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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. There are tears in my eyes now, you big meanie!

  2. Rosenrot was in 2005, wasn't it? Saying that, it was just Reise, Reise part two, so...yeah. The thing with comparing this to Amerika is the fact that at least Amerika had something resembling a social commentary. This is just Rammstein trying to be edgy and it's not really worked for them. Still, Rammlied is muuuuch better.
  3. So, yeah. Liuzzi has replaced Fisi at Force India, which was no surprise. When he said a couple of races ago to the BBC that he pretty much had a race seat sorted for next year, it did play on my mind that Fisi was going to drop out of F1 as a driver - and I'm pretty sure that moving to Ferrari to do that is the perfect way for him to end his career. Other little tidbits of news: should Alonso be DQ'd from the Singapore Grand Prix, that would make Nico Rosberg a Grand Prix winner, which he seems to be looking forward to. It would also mean that retrospectively, Lewis would have had to finish 7th or higher to win the title in Brazil last year. And if you wiped Alonso clean out of 2008, I'm gonna assume Lewis would have won by an ever bigger margin over Massa (since Alonso typically seemed to finish behind Massa but ahead of Lewis towards the end). And Mercedes are reportedly going to buy 40% of Brawn, which'd make things fun for McLaren...
  4. Katherine with a K. Apart from one RP where I went mad, apparently, I typed it with a C. And, yes, Sho was COMPLETELY fucked over by the movie. But if anyone were to survive Battle Royale, I'd have to pick Mitsuko. I just love the character, and while you can't really have a villain winning...she's tragic enough to make it work >_>
  5. The woman on it tonight was hands down one of the best they've ever had. The "memory loss" joke was awesome, I thought. In fact, this entire episode was by far the best of the series so far.
  6. Fisi has signed for Ferrari; Mallya essentially said that Fisi's done more than enough for F. India, and he wasn't going to let him miss the chance of driving a Ferrari at his home GP. I do find it slightly awesome that, right now, Fisi has suddenly become the biggest name in F1
  7. According to this month's Gamesmaster, there's only 6 RTWM slots, and "any created content can be uploaded online to share with other players" - so hopefully, that includes storylines.
  8. That's eerily like the time I started listing Pokemon that might be able to beat Suicune, only for DX to shoot me down with a load of technical speech x_x
  9. I presume they could by DQ'd...but, really, that's a bit unfair for them to be kind of insinuating that Renault are the ones under investigation. Could be absolutely anything, really.
  10. Bwahahaha. Oh, how I love Spa so, so very much. Fisi, Trulli and Heidfeld FTW, please, so that we get a "first win" to some degree (F. India's, Toyota's, or Heidfeld's). Although really, this weekend is perfectly set up for Rubens to hammer a load of points out from Button's lead - if he gets second, and with Button unlikely to score, he'll have it down to 10 points, and...this could be a very, very awesome GP...
  11. So, Spa time once again. Yayzers for one of my favourite tracks, and even better, there's a chance that it could rain on Sunday, which'll make for a great race no doubt (and hopefully one as batshit random as Spa '98). Badoer is still like, a second slower than everyone, by the by, while Red Bull are looking pretty good...as is Alguesuari, who got like, 6th in FP2. As for the gool ol' "Who's going where next year!?" saga, the latest rumour is that Kimi is staying, and he's going back to McLaren. Which, really? REALLY!? That's just going to be completely bizzare if he does.
  12. Caves of Androzani...sooooo awesome. It was on a load when they were celebrating some big anniversary of Doctor Who, if I recall, on Gold or whatever it was called then.
  13. I think the fact is that Badoer looked off the pace the ENTIRE weekend, in a car that was proven to be able to come 3rd. Grosjean had to pit after the first lap incident and STILL passed Badoer, and this was Grosjean's first ever F1 race. Qualifying 1.5 seconds behind Alguesuari isn't really excusable either, considering it's the kid's second GP. Alguesuari at least was able to keep up with the pack in Hungary, and he'd not had a season of F1's experience (even if it was 10 years ago) behind him.
