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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. Dana International won in '98. AND SHE WAS A TRANNY! Sorry, I got hyped up for Eurovision
  2. This song was one of the best in Semi. He's fugly, but goddarnit I like the song. Freaky women on screens = 0_0
  3. Blonde haired member of Spain is kinda hot. Bosnia sucked. This song, however, is catchy. And already, Wogan's brilliant "and women pretending to play drums!" EDIT: One of them is horrifically out of tune.
  4. Scooch are nowhere near as bad as people say they are. That said, Ukraine for the win. They're bringing a freaking drag act! Seriously, that's the only thing close to topping Ruslana and her S&M thing (oh, and the fact her song rocked).
  5. WHY, GOD, WHY? WHY DID ERIC HAVE TO WIN... At least D/K came second. TAR12 better be fucking brilliant after this.
  6. Two notes: WWE Originals sucks bar Trish Stratus' song, because she's actually got a fairly good voice, and John Cena's, because I forget how much better that is then "Time is Now". And I like Avril Lavigne and have no interest in her nice bum.
  7. I'm currently nervously levelling up to face the Goldenrod Gym leader. I seem to remember her Miltank was a bitch.
  8. OH FUCK YES. UNITED ARE THE CHAMPIONS ONCE AGAIN! On a side note, that final shot by Eboue (I think) was agonisingly close.
  9. I have a thing for Spearow because it evolves in to super cool Fearow, but early on it's not as strong as Pidgey (which also evolves earlier) Update on the Silver Game; just annihalated Falkner for the first badge with Geodude and did the Sprout Tower. Team is as such right now: Chikorita, Lv. 14 Hoothoot, Lv. 14 Sentret, Lv. 14 Geodude, Lv. 14 Zubat, Lv. 9 Gastly, Lv. 9 Zubat is a bitch to level up, since it only knows Leech Life and Supersonic right now. I can't wait till I get Bite. Gastly, on the other hand, owns all since it knows Hypnosis so early. Oh, and Lick owns all too. Plus, the fact that it can get nearly no damage dealt to it.
  10. Rumoured Spoilers for the end of the series:
  11. Thunderbirds Are Go by Busted. For fuck's sake, they actually start saying "Thundiebirds Are Go" at the end of the song. Also, Aserje by Las Ketchup. For some reason, I have both songs on my iPod, and I always skip them no matter what. I really should delete them.
  12. I have the Oregon Trail on PC. Rafting down the river at the end > all.
  13. Katsuya

    Doctor Who

    I kinda hope we see the Slytheen again one day. They were the best new villains from Season One.
  14. Something I brought up last night in a chat w/ Benji; anyone else think it would have made more sense to include the 1st Gen evolutions in Diamond & Pearl, in Fire Red & Leaf Green? FR & LG seem kinda weird for not having them in, and almost dated. Saying that, Gold & Silver for a DS update. Johto + Kanto > All.
  15. Ahem, so yes, this is the Mario Kart answer to the Pokemon league. No, I'm not going to bother adding the correct accent. Anyway...before any true official rules go up, I just want to get an idea of numbers of people interested, and then I can sort out the fine details, but I see us having maybe two races on two nights of the week each, so it moves quickly. Essentially, leave your board name and friend codes below, along with any days you CANNOT do specifically. Name: Friend Code: Days Unavailable: So for me, it's Name: Katsuya Friend Code: 034-458-228-203 Days Unavailable: Tuesdays
  16. Maybe, but I'm already doing the rules for a Pokémon League if you check the main Poké thread, others can do as they please. Hence the bolded part >_> But yeah, I'll try and see if I can help run some tournament on Mario Kart, if people still have it available and stuff. In terms of Pokemon though, all I have to play with on WiFi right now is Mystery Dungeon Blue V_V. But that rawks anyway, so... 034-458-228-203
  17. I'm so bumping this for various reasons; 1, the fact it'll be easy to use for the whole Pokemon thing we're setting up, and 2, because I'm 95% hopeful I will finally be playing WiFi DS by the end of today. So, yeah, that's why Benji. Maybe we can get the tournaments up and running again?
  18. I have Reader Rabbit. I own you all. In fact, I actually have a Reader Rabbit stuffed toy as well. Also, Heretic FTW~!
  19. I've begun playing Silver again on my SP (retro~~~!) in anticipation for D/P's UK release. I can't particularly be bothered importing or stuff. Unless they have it at Forbidden Planet, then, possibly. Anyway, back to Silver; I've not even got in to my first trainer battle (bar the fight with Gold) and my team right now is: Chikorita, Lv. 12 Hoothoot, Lv. 12 Geodude, Lv. 12 Sentret, Lv. 10 I plan on getting them all to Level 14 by the time the first Gym Battle is coming up, which would include evolving Sentret to Furrett. Also, this game rawks. Plus, I'm so buying the USB Wi-Fi thing ASAP.
  20. Katsuya

    Doctor Who

    I know he was part of the Cult of Skaro, I was giving the idea that if he can do his temporal shifts, then he could easily flip forward in time too >_>
  21. Katsuya

    Doctor Who

    Calling it now; Dalek Khan is the Dalek in the first (new) series - think about it; he was more or less dead until Rose touched him and gave him some energy. The temporal shift must have used so much of his energy that he was drained as hell...
  22. Team Incest! They appear in some form. Ozzy and Danny are just as good as in S2
  23. The yield is part of the game. Eric and Danielle suck. He sucks. She doesn't suck as much. She amuses me with her meltdowns. BQ's must win. Charla & Mirna must come second. Eric & Danielle third. Cha's = Screwed, most likely. Unfortunately, too.
  24. Oh hell yes. FM Live league for EWB.
  25. This is the fight and aftermath in full. Just for people who didn't see it. http://www.vimeo.com/clip:174725
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