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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. I mean...Max did cut the corner, but he didn't actually do anything to Vettel. Seb's acting like he tried to run him off the road or something and was getting way too annoyed by it, which then got him wound up with Ricciardo.
  2. Cars could be as quick as 9 seconds faster next year in some circuits. Jesus.
  3. Holy crap. That tease on the "Grass....GHOST" typing. Was really not expecting that. Decidueye is also a terrible name but hey. Also, how unfair is it that Fire-Dark will kick Grass-Ghost doubly? EDIT: Also... CYNTHIA!!!! OLDER BLUE!!!! OLDER RED!!!! Potential post-game things! Yaaaaaas.
  4. I definitely had a little cry for the last 10 minutes or so of San Junipero.
  5. Sky were doing everything they could to, in some way, make it seem like Max parked there to deliberately fuck Ricciardo's race up, which was stupid. The only way it would have made sense - arguably - is if Red Bull tried to bring it out at a time when Ricciardo could have got the free pit stop, not Mercedes. Max's issue was gearbox, apparently, whilst Kimi's was because the wheel wasn't properly on.
  6. All pretty simple for Lewis, really. Shame that we didn't see an actual Ricciardo-Rosberg fight but there were plenty of others to keep it entertaining. Meanwhile, on Jason's post above - rumour is that it's going to be Sauber-Honda from 2018.
  7. Be interesting to see if that gearbox thing he complained about plays up again or if it was just a one-off issue for him. If he retires with it, does it look bad on Mercedes for not just taking a 5 place penalty and having him at least score some points? Also, in "well this isn't what I'd want", apparently Nasr is now most likely to go to Force India thanks to his money and Bernie pushing it so he can have a Brazilian driver on the grid. Bring back Rubens if you want that
  8. do you mean at the end of this season or start of next? It might help people buy in to the rumours that not everyone at Red Bull is a huge fan of Gasly though...
  9. ...huh. Kvyat is retained by Toro Rosso for 2017.
  10. Force India look likely to be choosing between Kvyat, Ocon and Palmer for the second seat.
  11. Demo has come out and they've managed to data mine a lot more out of the demo than we were meant to see. Big things include: Also, new Alolan forms:
  12. Apparently, Stroll is confirmed as the Williams No. 2, but they can't announce it until he's 18 because it won't look good for Martini. The Ocon/Wehrlein thing is awkward too. Mercedes want Wehrlein promoted first, but Force India think that Ocon is quicker from their testing data.
  13. Honestly, at this point Hulk's got nothing to lose. He's never going to get the win with Force India and if he's willing to take some burn to begin with at Renault, he could be in good shape after that. Does blow everything else open again though. Williams still haven't confirmed either Bottas or Stroll, and Wehrlein and Ocon are both up for grabs too. Wouldn't be overly shocked to see Wehrlein at FI now.
  14. It's out, it seems that CAWs can have over 100 Overall and there's a glitch in Universe mode, where a cash-in makes the next match all fucked up. So, you know, good as usual.
  15. Fuck Ruby Weapon and fuck it hard.
  16. My issue with Formula E is that it makes JEV look really, really bad on regular occasions.
  17. Blitzed through Enemy Unknown finally. Was really good fun but man, was the final mission underwhelming. "Hey, so now you get to face everything one step at a time and there's really no way that the aliens can flank you or use strategy so good look wiping the floor with them!" I beat the head Ethereal on the first turn of spotting him, as point of this. Admittedly, my main guy became so accurate and powerful with his Headshot that it helped a lot. And I had two Heavy's each with a rocket stored up...
  18. It looks like a reset again - he's going to school in Alola, by the looks of it. Someone has put forward that a lot of the series are actually alternate universes, where only some things stay the same. Hence why Ash never used any of his non-Gen 6 Pokemon in the XYZ saga and why Serena suddenly showed up as someone he's known all his life.
  19. I might actually finish Final Fantasy 1 tomorrow and that feels like far too much of an achievement. Also looking at finishing my run through of 7 on the PS4 version finally (I'm at the execution bit), then I'm either gonna start 6, 9, 10 or 13. Can't decide yet >_>
  20. Alex Zanardi won gold at the Paralympics, in vaguely related news.
  21. I think Poke Transporter works with Black & White. Can't remember if it does with HG/SS and DPPt...
  22. Bernie's said that Liberty Media will want him to stay around for 3 more years if/when they take over. Which conveniently brings us right up to the end of the current Concorde Agreement...
  23. Not really - I think that Nintendo tried to push that it did to make it less appealing to catch. It does some graphical glitches and messes up the Hall of Fame, but you can fix the graphical problems easily.
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