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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. Eh. I don't really like it, if it wins it's from sheer "well we kind of have to give it to them for how much they spent" value and not much else.
  2. ...guys...the Lithuanian entry this year is even better than We Are the Winners...you seriously have to watch it...
  3. The other news is that Hispania have dumped Dallara, since they've yet to make any upgrades for the car and aren't even giving them enough spare parts as it is. Can't see the team surviving after this season at this pace...
  4. Katsuya


    Yeah, more Santana and Brittany is awesome. Heather Morris (actress who plays Brittany) said they should have it so that her first real solo singing piece is in the Britney Spears episode that they keep on talking about, which...yeah, that would be awesome. Oh, and one thing, where the hell was Jesse in this episode? That was the one problem I had with it, his sudden disappearance made no sense, unless we're meant to believe he's already gone back to Vocal Adrenaline.
  5. Katsuya


    I honestly thought that last night's episode ranks easily in my top 3 Glee episodes of all time. Obviously the GaGa love gets approval from me, but I just thought it was a really, really strong episode, and it says something that there was no Sue whatsoever in it. I like that in the past two weeks they've developed Tina and Artie from the background a fair bit (and it was nice to see Tina not just as "Artie's sort-of girlfriend"), and that throughout this back 9 they've also worked a lot on characters like Quinn, Puck and especially Santana. That girl has got awesome vocals, how they didn't feature her more in the first half I don't know. The Kurt/Burt/Finn scene was awesome though. Mike O'Malley has been so, so, so good in his role in pretty much every episode he's been in, and we finally got something of a pay off tonight from the tension between him and Kurt in the past few weeks. Kurt sort of still needs his comeuppance a bit for essentially goading Finn in to launching that tirade (although not to the degree that Finn went), but I think the realisation once and for all that his biggest crush is never going to be anything more than that is probably gonna hit him hard. Oh, also, having heard previews for the "Journey to Regionals EP", there's a bit of a spoiler involved here with one of the songs:
  6. Only the winner and the Big Four qualify now. Which is a bit sucky, but, meh. And it's Graham Norton hosting it again this year. And the UK does have an entry. He's awful. Actually horrific. The song makes my ears bleed. :/
  7. Time for me to go in to gay overdrive. Yeah, it's that time of year again, Eurovision has come around and tonight is Semi Final #1. We're in Norway after Alexander Rybak () won last year with Fairytale, and of course the other big story of last year was the fact that for once, the UK didn't completely suck total ass and actually came a very respectable 5th place. Plus, the Eastern Bloc is no longer the dominant power they were thanks to the Jury system being brought back. Anyway, Semi Final #1 is tonight, with Belgium and Iceland meant to be the big favourites to go through (Iceland having come second last year). Doubt many people'll watch it since most seem to just go for the Final on Saturday but, if you do want to, it's on at 8 on BBC3. Huzzahs
  8. Kovalainen passing Massa was awesome. I think it's looking surprisingly good for Ferrari, they've really stepped it back up the past couple of races, although why Massa is doing so poorly in comparison with Alonso, I dunno. Kubica looks good this weekend, he's really come alive in this Renault and is driving it with everything he's got, which isn't good news for Massa since his contract is up this year. Most impressive thing is that Kubica's on 44 points so far this season, which is only 6 behind Rosberg and 5 behind Hamilton/Massa (and a huge 22 ahead of Schumi who's the cloest one behind him). He's been consistent (Australia ignored, when he got caught up with Sutil on the first lap) and that 2nd in China was very handy...I'd definitely be willing to put money on him getting on the podium this weekend. He goes well around here too from memory (was it 2008 when he led for a while ahead of Massa?) Apparently, Senna's car is damaged still from his crash in Catalunya, and the team don't actually have the spare parts necessary to fully repair it, which is why he's so far behind everyone else. Bit of a poor show from Dallara, it seems they really fucked up the car for Hispania which ain't really fair on them (although how much money Dallara got is a big question). I would also like to point out the fun fact that Karun Chandhok is second in the driver's table from the new teams, behind Kovalainen.
  9. The gameplay that you could see in the trailer looked very, very Impact-esque, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It'd probably work better in fact for an AAA game than it did for TNA, but we shall see. I am excited by the looks of this, though.
