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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. FIA have now clarified the rules again on what can be said during the race. Effectively, they can now tell the driver whatever the hell they want whilst the driver's in the pitlane - so, in theory, Mercedes could have told Lewis to drive through the pits in Baku to fix the problem with his car, but at the cost of having to effectively do a drive-through penalty. Which makes sense, but of course it's the FIA, so they've now added the caveat that if a team tells a driver that a part is having too much wear / there's an issue, the car must immediately come in to the pits for repairs or retire.
  2. Yeah, work has gone crazy and I've been out last night + going out tonight as well, so I have no time to play Supercard this week. Sorry guys!
  3. Bewear and Mimikyu are still the best from that bunch. I imagine Mimikyu's ability will be something along the lines of Defeatist though, which might suck a bit. Also, you can now make your own tournaments via the Global Link. So we could have the EWB tournament if we wanted very easily.
  4. So apparently someone's got the code for incense: you get 1 every 5 minutes on average if you just are standing still in a house. Otherwise you should spawn one every 200m you walk.
  5. Eh. The problem with Monza is, I can't ever massively remember a great GP there for a while. The best ones from memory were Vettel's victory in the STR and Perez nearly winning in the Sauber. Otherwise there's not one that jumps out. It's legendary, yes, but there's not much else. The Tifosi will just as happily take over at Imola.
  6. Bernie has signed a deal with Imola to take over the Italian GP from 2017, due to Monza's continuing financial issues. Still has to signed off by the Italian Auto club though, who have been supporting Monza throughout this. Part of me will be really sad to see no more Monza, but another part of me ADORES Imola.
  7. So I appear to have found a glitch that let me switch out who I'm using in a KOTR halfway through...
  8. All I can see with the difference in holding the Pokeball down is that if you get it within the coloured circle, you get more XP - hence why you've got "Good" "Great" or "Excellent" pop up when you land it in there.
  9. It's an hour long now, which I want to say is longer than it used to be? Though it looks like that might be more to do with the fact there'll probably be more battles, so dunno whether it'll feature more technical stuff after all. The new series of Battlebots in the US does the technical aspect a lot better. Speaking of the rules, here's how it'll work apparently: Five heats with eight robots in each. First round of each heat is a 4 robot melee, with two robots surviving from each melee. Those four robots then face each other in a round robin group stage, and the two who come out best from that face each other in the heat final. Five heat winners and one wildcard from the heats face off in the Grand Final. Spoilers for old robots returning and competing:
  10. So if we get Ziggler (who's the legendary) then I'll have another Leg Pro I have to do all the work for. Which brings me to four different cards I need to Pro all at the same time: Leg Pro Warrior, Epic Fusion Pro Brie, Epic Pro Cameron & then in theory, Leg Pro Dolph. Thank god for RTG this weekend?
  11. Niantic have already said it's kind of a fuck up on their part and they're working on a way to disallow it.
  12. You know, catching my 30th Rattata of the day is starting to get a little stale.
  13. I got off a tube stop yesterday to find a Rhydon, two Bellsprouts and a Nidoran just chilling out. Also this game is stupid and I don't like it after it stole an Abra from me. I tracked the damn thing down, clicked to battle it and then it lagged, crashed out and it disappeared when I'd reloaded
  14. Yeah, the odd thing is the media don't seem to be using all this to attack Niantic or Nintendo if anything, they're more using it as a "Oh, silly people playing their games" story. And there's been a lot of positive coverage about it getting people to go outside and walk around etc.
  15. I caught a Vaporeon which was awesome.
  16. London is crazy already with it. Gyms with 600+ CP Pokemon already.
  17. First ever Poison-Fire hype. It being able to be crushed by a good half of the meta-game: less hype.
  18. Managed to pull a Legendary Stardust from PCC, so I have a Leg Pro Stardust now too. Suddenly trucking along nicely, but I'm starting to struggle with my Divas now after I started off so strongly. Boooo.
  19. Niantic have definitely done that to people who did it on Ingress I believe.
  20. Guess who just won a Legendary Kofi Kingston in a KOTR
  21. And that's why he's the best of all time.
  22. Semi-finals will probably be Cilic-Raonic / Berdych-Murray at this rate. Don't think many people would have predicted that...
  23. I'm getting more Gold briefcases now, so it might be sliiiightly easier to get Rollins than I'd expected. Will have to see. Other thing is that I'm assuming that Season 3 is coming very soon anyway and all this is for naught, but hey.
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