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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. IMO, it's very touch and go. Lewis didn't really give Kimi back the position, because he immediately had a great overtaking opportunity. On the other hand, Lewis' pace would prove that even had he been behind Raikkonen going on to the main straight, he would have had him going down in to the first corner. In other news, Heidfeld, Alonso & Kubica are also under investigation for overtaking under the yellow flags, which is presumably against the Toro Rosso cars. While they showed Heidfeld passing Kubica & Vettel, they didn't show him taking Bourdais, and they were heading in to the area where Kimi had crashed at that point...so it's possible they all overtook Bourdais in the yellow flags, or Alonso passed Vettel & Kubica in the yellow flags...still, things should be clear in an hour or two. ETA: Also, I still want Massa to win really, because Hamilton's been lucky now in terms of crashes/accidents/weather four times (Monaco when he hit the wall but the weather helped him out, Hungary when Massa's engine blew, the same with Kimi in Valencia, and now the spin not costing him that much at the start & Kimi crashing out) - oh, and HA! when he said "I'm not going to be overtaken on the outside ever again"...and then Raikkonen did just that.
  2. So, after looking to see if there were any F1 games that were not hideously out of date for the PC, I found MRO, which is a top down racing game. It's not overly realistic in terms of speed for the cars (most circuits you do in under a minute), but then again it has all the current cars & drivers, and all the circuits in F1 along with a host of others. It's free too, which is very nice, and the one player version against the bots can be quite a bit of fun (plus it has official-looking screens etc.) www.miniracingonline.com It's in Spanish when you load it up, but there's an English option in the top right once the main page loads.
  3. That is why Spa is the best circuit in the world. Amazing track anyway, and then you throw in the rain factor...wow. Also, had Massa & Hamilton spun or gone off on that last lap, even if they were able to rejoin the track, Heidfeld would probably have caught them up with no problems...
  4. Katsuya

    Big Brother

    Ash was always awesome, so you know. As is Sara.
  5. I seem to remember United managing to sign Kleberson by beating the Sunderland staff to the airport, in some bizarre move. So talking to Berbatov is hardly anything new.
  6. Katsuya

    Big Brother

    Nooooo! Lisa? Why!?
  7. Druglord. ETA: I believe Druglord 3 was the specific one. Someone installed it on the computers at school back in 03/04, I recall.
  8. Katsuya

    Big Brother

    The ratings aren't that bad actually, from what I remember - on days they've managed to rival ITV or BBC 2...
  9. ...so after super-fun exciting Q1 & Q2, we get predictable boring Q3 and now a sinfully shit race on Monaco's ugly twin. Joy.
  10. It is a rather shit circuit, TBF, and it looks fugly as hell. On the flipside, it appears to be giving some rather exciting moments, and you can overtake, unlike Monaco. But it is apparently the child of Monaco, Montreal and Melbourne...and she ain't pretty.
  11. I am sooooo calling a Vettel victory. Hopefully so, anyway. Also, GP2 just got royally fucked up. Last lap, Pantano has led the whole race and suddenly he starts coasting very, very slowly. Bruno Senna, who's behind him in the championship, was in 5th place, and passed him...only for the exact same thing to happen to him. Senna crossed the line in 9th, and then the car pretty much stopped, and then a third car did the exact same thing and pulled up just ahead of Senna. Bizarro.
  12. Actually, Alonso's not done *that* bad in Qualifying so far this year, I think he's been on the front row twice?
  13. It's like, the only sport that I watch religiously. And yes, I call it a sport. Q2, and Alonso goes out in a huge shock. Vettel is 1st, with Massa and Heidfeld tied for 2nd, .017 behind Vettel. Trulli is under a second behind Vettel also in 4th.
  14. THIS IS AWESOME! Valencia, brand new circuit, and all the big names are doing shiiiiit. The top 4, after qualifying one, were Trulli, Vettel, Massa and Alonso. Raikkonen just, just managed to get in to Q2 in 13th, and to further add to the chaos, it's now raining. On a brand new circuit, where it's never rained before.
  15. Katsuya

    Big Brother

    ...94%!? Holy crap... Oh, and Spoiler: Click here to viewMario's going back in to propose to Lisa
  16. It's .9 Muta, ie: .9 on the Muta scale. I highly doubt that Muta would be in the game too, although with the TNA/NJPW thing going on, it is an ever so slightly possibility. But it's more likely than not some smarky reference...
  17. I liked Trish's song >_> And I seem to remember Lita's being strangely prophetic...
  18. SM 1 & 2 are easily the best of the entire series of these films, and they're actually very funny - perhaps because instead of just "parody-parody-parody", they actually put a little thought in to it. I caught like, two minutes of Epic Movie once and wanted to die.
  19. Mock the Week, Friends (I need like, at least one episode a day to keep me sane >_>), and I always go hunting for The Amazing Race as it's being shown in the US, just because it is hands down the best game/reality show ever. Even better than Runway.
  20. DOA should never be taken seriously. It wasn't as good as other DOA's in the past (I loved DOA 3) but it was all that it needed to be. Especially after the Volleyball disasters...
  21. I don't like it as much as SCII (the last one I played), if only because it's such a move in a different direction in terms of the weapons etc. I loved Soul Edge on the PS1, and the shift in gameplay is making it seem a lot more like Virtua Fighter to me than the original games. The Star Wars characters are a bit of a cheap gimmick too, and don't sit as well as the three "guest stars" in SCII. Still, I do enjoy playing the game and it's as fun as I remember it being. I loved Raphael in SCII and continue to do so in this one, and I've also used Angol Fear (one of the special Anime characters) alot recently. It's good fun if you don't take it too seriously. I still don't enjoy it as much as Tekken (or, to some extent, DOA), but I don't have a PS3 so this will sit quite nicely until the next DOA.
  22. TBF, the Brits have won gold in Swimming, Rowing, Sailing and Cycling.
  23. I do love how much Team GB is owning, especially the cycling. Right now, we're on course to jump to 3rd/4th in the medal tables, mainly thanks to the cycling (we're guaranteed a Gold & Silver tomorrow, because it's GB vs. GB in the Womens Pursuit, and we still are guaranteed at least silver with Ben Ainslie & the Yngling sailors...that's not counting more cycling which we should own in.)
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxuezdjj7cE, this I'll have you know rocked all kinds of soxorz. And Wizadora was another one I loved. And the wrestling figures...god I was obsessed with them. I had this awesome Nitro ring, with light fixtures and staging at the top. I seem to remember "storylines" I had including Sting running over Kane with a motorbike, a mammoth DDP/Rock feud (that ended, I seem to remember, with Rock landing a Rock Bottom through the staging and in to the ring)...such good, good times.
  25. I'm super hyped for t'Lympics this time round. So much so, I bring you the uber-special Kats medal count board: DAY ONE
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