xmas from my nan, so I decided to drop 2.99 of it on getting the 75 title matches to help out. I'm on 53//170 for the first Sting card, which I would have been happy with but now I'm thinking if I push it, I might still be able to nab at least one of the RTG Sting's... I also came second in an Epic KOTR and got a Kane to make a pair, then pulled an Epic Cesaro to make a pair from the RTG board and literally just pulled a Legendary Ziggler from the board too. I now have too many cards to level up in one go Also - going from pulling 6 cards for winning to just 2 in exhibition is such a slow bitch...
  18. I've had no network errors, oddly. Up to Legendary now. I'm aiming to go for the first Survivor Sting, so at least I *have* a Survivor card. After that I'll see how I get on - but the difficulty is definitely ramping up now and I'm only winning about 50% of my 5 point matches.
  19. I'm taking advantage of it as much as I can whilst I can. I'm in the Yoko section already and I've just played constant 5pt matches against people horribly underlevelled.
  20. You can go in and out loads though and find easier matches. Generally anyone with <2,500 matches in total won't have a strong team.
  21. So, ADG, TEOL and myself started things off. By which I mean...we, erm...made a two storey house, had the guide killed, got annoyed with Mortimer the Merchant and died to many, many boulders.
  22. 'aight, the server is up. Message me on Skype (fayu-samurai_angel) and I'll get everyone together in a group thing and we can get going.
  23. Hm. Would 8pm tomorrow night (GMT) be a good starting point for people? Obviously we can keep the server going for a while and then people can join in later etc., but I'd like to get something going at least.
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