  10. Trying to breed seven Eevee with the best possible natures is a damn annoying time consumer >_<
  11. Katsuya


    They actually foreshadowed that earlier in the season, too, when Also, an actual spoiler in terms of a guest star and the final epsiode of this season:
  12. Katsuya


    I actually thought it was one of the best episodes yet. Express Yourself, 4 Minutes and Like a Prayer were all great performances in their own ways, and Vogue is always great. But then again, I'm a huge Madonna fan (go figure >_>). Plus, Chris Colfer looks good in a Cheerio uniform, and that is the last I shall say on that matter. Yes there was a bit of music overkill, like the mash-up that Finn/Rachel did and using Frozen completely out of place as backing music, but I don't think it harmed the episode particularly. It wasn't as bad as Mash-Up/Ballad were, for example. Also, "When I pulled my hamstring, I went to a misogynist..." is one of Brit's best lines so far. ETA:
  13. I don't understand why the Safety Car was out for that long, either. I presume they HAD to bunch up all the cars at that point, they couldn't have just pulled in after 2 laps or so when Button/Rosberg/Kubica were still at a different end of the big straight to the ones behind htem. Still, it was an awesome race, and it was another good day for the "rookies" with Petrov putting in an amazing display despite spinning. Also, I love whenver Petrov does well or has an incident 'cos they show his random manager woman in the pits, who just seems to be completely out of place at all times.
  14. Watching the short highlights of the 2005 San Marino GP on the BBC site...my god I forgot how good Alonso's drive was that day to hold off Michael...
  15. Holy fuck...Buemi's front suspensions just exploded under braking heading in to the last corner during FP1. Both front tyres went flying off, one of them nearly hit a cameraman and landed by some fans who then posed with it. Seriously worrying to see it though when it first happened.
  16. Pokeathlon, certain days = certain stones.
  17. Devil's Gambit Wrestling on TBS Show #001 Jim Ross: Welcome to DGW! We are live here from none other than Madison Square Garden, here in New York City! Folks, we're very happy to bring our first show live to you in your homes here on TBS. I'm Jim Ross, and sitting next to me is my broadcast partner, Tazz. Tazz: That's right JR, we're live in the NYC, my hometown, and boy do we have an amazing first show for you people tonight! Jim Ross: Indeed we do, we are going to crown our very first DGW Singles Champion here tonight. *A graphic appears on the screen showing all twenty members of the singles roster on the screen, with the DGW Singles Title in the background.* Jim Ross: A twenty man, over the top rope battle royal match - it's simple, one man will walk out victorious and everyone else begins their DGW career with a loss on the board. We're going to be hearing from all twenty of our competitors throughout the night as they introduce themselves to all our fans at home and tell us why they're going to win the battle royal tonight. Tazz: Plus, we're going to see the start of the matches to determine who gets a shot for the DGW Women's and the DGW Tag Team Titles - I'll tell ya what JR, this is shaping up to be a huge night! #1 - Teddy Tells All *Before any of the matches can get underway though, Lilian Garcia announces that we are to be joined at this time by the General Manager of DGW: Mr. Theodore Long! Those in attendance pop as Long's music starts to play, with the legendary former manager and referee coming out from the back, waving at fans with one hand while he had a microphone in the other.* Teddy Long: Welcome to DGW! Now listen up, playas, because there is a lot to get through tonight and I know you want to see DGW's finest go at it in this ring, so I'll keep this brief. As you may already know, there are three seperate competitions that are always running in DGW for all of our competitors. Six tag teams, eight of the finest womens wrestlers in the world and twenty singles competitors. They're the best of the best, each picked for their skills and talent, and lemme tell you: they are all determined to be on top and put on a great show for you folks too! *A pop rings out through the Garden, which Long lets die down before he continues to speak.* Long: Now let me explain how the competitions work. Every wrestler or tag team's win-loss record will decide their position in the competition; then, when the DGW board decide that there will be an elimination match, however many wrestlers are at the bottom of the rankings will face off in the ring. The winner gets to fight another day, but the loser...well that playa is on a ticket right back home! But there's one more very important rule I still have to mention. If anyone interferes in another match in DGW, there will be big consequences that they have to answer up to. Now, that's all you need to know right now I think, so let's get it on with our first match! *"You think you know me..." calls out over the speaker system, leading to a mix of cheers and boos from the audience. As Teddy exits the ring, out from the back come Edge & Christian, both decked out in