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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. Fuck Whitney's Miltank and all it stands for.
  2. In case people haven't see , FOM have put the full 2001 Malaysian GP on YouTube, complete with Murray & Martin commentary. Famous for the rain shower and Michael destroying the field with one of his best drives.
  3. I did like him - and thought he was hard done by last year particularly - but then he's just gone so far downhill this year that it's a bit inexcusable now. Some drivers have taken things on the chin before (Grosjean, for example) but Kvyat just seems permanently miserable and then crashes out anyway. I wouldn't be shocked if Red Bull, or Honda more precisely, do get Matsushita a super licence. To be fair to the guy, he's not *that* bad, and he has won four GP2/F2 races now, and he's made a big improvement on last year at least. No, he's not the quickest and he'd only be there because of the Honda connection, but I think the Superlicence point thing is to mainly keep the likes of Galael and Celis Jr. from buying their way in...
  4. Yup, confirmed that Gasly is replacing him for the next "races", so presumably Malaysia + Japan. Which, thinking about it, might be good for Gasly as he's already raced there once this year, and then it's where the finale of Super Formula is
  5. ...huh. Didn't see that one coming. Good for Gasly to get a couple races in (like Ricciardo did with HRT) ahead of next year, but...yeahhh. Considering they don't really have anyone else with a superlicence to throw in there next year, I'm surprised they'd kick Kvyat out. EDIT: Someone has pointed out that it conveniently would stop Kvyat from accidentally getting penalty points before COTA (when he loses some), because if he got banned before then it would fuck up Gasly's Super Formula race.
  6. I'd assume Porsche, given that Porsche said they were interested in joining in 2021.
  7. Funhaus, NL, Rooster Teeth & Ahoy are all big ones for me too. Also the Nobodies, who are wonderful:
  8. I got the Roode event card, which makes my first event pro since the Survivor Sting from the first ever RTG...
  9. I think the other problem for Toro Rosso is, to my knowledge, there isn't another RB young driver who would be able to take Kvyat's spot if Sainz goes. They only have Gasly ready, so better to stick with Kvyat and hope for the best. I mean the guy definitely has talent, he's just too reckless still. Shame that they couldn't have this situation when the likes of Buemi and Alguesuari were around, mind...
  10. So, Sainz has apparently signed for Renault and will drive for them from Malaysia onwards. In turn, Renault will release Toro Rosso from their engine contract, and Toro Rosso will sign with Honda, who in turn will end their relationship with McLaren, who will then get the Renault engine. Jesus. But probably means Gasly-Kvyat for next year in the Toro Rosso. Apparently Honda want Matsushita in the Toro Rosso, but probably as the practice driver.
  11. Speaking of ridiculous grid penalties, Perez, Grosjean and Vandoorne have now all taken some too. The way it works out is that Perez - who qualified 11th - takes a five place grid penalty and starts 12th. And that Magnussen and Ericsson, who both got knocked out in Q1, start 9th and 10th.
  12. Ferrari well and truly shit the bed there, then. Also, Stroll and Ocon 2 and 3 on the grid HYPE.
  13. It's back and was good! And I kinda want to marry Steven.
  14. Perez really fucked it up. Ocon's said he didn't mind the first one so much (and TBF, they were going three wide). But the second was inexcusable, that was Schumacher-Barrichello level of dangerous, if not more so.
  15. Alonso heavily rumoured now to be going to Williams, with daddy Stroll paying his wages.
  16. I loved YGO but the amount of stupid shit they've thrown in there now has made the game way too difficult to get involved with. Tried to get in to Magic a little while ago but didn't really do anything for me. I'll always have a soft spot for the Pokemon TCG and, relatively speaking, it still seems the simplest to just go in to and they've not fucked around with the meta too much.
  17. Summerslam '17 tier soon!
  18. Managed to draw a WM33 Jericho as a TBG reward, which was a Pro. Then bought another WM33 single with BP. It was WM33 Jericho
  19. So Kubica did the test today, and his fastest lap was about a tenth off Palmer's best lap in Q2. So not on Hulk's pace, but the end of the session was marred by lots of red flags so maybe he could have gone quicker. More importantly he effectively did 2 race distances, and has done enough to earn his super licence again.
  20. Yeah, I think Ricciardo was a bit hot-heated to begin with too - they pointed out on commentary that he was actually wrong when he was saying Max was trying to overtake him, and it was actually Ricciardo who was trying to overtake Max at that point. Wasn't exactly a great race for on-track action, but was a pretty gripping one in terms of what was happening and the problems for the top two teams. The Merc's not having radio proved interesting and Vettel's handling going off made it a lot closer, even if the track kind of stopped anything happening from there. Also, fair play to Lewis in giving up 3rd place back to Bottas, he probably had pulled well enough away that he might have had reason to say "well I don't have to give it back". Will be interesting if those 3 points prove important by the end of the year.
  21. 19th, could have been a lot worse for di Resta really. First time in 25 years there's no Brazilian driver on the grid.
  22. Yup, confirmed that di Resta will be in. No pressure on Stroll there at all then... Also, glad to see Sauber-Ferrari again. Hopefully gets Gio or LeClerc a spot in the team too.
  23. So things are getting very interesting for Formula E in the past couple of days, just ahead of the season finale this weekend (which Buemi should win again, given he's pretty much won every single race he's been in this season). Mercedes have confirmed they'll be joining in 2018-19, and now Porsche have confirmed they'll be joining in that year too. BMW are getting involved too that year with Andretti's team. That's also the season hat the cars will be able to do a whole race without changes, which is going to help the show 100% I think. Should help give it a real push in to the mainstream!
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