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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. I've pulled 5 Legendary cards from the board in like my last 30/35 resets which seems oddly high.
  2. The speed at which Alonso seems to be acclimatising to Indy is remarkable.
  3. True story: Salvador and Luisa know who I am, and I ran in to Salvador by the press centre bathrooms and we said hey to each other. Glad Portugal won. Wasn't my favourite performance (I actually prefer Luisa singing it) but so happy for the country after all the years of, well, abject failure at Eurovision. Super glad for Moldova too. Gutted that the UK didn't do better, because we really, really deserved to.
  4. I suspect Bulgaria will win now.
  5. The UK genuinely has one of, if not the best, staging designs this year. Even *with* Brexit, we might actually be top 10.
  6. Lot of suggestions that it'll be for tiered login rewards, which...I guess works in a way? Kinda halts crazy quick progression to some degree. Second SS fusion was another Shinsuke so fairly soon I'll have that as a pro, which is really cool and should help move things along a little more (and good for KOTR too in particular).
  7. Just hit Hardened, only needed to get Aries to 20/40 to do it in the end too. Pulled Owens as my freebie too which is probably one of the better ones I could get, especially as he teams well with Corbin.
  8. Having pretty terrible luck in RD. Gone down to the last shard three times already now.
  9. Someone has pointed out that actually, having two lots of feedback is probably actually going to help Honda get better.
  10. Worst comes to worst, I'll have HD Pro Corbin in the next couple days anyway and that should definitely do it. Also just pulled my first SS Fusion, which was Shinsuke. Pretty happy with that one!
  11. Vipers should easily get Rollins with time to spare. Hurrah! Another HD to add to my list. Anyone know roughly what the boundary to get in to Hardened in Ranked deck is? I'm wondering if HD Corbin, HD Ziggler, HD Rollins + Elite AA, then HD Bliss and SS Nia would get me there if they're all fully levelled. Don't want to massively unbalance myself with a way too strong Aries is the only issue.
  12. The servers are seriously dying.
  13. Pulled Alexa from MITB this morning so that's handy. Won another WM KOTR as well, but not managing to pair many WM cards yet. What's the max amount of drafts you can store again?
  14. Just got AA. awww yeah.
  15. I actually vaguely worked out the maths to see whether I can grind +1's to get AA. In theory, I can. In actuality, I want to get drunk tomorrow night.
  16. I'm gonna aim for the HD Corbin, because having that as a Pro waiting for me down the line would be verrrrry nice. Probably as far as i can get with grinding and other things.
  17. Saw a rumour suggesting that India have sent a list of people they want sent back in exchange for trade talks post-Brexit, and Mallya was on it.
  18. I'm ominously close to the games played diva reward (like, less than 200 to go) and I'm having to try and level up the right cards to just scratch in to Summerslam for it >_>
  19. Luck pulled through and I got Dolph. So should hit Summerslam tomorrow once i've done some levelling!
  20. Another great race. The Alonso-Kvyat-Palmer back and forth all race was genuinely really entertaining and the strategy at the front too was good to see. Vettel genuinely seems to have the pace in races, even if they can't quite match the Mercedes one lap pace. Same as back in 2012/3 with Mercedes, in a way. Shame for Bottas, who it seems had a problem with tyre pressures from the start. Other bits of news include the fact that apparently the Turkish GP isn't happening and it was a ploy by Erdogan (what a shock...) and that Mercedes are apparently flying to Japan to help Honda...
  21. Good pole position for Bottas. Hopefully he can hold it together in the race too, Bahrain does seem the best chance to begin with of him doing well until Canada based on past form. Alonso reportedly in talks with Renault about returning, which might actually be a really smart move. The fact they've made such a huge jump season-on-season already is a really good sign. Alonso-Hulk would be a great partnership too.
  22. In theory, I have a good shot of winning my first WM KOTR today which could be quite handy. Got Anderson this morning and somehow managed to pull like 6 pick doublers in 9 shards, then got the first shard of the Hardened card on my first pick, so I might, *might* just be able to get it. Gonna be a tall order and will need some real luck but here's hoping. Thankfully I have ads I can watch.
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