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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. So I've discovered something fairly awesome. It seems that you get ads based on your device, not your account - so I've been able to use my iPhone and iPad to get twice as many free MITB bouts as possible. I mean, it's probably only relevant to people who have both anyway but if you happen to have other devices to hand it might help
  2. Ended up second in that KOTR...and drew Legendary Bryan. Hello, login bonus... EDIT: Team RTG on Monday will start slightly later due to maintenance. WM card is Asuka.
  3. Bizarrely, McLaren seem to be in the top four teams this weekend in Baku.
  4. Going back on the early pages of this thread is hilarious as we all slowly learn about Perfect Pros and stuff. Got Rusev but I'm stuck on +1's now. Maybe I'll get lucky with this Legendary KOTR I'm in. In theory, I think I could win it, but knowing my luck it won't quite pan out like that
  5. Can I just say: Select All
  6. I thiiiiink it's because my MITB Deck is only Legendary, so if you're higher than that it's probably more likely you'll get Gold cards. It's weird though. Half the time it gives me an option of facing a UR Pro or a Survivor card for a silver briefcase. Like, there's only going to be one option there.
  7. Apparently there's gold ones too for 4 points. Not seen it yet though.
  8. Honestly though that'll be great for RTG. A Legendary + Survivor Vince is like, +70 in every stat right?
  9. MITB is pretty fun, looks like you get a new bout every hour and have a max of 3. No sign of the new way of earning extra bouts though. EDIT: So you just kind of have to keep hitting it until it offers you a free bout. Also - just discovered that you can use all 6 cards, and that it works on a handicap system. I ended up having a WM Cena to face as the last card, my Legendary Cena obviously lost, but it weakened the WM Cena enough for my UR Pro Reigns to win. Weird.
  10. Didn't we just have an RTG before the last PCC, or am I going mad? And aw, thanks guys this is the benefit of working from home, I feel...
  11. Yeah, I had this. I managed to reset the board three times within four pulls at one point <_ But yeah, woo, Edge!
  12. Select All will be wonderful. New mode sounds like it could be fun too.
  13. So, the Team RD board is linked to your exhibition board. So, say you clear 10-15 cards off the board by playing exhibition matches (which are quicker), you then can find a Shard much quicker in the RD board.
  14. You know about the trick with the exhibition board, right?
  15. Any legendary is a boost for me!
  16. Haha. I had 400 credits lying around, so I had a bit of help along the way. Only problem is I'm highly unlikely to be able to get anywhere near Survivor with my RD deck, so I won't get a chance to pro Dolph EDIT: Also, so y'all know, I'm not gonna be levelling Dolph all the way up yet, for the sheer reason that my deck will be massively unbalanced probably if I have a fully levelled event WM and then my next best card is regular SV Cesaro
  17. Handily it's the same as on here
  18. So apparently, they did a poll in Japan where they asked for favourite Pokémon out of all the available ones. Poor Simisear came dead last
  19. Yeah, sure. I'll probably most likely have the Dolph Event card aaaaaand probably Epic Pro Orton as my next best.
  20. Haha. I'll gladly join, my team last time around freaked out at the idea of going for the legendary
  21. So that whole working from home thing and two very, very slow days means...erm... Let's just say I'm "in the top 1k". This is without spending money, too... *worried about own health*
  22. I'm on course to get Ziggler 0_0
  23. I've literally pro'd Epic Orton yesterday, and my legendary freebie was Stardust so that's an immediate pro right there. If I get lucky and pull another Legendary Fusion Becky in my next chamber, I'm saying that I've inexplicably managed to hack this game
  24. I've literally been grinding +1 matches on Miz since Friday. Frustrating, but hoping that Team RTG (assuming that's what it'll be) will mean I can pull another Survivor soon. Also managed to get an Epic Orton in a KOTR, so I can pro him.
  25. My latest fusion was Epic Sasha, so I've kept her for RTG purposes. Got in to Legendary too. Find it hilarious that it took me a good six months or so in Season 1 to do that and in less than a month I've got there in Season 2. Leg pull was Stardust, which isn't exactly great but goes very well with getting Legendary Goldust from the Team RD this week. So current Exhibition deck is SVR Cesaro, Leg Cena, Leg Goldust, Leg Stardust, Leg Fusion Becky, Epic Fusion Sasha.
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