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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. The Download link is a .gif, and the website is down.
  2. Jenson on pole again, this time with Trulli (presumably legally) in second. Glock and Rosberg are behind them, thanks to Vettel and Barrichello getting their penalties. Funniest part of Qualifying has to be Ferrari being too confident and not sending Massa out in Q1, leading to him being eliminated
  3. I think the fact that both the tean and Lewis lied makes it even worse. http://www.fia.com/en-GB/mediacentre/press...s_decision.aspx The above link has the radio between Lewis & the team, and they clearly say "you HAVE to let the Toyota pass". http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport...one/7979304.stm And there's the view from Trulli's car. He slows down a lot too after they went past the transporter, and looks like he's signalling Lewis to go past him - so...really, the right decision was made. McLaren could easily have put their hands up at the start and said they let Trulli through and been happy with five points, but now they've ended up with zero (and quite rightly, too).
  4. He got hit in the first corner by Barrichello, I believe, and then got hit by another car (Heidfeld?). It took about 40 seconds for them to take the nose off, so he ended up about 2 laps down by the end.
  5. Vettel's penalty was for disobeying rules saying that substantial damage to your car means you pull over there and then. It makes sense, but you've got to give credit to the guy for managing to drive a good lap and a half on three wheels (and he would have finished in 7th given his position under the safety car: nobody could pass him until they were over the line. He'd have been disqualified, but still...). Oh, and it's not the first win for a debuting team since Fangio: Wolfe won their first race too in the 70s.
  6. Amazing race, really. So much on-track overtaking, and action throughout. Jenson didn't put a foot wrong throughout the race, and handled the first safety car period brilliantly, I thought - and then kept his head together when the fuel didn't go in (albeit why they were even bothering to fuel him, I don't know, as he seemed to fuel long enough at the first stop to get through, even without a saftey car to conserve fuel. Rubens did rather brilliantly, too, and the fact that he "fixed" the front wing by breaking off the damaged bit when he hit the Ferrari was rather hilarious. Lewis has been promoted to 3rd thanks to Trulli receiving a penalty, as he apparently went off the track behind the safety car, meaning that Lewis couldn't do anything but overtake him (which is why the BBC crew got confused), and Trulli then took the place back. Kubica/Vettel was unfortunate, and probably could have been avoided, but I think that the two of them could prove to be the big blocks in Brawn's path if they're not careful. Vettel was more or less keeping up with Jenson the entire race, and he was holding off Massa for a good period after the SC. Oh, and a big shame for Rosberg, who just seemed to completely lose it after that bad pit stop...but he's 6th now, I think, so...yeah.
  7. Oooh, they released the weights. And worryingly for everyone else, the two Brawn cars were second and third heaviest, with only Glock heavier than them (which isn't good for Ferrari, especially since they've got KERS to add to their weight). Heidfeld and Kovalainen are the heaviest of the people who are "competitive", as it were.
  8. Actually, it's Glock and Trulli who have been demoted as a result of the rear wings, and Williams who have launched the complaint - which is also against Red Bull & Ferrari. So, if those four cars get demoted too, then the grid will actually look like this... Which would completely throw open the race. Nakajima could be in with a real shot of winning, because he was on course to get in to Q3 were it not for a small error, and Williams will be able to tailor his fuel load for the race - meaning that he could be in with a shot of jumping the Brawn's in the pits. Ironically, Lewis could end up having changed his gearbox and actually starting ahead of where he qualified...
  9. Pretty sure he did it with Maurice Hamilton, who's still doing it on Five Live. I thought that together, him and Brundle are probably going to be a rather awesome commentary team - no real hounders that you'd find from James Allen, and they were both very attentive. As an aside, watching practice, the partnership between David Croft and Anthony Davidson is actually rather brilliant, and Davidson in particular is probably the heir to Brundle, or could be a strong commentator in his own right. As an aside, they've changed Hamilton's gearbox and therefore he starts in 20th and dead last, the lowest he's ever qualified. I wouldn't be surprised, however, to find that McLaren start Lewis from the pit lane - that way, the inevitable first corner collision (which ALWAYS happens in Melbourne) can be avoided and he could find himself 30 seconds ahead of the midfield going in to the first lap, as they try to recover from losing their front wings (which will happen, given the size of those things) and heading to the pits.
  10. Jenson on pole, Rubens 2nd and Vettel 3rd. Kubica managed to nab 4th, surprisingly, and Nico in 5th - and no Ferrari up to 7th place. This is going to be awesome.
  11. It looks to me like it's going to be a Rosberg/Rubens affair. Watching both sessions, they were the two who really seemed to be tuned in to the circuit...but I'd also love to see Mark Webber make the comeback of all comebacks in his home GP. Combined Practice Times: So...yeah. We've gone from having maybe seven teams with a chance of winning to four: Williams, Brawn, Toyota & RBR. Looking back to 2008, Rosberg managed to keep it on the track and nab that third place, but Rubens & Nakajima both had good races too. I can see those three being the podium, but I wouldn't be surprised if a load of cars lose their front wings at the start...
  12. So, tomorrow/today is the big day! Brawn, Williams and Toyota's diffusers were cleared by the stewards after Ferrari (who previously said they weren't going to complain), Renault and Red Bull all protested; right now, it looks like Brawn have got this one wrapped up already, but practice will tell all...McLaren, Renault & Ferrari, meanwhile, have said they're using KERS. For those in the UK who are nocturnal/bothered, practice 1 is on at like, 1AM on the BBC Red Button. EDIT: Williams and Brawn right now are dominating after FP1. Heikki and Kimi look slightly competitive, especially Heikki who's absolutely smashed Lewis this session...
  13. Katsuya