  14. Yes, but Rubens also came in five laps earlier than he had to, apparently, because they knew he would pass Lewis if they brought him in early - so I imagine that had he stayed out, he might have had the pace to come in to the pits and get out ahead of Lewis based on sheer speed alone, even if Lewis' stop had gone right.
  15. Reportedly, Rubens was six seconds quicker during the laps before his second stop, and Lewis was stuck about 4-5 seconds longer than he should - so Barrichello would still have come out ahead. Just a case of whether Lewis could have passed him on the track or not. Also, Valencia still sucks and should go away. Worse still, they've signed a contract for next year. Although the hilarity of Badoer driving over the white line, giving himself a penalty, in order to let Grosjean past was a high point. The chances of him being in that car next week have to be soooo slim...but then again, who can they call up in that period of time, other than Bourdais/Piquet, since they're the only two who have driven this spec of car. Jenson's got a good shot at the title now though; Rubens, Webber and Vettel keep on trading positions and can't take "big" points away from him, and Lewis and Kimi keep on snatching podium spots which isn't helping either.
  16. Soo...Valencia. Time for the world's most boring GP to get a second go-around. Still, it might be slightly more interesting this year, because apparently Rubens is fuelled heavier than the two McLarens and therefore is about 0.2 seconds quicker than them on raw pace, so he might actually be able to challenge them. Although really, I'm hoping for a Heikki victory deep down, because the guy deserves a win after a lot of unfair stick that he's been getting so far this year. Also, Luca Badoer LOL. Brundle made a good point yesterday when he said that you should just put Piquet in the car, because he's at least going to be slightly competitive, and he knows the new car specs and stuff.
  17. Bwahaha. The 800m womens favourite, Caster Semenya, who suddenly burst on to the scene a couple of months ago, has been asked to take a gender verification test. Personally...she does look a *bit* mannish... Lookie!
  18. It was obvious that they were going to get the go-ahead. It was a complete over-reaction given the events that had happened that weekend and the week before with Surtees. Turns out that McLaren, Ferrari, Red Bull and Toyota all wrote in to the FIA to help Renault as well, which is a nice show (I imagine Ferrari writing in was fairly crucial, given Massa's situation). In other news, it turns out that BMW actually did apply for 2010 on Monday...which is rather random. They still could pull out, though, which is just...bizzare.
  19. I went to see the United vs. Arsenal FA Cup Replay during 98/99 (when Giggs scored *that* goal)...sooooo good. Although I do remember looking at Villa Park and thinking "how is this place not falling apart?". Seriously, Macclesfield's stadium looked better.
  20. I think 97/98, 01/02 and FM05 are the ones that I've gone back to and played...
  21. I've been playing it non-stop for about a week, ever since I found out that it was available to download for free by the website...and, yes, most Champ Man games are ridiculously replayable.
  22. Aaaaand Schumacher's pulled out. His neck injury is too bad, apparently, and he can't do it - so Luca Badoer is standing in. Anticlimax YAY!
  23. Nerf just reminded me about something: am I the only person that finds Koga infinitely easier to battle than Sabrina? Seriously, that girl would always fuck my team up while Koga was a massive pushover.
  24. So, yeah...more and more details about HeartGold and SoulSilver keep on coming out (I so, so hope those names get changed when they get released over here...). There's a new contest called the Pokethlon, where you have a series of "events" that your Pokemon can compete in. They each have different stats now for stamina/technique etc. much like the cool/smart stats; apricorns can be used to boost these stats as well as making different kinds of ball. Kanto is in it, the Bug Catching contest is in it, there's also a new Safari Zone around Cianwood City that you can customise by moving the areas around. Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza are all also in the game, and there's a Battle Frontier near Olivine City. In other words, it looks AWESOME.
  25. Renault have dropped Nelson Piquet now; also, Williams blocked Schumi from having a one day test in the 09 car, citing the fact you can't have one rule for him and another for Alguesuari
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