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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. Am I the only who thinks Show looks like he's constipated in the 360 version? Or that Lillian has no eyes in the 360 version?
  2. Yes. Hence why I have a disc, booklet and game cover.
  3. I've used four different skins, exactly the way you described and none of them are working!
  4. Tried that, didn't work: That's what I get...this is damn near annoying!
  5. Right, where exactly do I put these skins? In the data part?
  6. Any ideas on how to rectify said problem?
  7. Can anyone tell me what the fuck I've done ? I downloaded a skin, and pasted over the files that were in the normal database, and now for some reason the "Yes" and "No" buttons to proceed to matches have disappeared. So does anyone know what I can do to solve this?
  8. Stacked. It was genuinely funny, and Pammy was good.
  9. Aisleyne is now favourite to win, thanks to the Mirror, apparently. They had "VOTE AISLEYNE" on their front cover a couple days ago; she caught up to within 1% of Pete by the end of that day.
  10. Actually, I was surprised that everyone was so happy that the three guys on the podium got there. Seriously, everyone who got to Parc Ferme were celebrating. Probably because Schumacher, Alonso and Raikonnen couldn't steal their thunder.
  11. I've still not finished FF7. Mainly because I lost it, found it, lost my memory card, lost the game, got PS2, found memory card, found game, lost memory card, lost game. Recently I found another memory card and the game. So I intend on finishing it.
  12. In all fairness, he did also try and run Pedro off the road like...5 seconds later.
  13. No, but currently it probably is the best car. The past two races it's been really good, and if it weren't for Kimi's bad luck, he could have won both races.
  14. He's in the McLaren as a sub for Montoya (who's left for NASCAR). Right now, the McLaren's probably the best car out there, as shown by De La Rosa catching Button right at the end (but there were no were near enough laps left)
  15. He finally bloody wins a grand prix, after starting from 14th (and a little help from Alonso driving off). Longest streak of non-british wins is over too now, and what a messed up finish: 1 - Button 2 - De La Rosa 3 - Heidfeld 4 - Barrichello 5 - Coulthard 6 - Ralf 7 - Kubica (On his debut, after two spins and a new nose cone) 8 - Massa In fact, out of all the cars who actually finished, only one of them was Ferrari/Renault...
  16. Who I want to go back in to the secret house: Nikki - So she can stop the most boring winner since Cameron from winning (Pete) Susie - Because while people think she does nothing, she makes tea. Lisa - I always thought Lisa was funny to a certain degree, plus certain arguments with Susie. Sam - Same reasons as Lisa really Who I think will go back in: Nikki Mikey Spiral Grace
  17. I loved Toonstruck, yet again, all the magazines I read panned it. Gamespot gave it 8.8 though...
  18. Yeah, there were six worlds with 2 normal levels then the boss level. I fucking loved Baron Aloha, the most sarcastic boss in a game ever.
  19. Dead Ball Zone was cool for the bit I played, but after like...three matches I had three people left in my squad that weren't dead/injured. The Unholy War was really cool too. Oh, and Jumping Flash. Apparently they were gonna bring one on to the PSP, but that was like...2 years ago.
  20. Did anyone play this game on the PS1? It was like...the first fighting game that was released for it over here in the UK, and I discovered it a couple of days ago, having never played it in around 8 years. Sure, the graphics are shit, but the gameplay itself is amazing. Essentially, it's Soul Calibur before it's time; shame that Tekken stole it's thunder in the end.
  21. OMG! HOLY SHIT! Daleks/Cybermen! When the sphere opened, I said "I bet it's Davros". Well, nearly right anyway. Next week will be awesome...although did it seem like Rose's dad was actually helping the Cybermen? (Oh, and this also means Captain Jack can come back, right?)
  22. Katsuya


    I have the first book of Season 1 (TV) Yu-Gi-Oh, as well as Books 1 & 2 of the Duelist saga (Duelist Kingdom)
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