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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. Interesting note: WWE 2K18 collector's edition will have exclusive Cena, Batista & RVD cards. Should imply a new tier (or reset) hopefully!
  2. So, no pressure on Palmer, but now whatever times he sets this weekend are in direct comparison with Kubica's...
  3. Same. Fuck trying to do that quick enough for a relic.
  4. Yeah I totally didn't...erm...join the other team *whistles innocently*
  5. Got WM33 Finn as my BG reward, then pulled another WM33 Orton. Mickie is the WM33, and she'll be a pro, so pretty happy with that too.
  6. Mae, Maria or Sasha seems to be the general consensus. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Maria and they do a flash event, as well as a Mike card this weekend.
  7. Everything's different
  8. Apparently Mercedes & Ferrari won't supply McLaren for 2018, and I'd be surprised if Renault were thinking about it either.
  9. I've actually only got halfway through Crash 2 because I actively enjoyed Crash 1 so much that the change has kind of been a let down
  10. Well, Cedric will be my second WM33 Pro so that's pretty handy.
  11. Pulled Cesaro yesterday and kinda called it there, no interest in grinding out Strowman really. I've more or less got as many single WM33 cards as I do Ultimate right now, which is kind of annoying, but gives me hope that I might get another WM33 pro from either Team RD or the RD this week (and I've got a shot at the event card too).
  12. Katsuya

    Doctor Who

    She's in Broadchurch, which Chibnall wrote.
  13. Katsuya

    Doctor Who

    Well that's probably the best choice.
  14. Well that was a dramatic end to the race again
  15. Brundle's been taken to the medical centre suddenly, di Resta doing the Sky commentary. Bit worrying given his heart problems a year or so ago.
  16. Not to de-rail the hype train, but Bild are reporting that Sainz is going to move to Renault either for or after Hungary, with Gasly taking the Toro Rosso seat.
  17. My controller seems a bit jumpy on menus, like it's overly sensitive at times. Can't seem to work out why though, no settings playing up :/
  18. Fred Vasseur is by far and away the best option that Sauber had as a replacement for Monisha. Hell, he's actually an improvement on Monisha.
  19. Had a great match as Owens vs. Misawa last night. No matter how much I did, I couldn't keep him down for a three count. Ended up powerbombing him three times outside the ring to win by countout in about 20 minutes, which I thought was an Owens-enough thing to do.
  20. NewLegacy Inc. They play a lot of Fire Pro on YouTube/Twitch.
  21. f1.com/F1Live Well I know what I'm doing tomorrow evening now. Wonder if Kubica will magically end up driving a Renault here too... Newest rumour is that McLaren are negotiating an engine contract with Ferrari instead!
  22. The NL guys have got a collection on the Workshop page - not sure if you can download them all in one go, I've just been picking the ones that looked best so far. Played briefly on lunch, gonna get in to it after work.
  23. Reports suggest Kubica is doing the Hungary test. CHOO CHOO.
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