ridiculously oversized foam hats, dorky grins plastered on their faces* Tazz: Hey JR, you think we're gonna get treated with a five second pose? Jim Ross: To be honest, Tazz, I wouldn't put it past these two, but they're gonna have to keep their wits - if they actually have any - about them heading in to this match. We're kicking things off with tag team action, and it's three teams in one match, as Edge & Christian take on the Dudleys and the Legion of Doom! MATCH ONE: DGW Tag Team Titles Hunt - Semi Final #1 E&C vs. Dudley Boys vs. Legion of Doom From the beginning of the match it seemed that Edge & Christian wanted very little to do with either the Dudleys or the LOD, refusing to allow any of the other four men to tag them in to the match. Their tactic of only choosing to get in the ring to break up pinfalls seemed to be getting on the nerves of both opposing teams, eventually leading to Hawk and D-Von - the two non-legal men in the match at the time - dragging the Canadians off the mat and starting a brawl on the outside. Christian attempted to escape the brawl by jumping back on to the apron, only for Bubba to shove Animal in to him, which the referee regarded as a tag. Christian found himself being slammed in over the top rope by Bubba, then moments later falling victim to a Bubba Bomb! Sensing that the end was near in the ring, D-Von dragged the dazed Animal to the floor before sending him in to the barricade. With Hawk and Edge still fighting, the Dudleys whipped Christian in to the ropes before sending him crashing to earth with a 3D; Bubba made the cover while D-Von blocked Hawk from getting back in and breaking up the pin, giving the Dudleys the three count and the win! Dudley Boys [1-0] def. E&C [0-1] & Legion of Doom [0-1] Jim Ross: A huge win for the Dudley Boys here tonight! I bet they'll be going wild back in Dudleyville. Tazz: Hey, I've been through there with Bubba and D-Von, I'd be surprised if any of the people there knew how to turn on a TV, let alone switch to the right channel... Jim Ross: Well regardless of that, we now know that next week in our main event, the Dudley Boys will get their shot at taking the DGW Tag Team Titles against whichever team wins our second tag match later tonight. Tazz: That's right JR. Whichever team wins the titles is immediately at the top of the mountain, plus it means that if that team ever ends up in an elimination match, they'll have a special advantage which could mean all the difference between staying in the competition or being sent home. Jim Ross: Tonight is no different though, as we said earlier in the broadcast, our main event is going to put all twenty men in the singles competition up against each other to determine the first DGW Singles Champion. Let's here from some of the competitors. #2 - The First Five *All the promo shots come from the backstage area, with the wrestler in question stood in front of a plain black background, the "DGW" logo in the background on a TV screen. First on the stage is CM Punk, a scowl on the face of the "Straight Edge Savior".* CM Punk: My name is CM Punk. In order for me to extol the virtues of my straight edge lifestyle upon you people in thirty seconds would be impossible, but I'll give you a quick run down of who I am and why I can save you. I do not pollute my body with alcohol or illegal substances. I don't abuse prescription drugs like so many of you people do. I am at the peak of physical fitness and I prove this each and every night in the ring. You may boo me now, but that's only because you people have been blinded by the alcohol-dependant society that we live in today. My straight edge society is the greatest thing that could ever happen to you, and one day you will all learn to thank me for it. My name is CM Punk, and I'm straight edge - that means, I'm better than you. ---- The Miz: I'm the Miz...and I'm...not alone. You see, I could have come here and given the same "I'm The Miz, I'm gonna win everything and be the best wrestler in this company!" speech that all these other rejects and losers will have recorded. I, on the other hand, have the interests of a female admirer, and she's going to tell you a little bit more about me. *Maryse walks up next to The Miz, placing one hand on his chest and the other around his shoulder, flicking her hair back and posing for the camera as she does so.* Maryse: The Miz est plus d'un homme que tous les autres dans cette promotion, et ensemble, nous ne règnent sur tous les autres. The Miz: Man, that's hot. I have no idea what she just said, of course, and I'm sure that none of you idiots will either. It doesn't matter though; ya see, we're the "in crowd" around here, which means we know everyone and everyone knows us. But most of all, they know me - because I'm the Miz...and I'm...AWESOME! ----- John Cena: I'm John Cena. I'm the leader of the Chain Gang, of the Cenation, of the army of my fans who go out there each and every night and cheer for me as I give it my all in the ring! What do you want to know about me? I guess I could say that I might be loved by some, hated by others, arguably one of the most controversial and divisive superstars of the past five years, but the fact is that I'm the guy at