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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. McLaren and Ferrari are having a go at Red Bull again, saying that they overspent/overdeveloped last year. It's getting a bit pathetic that their idea of trying to beat Red Bull has so far been "complain and whine". Thankfully, the FIA appear to be deciding the same thing considering they've never found Red Bull guilty over anything.
  2. Hm. A bit odd that Chandhok turned them down to be honest, unless we're going to see a shock somewhere with the "two teams" he mentioned as him targetting. I'll still hold out hope he's going to Toro Rosso then. Plus, I can sort of get why Force India are doing that but to be honest, the reason they scored so many points early on in the year was based on the unreliability of some of the other cars. Red Bull had problems, Williams were just plain slow (but that was hardly a budget battle between the two) and Sauber's early season was just a mess. Force India didn't get outspent, they just didn't go anywhere.
  3. Which is something I don't really understand. Klien's always been so painfully underrated and underused in my opinion, he held his own pretty well against Webber in his first season in the Jaguar (by no means a good car to make your debut in) and he outperformed Liuzzi in 2005 when they were meant to share the race seat at Red Bull. It was only really that unfortunate 2006 that's caused him problems I guess so far in his career. I've always liked Tonio but he's never really showed enough consistency I guess.
  4. The question would be if they could afford someone like Liuzzi, I'd have thought. The impression de la Rosa was giving was that they wanted people to provide money to the team through sponsorship to be able to drive there and I can't imagine that Tonio brings a whole load in. Presumably also the reason Hulkenburg's not going there (although that's probably also due to the fact that he doesn't deserve to have to drive the Hispania, even if they'll probably be more competitive than Virgin this year).
  5. Colour me confused then, I was pretty sure they were going to keep Bruno. I'm not that unhappy though, he was pretty dire and got outraced by everyone other than Yamamato from what I recall. Klien might be a good shout, but why do I have the feeling more and more that they're going to give de la Rosa the race seat too... Also interesting to see they said that the only seats left were at Force India, so either Toro Rosso are just keeping things quiet or they forgot about that. Seems like Buemi and Alguesuari have those seats locked up though. The rumour going round about Force India, meanwhile, is that it'll be Sutil and di Resta with Hulk as the reserve driver.
  6. Katsuya

    BBC Sound of 2011

    Jessie J won. Hurray .
  7. Actually, I'd argue that HRT chose the middle man halfway through last season and went for Yamamato >_>
  8. Katsuya

    BBC Sound of 2011

    I think she's got a chance of having a good year, actually. They had a thing on her and Jessie J on T4 this weekend (they were the ones I saw, anyway, from being on in the background) so if she gets exposure then she might be able to stick around. Sound of 2010 was pretty weak I thought from a mainstream point of view, only Owl City/Marina/Ellie were ever going to manage anything. Hurts have stuck around a bit and had a couple noteworthy songs I guess. The last "good" list was Sound of 2009, really.
  9. Well since they're getting rid of Legard and putting DC in his place, I'd argue that you could throw Karun on to the BBC main show and all will be good in those stakes >_>. I'd still love it if he managed to get in to Toro Rosso, he tested for Red Bull at least and lord knows Buemi's not going to be getting anywhere.
  10. Whaaaaaaaaaat: I fail to see the point in bringing back Karthikeyan and not having Chandhok, unless Karthikeyan has sponsorship we're not aware of.
  11. Katsuya

    BBC Sound of 2011

    Jessie J's just awful. Like, seriously awful, that "Do It Like a Dude" is just painful. I was hoping Clare Maguire would win it since I really like the song she's got out now. I mean, there is the chance they'll do some random u-turn and have Jessie J out of the top 5 like the year they put GaGa in 6th, although I'm inclined to believe that was more "she's not from the UK" over anything else.
  12. Gays have too much drama. That is all.

    1. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      If it makes you feel better, so do straights.

