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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. LOST, The Amazing Race & Stacked right now...I'm happy. I have this for my weekday nights.: Monday = The Amazing Race Tuesday = LOST Wednesday = Nothing Thursday = The Amazing Race & Stacked Friday = Have I Got News For You & Grumpy Old Men (to some degree)
  2. I'm pretty sure that is the truth actually...I've read that twice today, once in a TV guide, once in a paper.
  3. I'm getting a wireless router today, so Mario Kart is for me.
  4. Lee Morris, Harrogate Town (I think).
  5. Oh Fuck Yes. They're releasing Mysterious Dungeon Blue and Red in America. Importing, here I come!
  6. I want to buy Doovde. It was a really good programme, the bits I saw.
  7. Yay! Stacked is starting again...it was in the middle of a break, maybe that was why it was classed as "in hiatus"?
  8. Got my first trailer up for my movie... Three Women Trailer
  9. fairyland by Ayumi. My fav. song by her.
  10. Doesn't Jenson sort of...hate safety cars?
  11. Am I the only person alive who likes Stacked because it's funny?
  12. As any Cruiserweight on Legend, see how long you can last against Andre the Giant before beating him in a TLC match
  13. Actually, I think they will be two stopping, with the Williams being low on fuel maybe. Saying that, the Cosworth engine seems to be extremely powerful.
  14. Technically, this should be the grid for tommorow: 1. Fisichella 2. Button 3. Rosberg 4. Webber 5. Montoya 6. Raikkonen 7. Alonso 8. Klien 9. Trulli 10. Villeneuve 11. Heidfeld 12. Speed 13. Liuzzi 14. M. Schumacher 15. Albers 16. Monteiro 17. Sato 18. Ide 19. R. Schumacher 20. Coulthard 21. Barrichello 22. Massa ~ So...I see an interesting fight in the back. All four cars at the back should easily pass the Aguri's and Midlands, but then they'll have to get stuck with the Toro Rosso's, so it might get interesting with the V8/V10 situation. Michael's really gonna struggle to get past Heidfeld, Villeneuve and Trulli, plus we have seen Klien hold Schumacher off a few times before. Then there's Alonso...I really don't see Alonso, Kimi or Michael winning this race. Juan Pablo has an outside shot, I don't see Webber doing it. That of course leaves Fisi, Jenson and Nico. Nico has everything going for him at the moment, but Jenson has the car behind him. Fisichella can win races in the Renault, but he tends to struggle under pressure. If Jenson doesn't get a good start again...I can only see Rosberg winning.
  15. For some reason it says Michael will start 10th...maybe because he got in the pole shootout? Still, I actually said just before I heard about the grid "I have a feeling Nico Rosberg will win". Well, he's 3rd on the grid, with Fisichella in front of him. I'm gonna go with Rosberg or Button to win the GP.
  16. Bjork, Annie Lennox, Debbie Harry and Amy Lee (to mention just four) disagree with you. Big time.
  17. Well, I've been focusing on GM Mode recently. I was going to cheat with the 2P thing, just having no matches until the end of the year. I got bored with that, so starting at Backlash (I had the pre-set rosters) I've been playing as Raw (and having no Smackdown). Most of the wrestlers had contracts running out, and I didn't have enough money. I decided to focus on pushing certain wrestlers: Chris Masters, for example, has now gained 10 overness out of being Edge's manager for 4 shows now. A couple more shows like that and he'll be usable. Anyway, I've realised that it's necessary to push wrestlers, by making two or three wrestlers job bitches. Kane and Big Show just lost the tag titles to AJ Styles & Livewire (my CAW) w/Pirate Paul Burchill on their debut match. Saying that, it was a 16 minute beast of a match, with the end being Kane tapping out to a Triangle Choke from Livewire.
  18. I honestly thought this was an amazing first race. Shame for Massa (but it seemed handy that he so very nearly took Alonso out - maybe Ferrari wanted to eliminate Alonso by sacrificing him. Meh, you never know with Ferrari judging by some of their past actions (I still mantain the fact they stopped Irvine from winning the championship on purpose). Nico had an amazing drive and the pass he did on Klien was superb. Both of them should be title contender's in a few years. I'm also surprised at Williams for even placing in the Top 10, let alone taking 5 Constructor's Points. Also, the Heidfeld/Coulthard moments were fun to watch. Although it seemed a bit strange early on that Toro Rosso were actually racing the Red Bull cars, I would have guessed RBR would be given favourism over STR. Quick question: How did Yuji Ide go out, do we know?
  19. So, since first race is today, might as well post this. Bahrain...uggh, it's not the same without Melbourne/Adelaide (they could have gone to Adelaide, abit of nostalgia...) but the circuit is good enough. Anyway, Kimi and Ralf should power there way through most of the cars early on, it'll be interesting when they have to try and pass each other. Michael & Massa are probably running low fuel, as is Button, so I'm going with the following Podium: 1 - Fernando Alonso 2 - Juan Pablo Montoya 3 - Michael/Massa/Button/Barrichello/Klein (Who I see getting a few podiums this year)
  20. Star Wars Kid deserved to be higher. I'm happy that Little Britain didn't get in there, but shocked that The Germans from Fawlty Towers didn't get there. Still, The Brits incident with The Four Tops/Boy George was there, so it's all good. And of course, Numa Numa. Search on Google for "Numa Numa Dance". Go to the Newgrounds one.
  21. O' Shea was with Will Young too.
  22. O' Shea is gay. I'm sure he admitted it a while back.
  23. I've had problems getting the game loaded, but it's fixed...not seen AD yet today though...
  24. I'm in Wales today, so I'm stuck really...
  25. MSN Messenger Contact: christoman280391@hotmail.com SDvsRAW Online Username: Katsuya Wrestler Name: Livewire
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