the end of it all who's going to stand up for all you fans. You've got guys here that think they're the best, well I say prove it against me, against any guy in this company, because only then will they get my respect. Tonight, I'm going in to the ring and I am going to put myself on top of that mountain - because when I have a target on my back, I'm at my best. ----- Shawn Michaels: You don't know who I am? Oh boy, well I guess it's up to little old me to introduce myself. I'm the "Heartbreak Kid", Shawn Michaels, the "Showstopper", "Mr. Wrestlemania", some people even call me "The Icon". But the most important thing is that people look at me and they respect me. Some people think of me as the greatest wrestler of all time, and that's not a title that I hold in disregard. Now I'm not sure exactly what's going on here but the way I see it, there are nineteen other guys who pose a threat to me right now. They can come after me, they can try to keep me down, but they'll all learn one simple lesson: don't hunt what you can't kill. HBK is going straight to the top...and I'm not coming back down. ----- Diesel: I'm "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel. I'm not gonna go on like some of these other punks have, because I'm not the type of guy that does my talking with words. I do it in the ring, either when I boot you in the head or when I drill you with the Jacknife Powerbomb. Just you watch. ----- Tazz: Huh...Diesel seems really up for this, don't he? Jim Ross: That man is dangerous, he's unpredictable and the main thing is that he likes to hurt people. But if Diesel thinks he's going to get an easy ride tonight then he's got another thing coming, especially with the likes of Cena, Michaels, Miz and Punk - not to mention everyone else we haven't seen yet - in that battle royal too! *There's no time to waste though, as "Pourquoi" hits the speakers. Maryse steps out from the back, disdainfully looking at the fans around her, throwing her hands up at them after unbuttoning the front of her coat. Some of the male members of the crowd by ringside don't seem to mind too much, bowing down to the diva as she enters the ring, flicking her hair back as she ducks under the top rope.* Tazz: Oh man, we're in for a treat right now. Jim Ross: We just saw Maryse with the Miz, looking as elegant as ever, but don't let her looks fool you folks, this woman is manipulative and devious, not to mention extremely competent in the ring. Tazz: Oh no doubt about that, Maryse really is the full package, but she's gonna have her hands full tonight. Maryse is in action and that match is next! MATCH TWO: DGW Women's Title Hunt - Semi Final #1 Maryse vs. Lita Maryse didn't seem to be able to cope with Lita's much quicker wrestling style at the start of this match, nearly being pinned from a Tornado DDT within the first minute of the opening bell. The Quebecer, however, realised that she could use it against Lita, doing so by dodging a cross body. Lita crashed and burned to the mat, allowing Maryse to take advantage, restricting Lita from speeding the pace of the match up. When Maryse went for the French Kiss though, Lita was able to grab hold of the rope, stopping herself from being driven in to the mat. A dazed Maryse then fell victim to a Litacarana, and as she struggled back to her feet from this, Lita was able to hook her up for the Twist of Fate. A three count later and the fiery redhead had picked up an early victory in DGW. Lita [1-0] def. Maryse [0-1] Jim Ross: Lita's experience very well might have won her the match there, Tazz - she knew exactly where she was in the ring and that was the only reason she didn't get hit with that nasty French Kiss! Tazz: Oh I dunno, JR, I don't think anything Maryse could do would ever be nasty! Jim Ross: Will you stop? Honestly, I thought King was bad. Folks, we're gonna take you to our next five competitors in tonight's battle royal, including some of our...odder members of the roster. #4 - Five More For The Camera... *The bleached hair of Shelton Benjamin is the first figure in front of the camera, although to say that Shelton looks - and speaks - a bit awkward is an understatement.* Shelton Benjamin: Alright, here we go. I'm Shelton Benjamin and I'm the Gold Standard, the guy that everybody else is gonna be looking up at me. Because I am the best pure athlete in this competition, it don't matter to me if you got a gold medal or so many monikers that people adore you all the world over. Because, uh, just look at my body, I am the Gold Standard when it comes to physical fitness and that's something that nobody can take away from me. If I wanna leap from a rope I can do it just like that, I can jump on to the turnbuckle and take you out that way or I can just plain outwrestle you. By the end of this thing...you're all gonna be screaming my name. ----- Kurt Angle: I'm Kurt Angle. I'm the only Olympic Gold medallist in the history of this business. Guess what? That means something - that means a whole damn lot. I'm focused, I know what I have to do to win this battle royal tonight because I've been there before. I'm a Grand Slam Champion, it took me under three years to do that. I've done it all! Tonight is going to be