  13. Oh, I know that bit is from a different "clean and sober Barney", this was just the first iteration of such an idea.
  14. To be honest, clean and sober Barney has never struck a chord with me. The only good thing to ever come from a sober Barney was Moe's "coffee" stall and the smoke machine choking him. Although I suppose it did bring around Homer's fail when he's trying the gymnastics. I'm not saying I dislike the episode, it's definitely one of the better episodes all round, I'm just saying I find things funnier once he's part of the program and in space. Kent Brockman's overreaction to the ants is hilarious. ETA: Is Deep Space Homer the one where Homer calls for Marge for advice, then halfway through her speech he starts dialling again?
  15. A lot of the opening of Deep Space Homer falls flat to me. Although the inanimate carbon rod is one of the highlights of the Simpsons. Very, very happy that You Only Move Twice was at #1 and even happier to see 22 Short Films so high up too. Bit disappointed not to see One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Bluefish there but I didn't vote in the end so I suppose I can't say much
  16. I think I stopped some time before going back in to Midgar. Or I'd just re-entered Midgar, I can't quite remember. Either way, I need to finish that game off I think since I wanted to do a run through with different characters (since I'd pretty much spammed Vincent + Red XIII the entire game along with Cloud)
  17. Got the game for Christmas and been playing it pretty hard ever since; been doing Career on Hard with Lotus. First race wasn't great, qualified 15th but I've never been good around Bahrain in any F1 game truth be told. Ended up getting two 10 second penalties (one for corner cutting, one for a shunt) which meant that while I finished about 12th I got bumped right down to 24th. I was running up in about 5th-6th for the majority of the race as it was raining, but then it dried off with about 3-4 laps to go and the tyres just went completely so I had to make a very late pit stop that fucked everything up. In Australia I managed to qualify 8th, ahead of the two Renaults. Managed to lead the race for a while between pit stops (I started on Prime tyres while everyone else was on Option so I got a few extra laps out of it) but a few spins and the like meant I fell down, then I started getting hit with constant 10 seconds corner penalties even though I was pretty much only hitting the kerb. Seems to be a bit too sensitive a system at times. But then Malaysia was awesome. Only qualified 10th but I wasn't too down on that since I was struggling to be consistent, although oddly enough I was doing better in the rain than in the dry where I seemed to be going off way more. By the end of the first lap I was up to 4th thanks to none of the cars ahead of me taking the inside for the first corner and since it was so slow anyway I didn't really lose anything by taking the tighet line. Managed to nail Massa down at the uphill left hander in Sector 2 and then set about chasing Webber/Button/Alonso down. Managed to slowly but surely get all three of them by about lap 7/8, but then it stopped raining and they came in earlier on Inters so passed me again when I pitted. Passed Alonso but then came the dry tyres and once again I ended up behind him, but with about 3 laps left - and with the rain starting to drizzle down - I was able to just get ahead of him, held on to get 3rd place in my 3rd race
  18. I'm glad. D'Ambrosio looked like a good shout given his performances in practice towards the end of last season and Di Grassi was pretty piss poor, really. While Glock was able to give Jarno and Heikki a run for their money, Di Grassi was the one being hounded by Chandhok/Senna/Klien. In good news also: Yay Vitaly . Glad they gave him another season, since he did show some real genuine talent at times and I think a year in F1 will have screwed his head on a bit tighter and get rid of the accidents. It does, however, mean that it's all to play for at Force India, since it's essentially a three way contest now between Liuzzi, Hulkenburg and Di Resta. As much as I'd like to see Di Resta in a car, I'm hoping they give it to the Hulk.
  19. TBF, I think the Renault won't look too different than this year if they just flip the colours, so it's more predominantly black than yellow-y gold. Glad Lotus are sticking with the green and gold though.
  20. So, Renault sold their remaining stake in the F1 team and therefore they're now going to be racing as Lotus Renault. And they're going to be racing in gold and black too. So...yeah, two Lotus teams apparently racing in identical colours.
  21. Yeah, I realised that after that incident. I'd only been playing the game a couple of days, to be fair. Plus, in my other defense, I didn't just dig under me, I was digging around too. I just ended up going a little bit *too* far at one point >_>
  22. I shall do so once I'm home from editing all day. If I can find any of them again, that is. My best world sort of went wrong when I dug through to the bottom of the world and fell through. That was "fun".
  23. I have Minecraft now and some degree of money so I may have to chip in if you guys are still needing/wanting more...
  24. Katsuya


    I thought last night was a really sweet episode, even if it did turn in to the Kurt Hummel power hour. I love Kurt though so I didn't mind it that much, and now that he's joined the Warblers things will get interesting. Do Glee need to recruit a new twelfth member now or will they conveniently forget that rule?
  25. Ugh. They're having to do it for commercial reasons (Maldonado has a lot more money to offer than Hulk) but it's still annoying to see such an obvious talent get screwed over like this. Rumour is that he might be getting one of the Force India drives or he'll end up at Virgin in the second seat, but they're both a step down when he should really be moving up or sticking in the midfield with Williams. Gr.
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