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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. It's not exactly easy to play, I'm not gonna lie, since I sort of always need access to Serebii/Bulbapedia for moves (although I've now logged all immediate move changes etc. in a word document) but I'm enjoying it just as much as I would a normal Pokemon game. Translation guides etc. and walkthroughs are helping with the story, but I'll follow the story a lot more when I get White in English, me thinks.
  2. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Its-easier-to-get-rid-of-Chlamydia-than-it-is-Katie-Waissel/152793321428427 Also, Katie was better in the sing-off in my opinion. Ultimately it was the public who didn't save Aiden so, if anything, I feel bad for Katie because she's gonna get another storm of press hatred hitting her now.
  3. VETTEL! I mean, I'd have loved Webber to win but Vettel was always my second choice and I really was in the "anyone but Alonso" frame of mind. Vitaly Petrov is therefore my new hero, especially since he managed to keep it on the racetrack the entire time which is a bit of a rarity for him. One of his best drives of the season so hopefully he manages to stay at Renault (it's looking likely, IMO). Alonso was a complete dick for what he did and I loved that Petrov very nearly turned in on him when he was doing it, that stopped the baby throwing his toys out of the pram.
  4. I'd have thought the page three girl would be the one doing them, people tend to hate them more, everyone liked Stacey didn't they?
  5. Hm. I dunno if it's a bug or there's something you're meant to do that I couldn't decipher, but in the wild double battles if both your Pokemon get knocked out it seems that you get sort of stuck and have to reboot, which sucks when you don't save your game in a while. Anyway, team and general goings on:
  6. I'm not gonna lie, given the times from practice, I'm pretty much set in accepting we're gonna have Alonso walking away with the title this weekend. Oh well...
  7. Katsuya


    That was probably - in terms of story - one of the best episodes of Glee. Music wasn't great; Start Me Up/Livin' on a Prayer was clearly the better mashup IMO, but it was all about Teenage Dream for me. Darren Criss is seriously so dreamy, so hopefully he does end up getting together with Kurt (I'm just glad they didn't have them get together in this episode, nor did they have them even kiss, which would be a very Glee thing to do). As soon as Kurt stormed in the locker room and the two of them were in each other's face I just went "he's going to kiss him" and then it happened...and it sort of still shocked me. Chris Colfer's an amazing actor, it can't be doubted really and right now he's probably the one sole reason to watch Glee more than anything else. Plus, the guy that plays Karofsky was really good too and considering so far he's been pretty much restricted in the role, last night he really shone through. I'm guessing that he obviously has a crush on Kurt and therefore hates himself for it so he takes it out on Kurt - so all the stuff that Kurt was telling him in the locker room that "you're not my type" and insulting him will have just killed him and made the hate even worse.
  8. Also, so that this just doesn't become a complete spoiler-fest: So cuuuuuuuute!
  9. So, Day Two of my current game and my situation is: Tsutarja, Lv. 15 Yooterii, Lv. 15 Hiyappu, Lv. 14 Munna, Lv. 14 Mamepato, Lv. 13 Shimama, Lv. 13 In short: BLACK FTW~! Yeah, it's in Japanese and it's difficult to understand half the time (I keep on having to rush to Serebii or Bulbapedia to work out what moves they're trying to learn) but walkthroughs are making it easier. For the sake of everyone I guess I'll spoiler what's happened so far:
  10. Want. Want so much. It's coming out on the 3DS early next year in Japan, so hopefully it'll follow suit fairly quickly after when it comes out in the US/UK.
  11. I'd love it if RVD were in the game, but the "1P" button handily covering the entire face makes me a bit more suspicious. I'm thinking there's little stopping it from being a good cut and paste and that being a good CAW.
  12. It was Simon who voted for Jedward and therefore forced it in to Deadlock, and Lucie lost out. So really the public then blaming Simon was stupid since, ya know, the public vote knocked her out. Also, I'm quite pleased to see we haven't had deadlock once so far this year, since it was like, every week nearly last year.
  13. Man I forgot how good series 3 of this was. So many great characters even from the first episode alone.
  14. Cher looks like she's had a stroke since only half her mouth moves when she's singing.
  15. Apparently people's wheels didn't want to stay on today...pretty good race though throughout, thanks to a lot of little battles and Kobayashi's overtaking all the way. Big shame about Kubica too since he would have been right amongst the top 5 and thrown the cat amongst the pidgeons, especially with Lewis' problems. Webber pulling out more of a lead is great, too Also, yay for Lotus pretty much securing 10th for themselves, since let's be fair, Virgin and Hispania don't really deserve it.
  16. Katsuya


    I wouldn't count Theatricality as being a GaGa episode, mainly since it wasn't dedicated solely to GaGa (they did a couple of Kiss numbers too). It was just marketed as being big because of Poker Face and Bad Romance. I'd say that only Power of Madonna and Britanny/Britney are the only true "homage" episodes so far. It was a very strong first 20 minutes or so, then it sort of got mired by all the stupid Finn/Rachel and Emma/Will stuff. Terri being back is always good, too. However, I'm more than willing to say that in terms of the performance, I'm a Slave For You is probably ranking up there as one of my favourite ever Glee songs now. Heather Morris can actually sing pretty damn well too, considering they had her mute for the entire first season. I knew she could dance already, but...yeah, it was just awesome. ETA: Also, Toxic is damn good on its own when you take out the stupid fucking interruptions by fat girl/Jacob.
  17. Numerous things I noticed during the race; Kubica is awesome once again, but I really hope he doesn't go to Ferrari for the sole reason that having Kubica and Alonso in the same team would never really work. Ferrari have almost always run a "preferred" driver when you look at it (Schumi > Irvine, Rubens, Massa, Kimi > Massa in 07, Massa > Kimi in 08 and now Alonso > Massa) and Kubica really isn't a second fiddle. The ease he just blitzed past, fresh tires or not, was staggering. How did Petrov fall so far back that the 20 second penalties didn't matter? He was right up in the train when Kubica was scything through them, so unless I'm forgetting something, there was maybe an issue there. Heikki driving the Lotus over the line to try and still get ahead of Virgin was pretty damn dramatic/awesome too. And I've realised what it is that makes this season so good: all the battles in the table. You've got the top 5 for the title, then Massa/Rosberg/Kubica for 6th, Sutil/Schumi's back and forth tussle, Koba/Petrov/Hulk for best rookie and then the Lotus/Virgin scrap. None of which would really work were they to introduce Bernie's dumbass idea
  18. It isn't Pokémon, but it IS Pokémon.
  19. It's not Digimon and it's not Crystal. I can give you a clue if you need.
  20. Again, that's close, but isn't exactly right.
  21. Super Ghouls & Ghosts ^_^
  22. The Squirtle in it looks fucking disturbing. Plus, the end shot looks eerily like the Pokemon caption in the opening credits to the Orange League season.
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