no damn different, do you understand that? All I need to do is land one Angle Slam or snap your ankle in two, and that choice is all mine. I'm a machine. I live, breathe and sleep wrestling. I cannot - I will not - fail. ----- Goldust: Oooooh...what have we here? You want me to give an Oscar-winning performance? But, why, I'm just a stunning, platinum blonde haired young ingénue...except I'm not so innocent. That's just because I know my way around a ring and around one or two of the guys who get in that ring with me. Before any of you think that I'm not serious though, let me assure you that my performances are never PG...they're not even NC-17. You want comedy, you had better go somewhere else, because there's going to be nineteen other men in a tragedy when I walk out victorious tonight. Then, you will remember the name...Gooooooldust. ----- Raven: You want to hear me introduce myself? Fine. I'm Raven. I'm a guy who grew up as a kid who had no breaks in life. My parents didn't give a damn about me, just let me fend for myself most of the time. I didn't have friends. I didn't look like the cool kids, so they'd look down on me...laugh at me, taunt me, make me feel like I didn't want to live another day. You want to know what I did about it? One day I stayed behind at school and I took the class rabbit, threw it to some dogs and just walked away. I took their cruelty and I put it on to others. That's something that still stays in me every day, because you can't get rid of that. Everyone else should be thinking the same thing...what about me? What about...Raven? ----- Goldberg: My name is Bill Goldberg. I only have one thing to say: WHO'S NEXT!? ----- Tazz: Goldberg keeping it short and sweet there, I guess. Jim Ross: I wouldn't like to be the guy to tell him to talk more, would you? Tazz: Oh no, I think I'm happy staying this side of the desk whenever Goldberg's in action. Jim Ross: Up next folks we've got our second Semi Final for the DGW Tag Title Hunt, our three remaining tag teams are all going to be in action, you won't want to miss it! MATCH THREE: DGW Tag Team Titles Hunt - Semi Final #2 The Hardys vs. APA vs. Triple X Triple X waited until the last second to decide who was going to be participating in the match, opting to send Daniels and Skipper in to the ring whilst Low-Ki hung around on the outside. The match was fast paced during the periods that the Hardys and Triple X were involved, only for it to get a low slower and much more brutal when Bradshaw or Faarooq got involved. The APA's sheer power overwhelmed the other two teams, all until Triple X and The Hardys realised that they would have to work together to wear down their opponents. The unlikely duo between heel and face team even saw Skipper got on the floor, allowing Jeff Hardy to land the Poetry in Motion on Bradshaw in the turnbuckle. The partnership came to an end though as the match came to a close, with Low Ki getting involved from the outside; as Skipper distracted the referee, Ki landed a kick to Matt Hardy's back, allowing Daniels to land the Last Rites with Hardy caught off guard, then go for the cover. Skipper stopped the APA from breaking up the pin while Ki did the same with Jeff, allowing Triple X to pick up the victory. Triple X [1-0] def. The Hardys [0-1] & APA [0-1] Jim Ross: Well what do you know, Triple X resort to cheating to pick up the win. Tazz: You might call it cheating, JR, but you could call it using the best of their resources, if they've got a third guy out there then they might as well use him! Jim Ross: Yeah, well I'll debate that with you at a later date I'm sure partner. Either way, we now know that next week's main event will be Triple X taking on the Dudley Boys for the DGW Tag Team Titles. Tazz: Bubba and D-Von would love to claim their 24th set of tag team titles, but Triple X are young and hungry, they want those titles and they will stop at nothing to get them as we just saw in the ring. Tonight though it's all about our main event, the huge 20 man battle royal and we've got more words from some of the participants. #6 - More Words For The Night. *There is a degree of boos heard from the audience when the camera opens up with Chris Jericho this time, a scowl already on Y2J's face* Chris Jericho: Do I really have to introduce myself to these hypocrites? This bunch of pathetic, self-serving lowlifes who don't deserve to be even breathing the same air as me? You know what, fine. I'm Chris Jericho, I'm the man that beat The Rock and Steve Austin back to back to win the Undisputed Title. I'm the wisest, most charismatic man on this roster. You want to doubt that, fine, but it'll be your own fault when your so called "heroes" end up falling to me. Then I'll watch as you all come crawling back towards me, begging me to take you back as loyal "Jerichoholics". There's a way around it though: accept me now as your hero, your saviour, and it will be so much better for you all. Do you understand me? ----- The Brian Kendrick: Whoah, whoah, let's slow things down for a second. Okay, so, I'm THE Brian Kendrick. You have to get that right though - I'm not just anyone, I am THE Brian Kendrick. Say it with me one more time, okay? The Brian Kendrick. So, we've