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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. How close to being out of it are you? I've got the WM33 Brock, WM33 Becky and then the next best is Elite Pro Roman. Dunno if that's gonna be enough.
  2. The amount of wrestler cameos is pretty great actually.
  3. Won an Elite KOTR that I really shouldn't have, but I think the timing of the maintenance helped me. Ended up pulling Reigns, which was a Pro and has now just scraped me in to Ultimate on RD and just in time. Heads up on RD though - it seems that proc's are a bit broken and half the time end up boosting your opponent, not you.
  4. Long time coming, unfortunately. It was great to have a female team principal, but that ridiculous situation with van der Garde made her situation untenable then. I imagine she's been on thin ice ever since. Might be interesting to see what happens with the Honda deal, though. If McLaren really are pulling out of the deal and Honda will only have Sauber left, will they maybe take it over as a works team?
  5. Ugh. Pulled Elite Rollins from the TBG win this morning, which is good but another non-pro Elite. Then had enough to buy another WM33 single. Mickie James which is great in the sense that I have two WM33 females now (and they go together), but is also really annoying because a male would have pushed me into Ultimate on RD, which would have been a huge help.
  6. @Pooker and @Jericode, if either of you can throw some more points on the TBG, we're only like 50 points ahead and don't want it to turn on us like it did a couple weeks back
  7. Other half picked up ARMS. Played it a bit. Honestly thought it was kinda garbage. It feels like Wii Sports Boxing with more movemen control.
  8. Looks like Hall of Fame tier is coming next, judging by their new Twitter avatar.
  9. Half the time would be polite
  10. Technically, Vettel gave him a car's width of room. Ocon was already well off the racing line and probably would have ended up on the grass if he had turned in for the corner normally at that point anyway.
  11. I think Vettel would have got both the Force India's anyway, to be honest. Maybe they'd have ended 4th and 6th if Ocon had been ahead of Perez, but Horner pretty much said "yeah, if Perez couldn't pass Ricciardo, then Ocon wouldn't have".
  12. Kubica on Sky Sports Italia today: "Despite my limitations, i know that i can do what i did 6 years ago. I feel like a formula 1 driver and if there is opportunity - i am ready".
  13. What seems weird is that he offered to drive for free with (I think) Mercedes. May have been Red Bull. So I don't understand why he wouldn't go to Renault for free, because by the sounds of it, money is the reason they can't/won't sign him. I can't imagine that they won't be back up there fighting for podiums by end of next season / 2019 by the latest.
  14. I liked the idea of Sun and Moon a lot more than the actual execution. The Ultra Beast stuff never really clicked for me and I never really cared about Lillie and Nebby, so the fact the story relied so much on them was a drag. But I guess the big thing was also the complete lack of post-game content once again. If they did a little more it might have been worth something. Honestly the only thing I'm excited about for this is Gold & Silver re-releases, because they're still the best Pokémon games. Hell, HG/SS (and B/W, to be fair) are still the most recent peak of the games for me.
  15. I've pulled two HD cards from the board in my last three resets. Annoyingly, they're both support cards which I don't need
  16. Okay look so I know this only adds fuel to the fire but he ended up doing over 100 laps and was faster than Sergey Sirotkin, Renault's *actual* test driver.
  17. Pokemon Direct tomorrow. Presumably for Stars. Rumour suggests it's 3DS + Switch game.
  18. In today's "I'm not going to get excited because I know it'll never happen properly" news, Kubica's testing Renault (/Lotus') 2012 car.
  19. Vipers won the last TBG and managed to pull Elite Aries as the reward, which gives me my first Elite Pro (and should lift me into Elite as well). Now watch the TRD reward be Elite Aries as well, especially as it's an NXT card... Also, anyone else having problems with connecting?
  20. I just really want to win so I get another Elite, which would then push me into Elite overall when it's levelled up. Tempted to buy a WM33 card regardless. The only other thing would be holding off until I can get the Ultimate Pair down the line, but that's a lot of points away. And I can tier the WM card so it's not ridiculously OP at least.
  21. We're now 70 points ahead. Looks like their remaining people with attacks aren't really active too, so we miiiiight just make it.
  22. If any of the Vipers haven't played their TBG up yet, it'd be really good if you could. EDIT: Oh.
  23. I suspect he's got an open offer for IndyCar right now. He won Rookie of the race too.
  24. Renault are apparently chasing after Perez for 2018, which would be awkward for Alonso as it'd mean another seat disappearing that he could move to. Effectively would leave him stuck at McLaren, or maybe even trying at Force India (which I can't see as a good move). I guess the only caveat would be if Ferrari decide they want Perez.
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