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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. Someone has put forward the idea that Null will be what happens if you send Missingno to SuMo. Almost makes sense if you consider that Missingno is Bird type (which doesn't exist, so a null type) and has loads of different types of moves (Null is made of different Pokemon types)...
  2. That was a lot of information to get in two minutes thirty seconds...
  3. Feel free to remove me btw, I'm not really playing anymore.
  4. Well that was dull, bar Ricciardo's overtake on Bottas. Might be interesting in two weeks, Singapore is the worst track by far for Mercedes usually.
  5. Perez is sticking with Force India too. Wonder whether that sets up Wehrlein for the Williams seat? Apparently Nasr is the other option which does not sound appealing in the slightest...
  6. The GP2 is absolutely stupid today, the Safety Car picked up the wrong car and effectively has decided the podium, because it gave the top three an entire lap ahead of the others.
  7. Group B really is shit, huh? Benfica, Napoli, Kyiv...
  8. Gay Twitter was very pleased that the cute ginger made it through. Val is lovably bonkers. I like Candice and Selasi too, and Benjamina. Have a feeling they'll be the final three, for some reason.
  9. I had 9200 contracts saved up, so Brock is mine already. Should just be able to get the Pro down the line too.
  10. Glee. First season is really good, then it all starts to slide downhill until you're at about Season 3 and everything is just awful. They had a chance to pull it out with the New York switch, but then the ridiculousness of "KURT AND RACHEL CANNOT HAVE BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO THEM" became way too much.
  11. Trying to work out who's between Bayley and Booker. Beth Phoenix, maybe?
  12. Yeah, sorry for not being able to do anything the past couple days. Busy busy week.
  13. Well Max did the same thing this year, so you just have to keep that in mind!
  14. So from the last 24 hours of RD, I now have to Pro Survivor Ziggler, HBK and now Ryback. so much effort...
  15. I'm just outside the cut-off point for being WM in Ring Dom, and if I pro my Reigns MITB card then I'll do it. I think it'll be worth it too, to be honest, given that Dolph is the SV card and that'll give me *another* SV Pro. Plus, I have enough time to try and go for the SV, WM and then maybe even the first Summerslam card. Of course, the issue I have is that Reigns MITB is stuck in a KOTR until much later today...
  16. If you're struggling to kill pirates, then just get the Beam weapon. It auto-locks and about 5/6 blasts of it seems to take down most pirate ships.
  17. Yeah, I pulled Breeze. I also got WM Fusion Cena yesterday which is pretty handy. Just getting annoyed at the sheer number of SV cards I have that are singles though, even after winning a SV KOTR I only have SV Pro Rollins/Rock/Orton. I'm also saving up all my MITB points now to go for whatever cards we get when that refreshes.
  18. I think, very much like Pokémon Go, the initial allure will wear off, but I'm all for it for the brief period I'll enjoy it.
  19. Nooooope. Will throw off your matchmaking big time. EDIT: Anyhoo - as a reminder, you can use your free bouts on RTG and not just MITB, so (in theory) you can get at least 10 free RTG bouts over the weekend.
  20. I mean I spent a good hour or so on my starting planet and was continually finding new things. That and there was a cave system too so exploring the underground adds time.
  21. I really like the aliens I found, the Gek. So far, all their artifacts talk about them being some war-mongering race that will destroy everything else and rule the galaxy. The one I met looked like Hyper-Chicken and let me feed him.
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