got that cleared up, right? I'm THE next biggest star in professional wrestling, that's something you have to believe. I might not be the biggest guy here - but that doesn't matter, because I'm THE "Man with the Plan". I know what's going on and I'm always one step ahead of the rest, that's how I'm going to win the DGW Title tonight in the battle royal. It's all about tactics, boys, and I'm the one who's got it all going on there. Get with the times or get left behind, because The Brian Kendrick is leading the way forward. ---- *William Regal is up next, but he is already yelling at someone off-screen when the shot cuts to him* William Regal: Why should I bloody well have to introduce myself? I'm King Wiliam Regal, why don't you get it in your pathetic little head that I have people who do my introductions? Don't you tell me you don't have anyone around who can do it, find someone! *There are murmurs from off the screen and Regal seems to get even more frustrated by what he's being told.* Regal: What!? What do you mean the camera is running!? Oh fine, I'll do it on my own. Honestly, I guess it says something about this company when even the simplest requests - requests decreed by the King, none the less, can't even be granted. Anyway, just give me a moment to compose myself and I will be able to tell you at length about my great deal of accomplishments. After all, I have all the time in the wor-- *Regal is cut off before he can even get going, as the next interview kicks in.* ----- Eddie Guerrero: Orale...ey, listen ese, you want me to tell all the papi's and mamacita's out there about me? Alright, homes, let's do this. I'm Eddie Guerrero, I'm from one of the greatest wrestling families in the world, ese, and we have our very own motto, you know? We lie, we cheat and we steal, homes, because that's the way we do our business. We Guerrero's are warriors, and I am going to take all my years of experience and show it in the ring. I got some of my buddies around me here, people who I consider part of my familia, but when it comes down to it, I'm numero uno. I got one last thing I gotta say though, homes, so lemme just give it a call out: VIVA LA RAZA! ----- Evan Bourne: Hi, my name is Evan Bourne. I might not be the most experienced guy here in this company, but I know deep down that it doesn't matter. I have heart, I have guts, and most importantly I have faith in my abilities. I haven't been given the best opportunities so far in my career, but tonight, I have the opportunity to go toe to toe with some of the best wrestlers in the world. I'm confident that I can go one better than them, I have youth and I have the ability to fly through the air like nobody else. So I hope that when I go out there tonight, you'll cheer for me and that will push me on to succeed. Get ready to fly Air Bourne, because once I get going, you can't stop me! MATCH FOUR: DGW Women's Title Hunt - Semi Final #2 Victoria vs. Awesome Kong For once, the psychotic Victoria seemed to be vaguely worried by the task in front of her - although that would probably be a normal reaction for someone facing Awesome Kong in the ring. That fear was held in good stead, too; Victoria attempt to take Kong's legs away from her at the start of the match, but the second she went for a body slam, things went horribly wrong in an instant. Kong countered in to a huge press slam, before bouncing off the ropes to get some extra power behind a huge clothesline. That alone probably could have ended Victoria, but Kong wasn't finished, lifting Victoria up for the Implant Buster. Driving her opponent chest first in to the mat, Kong rolled her over to go for a cover...then pulled Victoria up before the referee could count the three. Kong quickly showed why she did that though, hoisting Victoria up for an Awesome Bomb for good measure. The three count was academical, with Kong surveying the damage she had caused as she had her arm raised. Awesome Kong [1-0] def. Victoria [0-1] Tazz: Wow, that was just scary there JR to see how easily Kong was able to put away Victoria! Jim Ross: I don't think I've ever seen a diva just overpower Victoria - who is arguably one of the strongest women I've ever seen in a wrestling ring - with such ease. Awesome Kong picks up the win tonight and you've got to think she's just installed herself as the favourite to win the DGW Women's Title in two weeks time! Tazz: Well we've already seen Lita progress earlier in the night too, then we got our four other divas in action next week to see who'll join Lita and Kong in that match...but I think you're right JR, I can't see who can stop Kong after that! Jim Ross: Certainly it's going to take a lot of effort, that's for sure. But folks, we are now just moments away for our huge main event, out 20 man battle royal, so we've got just enough time to hear from our final five entrants. Let's show you what they had to say. ~~~~~~~ Tazz: Er...well that's 19, so obviously there's one person missing, but who is it? Jim Ross: I'm just looking through the list here, I'm trying to work out exactly who-- *Before JR can finish his sentence though, the lights in the arena cut out. The crowd are silenced momentarily as they wait to see what's going to happen, flashes going off as the camera pans around to show the sight. The crowd suddenly erupt in to cheers though as some starts to play in the arena. Moments later, huge flame jets explode from part of the stage and a red glow bathes Madison Square Garden as out steps the Big Red Machine, Kane.