    Number Ones...

    I think that the one I was most annoyed about missing was "Don't Speak", but the Spice Girls beat it the week before my birthday V_V.
  14. Katsuya

    Number Ones...

    Bwah, listening to the playlist now, the change from Spirit in the Sky to Yeah is awesome.
  15. Katsuya

    Number Ones...

    So, it's my 18th on Saturday, and I'm having this "party" for family etc. on Sunday. Yes, this is necessary to explain this. Anyway, I've been put in charge of music, but I have to have a set where it's the number one song here in the UK for each of my birthday's. So, using a *little* bit of leeway (I'm not having Unchained fucking Melody by Gareth Gates. Evergreen is better.), here's my list: So...yeah. Do it yourselves. It's interesting. Trust me.
  16. ...ooh, that's interesting. BMW have said they have a working KERS but haven't said if they'll use it in Melbourne. Renault just announced that they're using it in Melbourne...which very well might make everybody else come out and say they're using it. Brawn might not be in such a good spot after all (albeit there's only three straights where you can probably use it around Albert Park).
  17. The only problem I can see with this is Jenson/Rubens winning the first like, five races in a row, then Brawn falls off the pace - but BMW/Ferrari/Toyota, for example, could trade the rest of the wins and Jenson wins overall with like, 20 less points than someone who's consistently finished in the podiums. I think FOTA's 12-9-7-5-4-3-2-1 would have worked a lot better, personally. Jerez...well, Alonso finally managed to beat the Brawn's yesterday, but only by like...a tenth of a second. Then Jenson beat that time today by like, half a second (and Rosberg beat it too). The McLaren's are now around a second behind Brawn, and 0.5-0.6 tenths behind Renault. It's not looking good for them, essentially.
  18. Honda began working on the car during the 08 season, because they knew it was a write-off, essentially. When Honda pulled out, the staff kept on working on the car, so it never stopped being developed - it just never had any testing before last week, and therefore nobody had any idea just how much progress had been made.
  19. Soooo...yeah. It's probably been the most thrown around term right now, but "most open season ever" seems to be very applicable right now, albeit as it stands, it might be "Brawn win"..."Brawn win again"..."and again"... Anyhow, since I've been addicted to the pre-season stuff, and for people who don't know what's going on, I might as well do this: Ferrari - They look pretty strong as it stands, and probably will challenge for the titles this year. Kimi looks like he's regained some of his fire again, while Massa's been fairly steady. I believe that they've said they won't be running KERS for the first couple of races. Their fastest time of the week in Barcelona was a 1.20.168, set by Massa on the third day. McLaren - Erm...yes. They're shit, essentially, and they've admitted that. Both Lewis & Heikki have struggled throughout testing, with the rear wing apparently being the major problem - and they've more or less run out of time to correct it, since the wind tunnel they've been using doesn't represent on-track results. Their fastest time was set on the last day by Hamilton, a 1.20.869. Unclear if they're using KERS. BMW Sauber - Right now, they're probably Brawn's only credible threat at Melbourne. Heidfeld's seemingly on par with Kubica in testing, so hopefully that will mean there's less focus on helping him, detracting from Kubica (who's got a shot at the world title, I'd say). Their fastest was a 1.20.217 on day three, but if anyone is running KERS in Melbourne, it will be them, which will boost their times. Renault - They have an ugly car. That's been the main thing people have said about Renault; otherwise, they're probably lumped in with McLaren in the "struggling" category. Not using KERS in Melbourne, and their fastest was the last day, a 1.20.664 by Alonso. Toyota - Seem to be doing fairly well, overall. They've got a chance of nabbing a few early podiums, I'd say, albeit Glock has pretty much been thrashing Trulli. No KERS early on; fastest time was Glock's 1.20.091 on the last day. Toro Rosso - After last year's heroics, it doesn't look like there's going to be much happening for Toro Rosso (albeit they might come on later on, like last year). They'll probably come under some pressure from Force India at the back. No KERS, and a fastest time of the week set by Buemi with a 1.21.013. Red Bull - Strong and reliable for a change, it seems, but look like they might have to settle for a 4th/5th Constructors battle, having been outpaced in the latest tests by others. They too won't be using KERS for a good portion of the season, with Vettel setting their quickest time on day four, a 1.20.576. Williams - Despite a rather significant lack of money for this season, it seems, Williams have actually shown a little bit of pace. Nakajima's not sucking as much as he usually does, too. Their fastest was on the last day with a super-impressive 1.19.774 by Rosberg, but that will be qualifying pace - they're probably around the McLaren/Renault battle otherwise. Brawn GP - Well...having been saved from the brink of collapse a week ago, they're currently kicking everybody's ass. I don't even think the new car has broken down yet. To make the point, but Jenson & Rubens have pretty much eclipsed everybody else by around about 1-2 second...and the two "vets" of F1 appear to have a win in Melbourne all sealed up, unless something goes wrong (or their lack of KERS plays a major problem). Fastest time? 1.18.926. Force India - They're...trying. That's probably the best thing to say about Force India right now. The car still looks like it will be occupying the back of the grid most of the time, but it might spring a couple of lower points during the year. 1.21.045 was their best time of the week. Of course, everything could/will change between now and Melbourne, so really, it's hard to predict what will happen. We might find this time in two weeks that we have a Ferrari/McLaren top four...or we might have a Brawn/Williams top four. Who knows.
  20. I'd give Kelly a solid 8, maybe bordering on to a 9. I don't think she's the perfect artist, and I don't think she ever will be, but she does have a rather awesome range. I think that Since U Been Gone is an amazing song, and I think that Never Again is brilliant, especially the video.
  21. I honestly marked a little when, as Hogan, I pinned Andre a little too close to the ropes, allowing Heenan to put his foot on the rope, then Andre getting up and beating the crap out of me for a good 30 seconds or so. I think this is easily one of the best looking WWE games in recent times, maybe because it's different to the SDvs.RAW games which are all rather samey. I think the controls will take some getting used too, and the Tomb Raider-esque "action sequence" reversals might get tiring, but overall I'm looking fnrward to this alot now. Oh, and taunts look to be very complex...
  22. As previously mentioned, Be Prepared > EVERYTHING. He Mele No Lilo is pretty good too, though.
  23. It would make sense then if Ellie was Mrs. Hawking, because if I recall, Ellie was British too and around the island the same time as Charles Widmore, and Alan Dale & Fionulla Flanagan (probably wrong, but it's something like that) are about the same age I guess.
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