* Jim Ross: There's your mystery man, Tazz, it's the monster that is Kane! Tazz: Yeah, Kane ain't really one with the words at the best of times, so I'm not surprised he came out here instead to get this thing started! Jim Ross: Twenty men, one battle royal and one DGW Title on the line, it's up next! MAIN EVENT: DGW Singles Title - 20 Man Battle Royal CM Punk, The Miz, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Shelton Benjamin, Kurt Angle, Goldust, Raven, Goldberg, Chris Jericho, The Brian Kendrick, William Regal, Eddie Guerrero, Evan Bourne, The Undertaker, Chris Benoit, AJ Styles, Diamond Dallas Page & Kane Understandably there was a flurry of action at the start of the match with several people attempting to eliminate the bigger men in the match. The first person to fall was Evan Bourne, as he got caught alone by Kane after a group abandoned their attempts to eliminate the big red machine. Launching Bourne over the top rope with a huge choke toss, Kane started off a series of eliminations, with DDP and AJ Styles being eliminated by Guerrero and Diesel respectively. Goldberg, however, was just getting started: first, he grabbed William Regal by the head and tossed him over the top rope, then managed to catch both Guerrero and Chris Jericho off guard with a clothesline that sent both crashing to the floor. The biggest error was made by The Brian Kendrick though, who attempted to hit the Sliced Bread #2; Goldberg simply blocked the move in mid-air, then threw Kendrick like a lawn dart on to Guerrero and Jericho. With 7 members of the battle royal gone within the first couple of minutes, and 4 of them at the hands of Goldberg, it looked like an early favourite had been installed. Elsewhere in the ring, Kane and Diesel were putting on a back and forth struggle in one turnbuckle, while Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle were making an odd partnership once more as they tried to eliminate the Undertaker. When Undertaker managed to shove Angle away at one point, the Olympian took a second to recover before going back towards the Phenom - but it was a second too late as Shawn Michaels decided to take the ultimate advantage by landing Sweet Chin Music. Angle went bundling out over the top, much to the delight of many of the fans and to a wry smile from Michaels. John Cena, meanwhile, was able to take Goldust out of the match, then held the top rope down to avoid a Raven sneak attack. This caused him to fall over the top to the floor, causing his elimination - something Raven clearly wasn't happy about. Shouting at Cena, Raven yelled that he had just "brought disaster" on himself...just as Diesel booted him in the head from behind, sending Cena up against the ropes, allowing Diesel to easily toss him over, much to Raven's apparent approval, as he posed with arms outstretched by Cena. With the ring beginning to thin out, Shelton Benjamin was the next person to fall to the Goldberg train, albeit in slightly different fashion. Shelton was able to nail the Dragon Whip after Goldberg grabbed his leg; Goldberg fell back in to a turnbuckle, prompting Shelton to go for a Stinger Splash. Goldberg was playing possum somewhat though, catching Shelton and landing a huge belly to belly suplex, well and truly sending Benjamin out of the match. CM Punk and The Miz were busy meanwhile forming something of an alliance, managing to bundle Chris Benoit from the ring, much to their shared delight...until Miz blindsided Punk and sent him out of the match! Miz reacted far too much to his "victory" over Punk and Benoit by yelling at them and the audience, once again proclaiming himself as "awesome"...before turning around to face the Brothers of Destruction themselves. Taker and Kane both wrapped a hand around Miz's throat and pushed him forcibly over the top rope, bringing the match down to it's final five. Diesel was busy attacking his former ally Michaels whilst this was going on, managing in the end to send him over the top rope...but HBK hung on, not allowing his feet to hit the floor. This wasn't seen by either Diesel or Goldberg though, which proved particularly important as Goldberg hammered Diesel back with a series of punches, before running in to the ropes, presumably looking for a Spear at the end of it. This came just as HBK skinned the cat though - pushing the top rope down and meaning that Goldberg's own momentum sent him over the top rope! Michaels didn't stop to apologise though, sprinting across the ring to smash Diesel in the jaw with Sweet Chin Music, throwing the big man's legs in the air to make sure he went over the top rope to his elimination. Michaels got back up and stared down Diesel as the big man pounded the ring apron, then kicked a set of the steel steps over to take out his frustration. HBK simply waved goodbye to his ex-bodyguard, then turned round...to find Kane and Undertaker side by side right in front of him.
  18. 4 years in the making, the Scissor Sisters have *finally* announced they're releasing their 3rd album ("Night Work") on the 28th June. They've also announced the first single, "Fire With Fire" is going to be released on the 20th June, and the final song on the album is currently being streamed on their website. My reaction to the news was something of a "OHMYGOD" followed by girlish clapping...I've been waiting for this for far too long. Thankfully, the song on the website is sufficently new and pretty damn good for me to be looking forward to it even more now.
  19. I was a bit underwhelmed at the pictures if only because I thought there'd be more to them, but the new changes do look very nice. Although not too sure if I like the idea of the PokéMart in the Centre. Also, those silhouettes are fake, if only because I now recognise the shot as being the same one from when they had a screencap of a silhouette of Zorua/Zoroark.
  20. I decided I could no longer be fucked raising Meganium, because he's absolutely shocking as it turns out. Ergo, he's out and I'm currently raising a Smoochum up to match the rest of my team. Plus, Smoochum knows Mean Look which shall no doubt prove rather handy when I run in to Raikou or Entei again (which I've done by accident once with each now).
  21. Apparently, Vettel just avoided getting a penalty after the race because he passed Trulli under yellow flags - that was the scene on the BBC coverage when they were wondering why neither of them seemed to want to pass the other. Apparently the stewards decided that given the circumstances though (ie: the fact it was a Lotus, and specifically the fact that Trulli's car had problems) Vettel had no other choice but to pass him, which seems fair enough. Probably also gives some added weight to the "let's have a former driver as a steward" idea, because that would have no doubt helped out.
  22. Depends on the course and stuff, I found. The items are, in general, better than the Pokemon because it's really random and difficult to get the one you want at some times. Managed to nab a Staryu earlier on Beautiful Beach, which was cool, and of course I got my Magby on Rugged Road which was much <3. But, yeah, the items are really worth it, here's a couple examples: Refreshing Field - Revive after 2,500 Steps Noisy Forest - doesn't really have much, it's probably the most useless of the courses. Rugged Road - Star Piece (worth 4900) after 2,000, Red Shard after 3,000 and PP Up after 7,000 Beautiful Beach - Big Pearl (3750) after 4,000 Residential Area - PP Up after 5,000 Plus, Yellow Forest is out soon on WiFi, which will include Flying Pikachu and Surfing Pikachu on it, which might be rather useful for some people. Those Stantlers are a bitch. I ended up beating Morty with my Psyduck using Confusion and Flaaffy using Thunder Wave & Thunder a fair bit on them, which was pretty easy. If you wanna grind up quick then go in to the Burned Tower, there seems to be a fair few Magmar in there that have about 350 exp each. Also, can I just say that levelling Togepi got ridiculously easy when it got to about...Level 3, because then Extrasensory just rapes everything in sight.
  23. Can I just say how much I <3 the Pokewalker? It got me a Magby and it makes Scyther look badass when it's on there. Two awesome reasons right there. Plus, it's making me ridiculously rich too In Ecruteak, having just beaten Morty. Pretty confident I've got the team that's gonna bring me to the Elite Four, which is currently standing at Bayleef, Pidgeotto, Geodude, Psyduck, Magby and Flaaffy, all around Lv. 23-24. Without a doubt this is the most fun I've had in a Pokemon game since Fire Red and Leaf Green, levelling up and all that isn't a chore at all and I'm just...having fun again. Which I didn't have with Diamond & Pearl whatsoever, in retrospect. The storyline doesn't impose as much in G/S, too, which is nice. Pokeathlon is good for a nice break but it's a tad repetitive at times, and some of the events are just bleh. But, yeah. This game has brought me back firmly in to the Pokemon club
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