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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. It's very Madonna, but in a good way. Is it better than Bad Romance and Telephone? I dunno. Better than anything from The Fame, and right in there with a lot of stuff from the Fame Monster.
  2. Katsuya


    I dunno, I've always seen Tina as the strongest female character next to Mercedes. She stood up to Artie constantly and she's had a go at Mike already (over the chicken feet), so to see her suddenly break down was a bit weird for me upon reflection.
  3. Katsuya


    In many ways I think it would have been a good fit in Season One (as in the tone of the episode). Lauren is fast becoming one of my favourite characters, but it was pretty much the Santana show in terms of the entire episode. I'm not mad about Quinn/Finn/Sam, since it's practically a rehash of Quinn/Finn/Rachel. Rachel/Mercedes/Kurt, however, I can get behind very easily - it makes sense for the three of them to be friends, plus they've slowly sort of built up the friendship between the three of them since Sectionals. It makes me able to watch Rachel too, considering how I was on borderline hate at the start of this season. Nice to see that Blaine isn't infallible, too. Glee's biggest problem is that the main characters are just wholly unlikeable, unfortunately. There's a reason Chris Colfer and Jane Lynch won and Matt Morrison/Lea Michele didn't - it's because the supporting characters are just so much better. Even when they don't have much depth (admittedly less applicable to Kurt and Sue now) they still tend to be the most entertaining things on the show. I'd much rather watch a Glee episode full of Mike/Brittany/Santana/Becky/Lauren/Karofsky than an episode about Finn and Sam. Quinn is excused because I sort of love Dianna Agron. Also - I sort of laughed at the time with Tina's breakdown, but looking back at it, it was kind of out of character for her. Would have worked better if it was Santana faux-crying for Puck or something.
  4. Times in Jerez as of 3pm: The Ferrari looks worryingly quick, although you can hope Lewis/Webber/Petrov aren't doing quick laps and going for longer runs or different setups. Unfortunately, I don't think the same can be said for the Mercedes which just seems sort of...awful. I mean, that's so far behind the Toro Rosso cars...just...weird. Lotus don't look a whole deal quicker this year, unfortunately, although they've got a bigger gap over Virgin.
  5. Ugh. I've now been lost for two real-life days >_< even using bloody Cartographer I've managed to end up going 2MB in the wrong direction and then somehow ended up back at my original base...where I started off at having come out of the Nether - instead of my current better one that I got lost trying to find. Mo' Creatures is pretty fun though I think. The extra birds are a bit pointless overall but you can turn them off which is pretty helpful.
  6. S&M is a really good song, to be honest. It's probably one of the songs I'm playing the most right now, alongside Thriller/Heads Will Roll from the Superbowl Glee episode. But right now I'm more or less just counting down the hours and minutes until Born This Way comes out on Friday. Then I'll be a very, very happy boy.
  7. Again, I shall repeat: please be Heidfeld, please be Heidfeld, please be Heidfeld, please be Heidfeld, please be Heidfeld, please be Heidfeld. Also, wow, what a radical car Force India have put out. Like nothing they've ever done before
  8. I'm free any time tonight, as far as I'm aware.
  9. I'd be up for a CM 01/02 game, certainly Maxim Tsigalko, here I come!
  10. Errrr...is it me or does that look ominously like a Super Aguri? Also, sounds like people are saying Renault will probably look to Heidfeld.
  11. Last hour to vote in the Pop Prom!

  12. Apparently he's moving his hand o_0 Boullier said something along the lines of "not for a couple of months", too, and that it'd be quicker than a year. If he races this year I'm going to be so fucking happy
  13. To be fair, if we know anything about Robert Kubica, is that he has an odd knack from coming back quickly from stupid accidents. Also, the "Kimi's quitting rallying to take over from Kubica, oh the irony!" rumours have begun.
  14. About 12 and a half hours left to vote in the Pop Prom, people.

  15. Oh fuck off >_<...surely they won't go with Petrov and Senna for an entire year? I'm willing to hedge my bets and say Fisi returns, he has the history with Renault at least. That, or Quick Nick (which is who I'd prefer) or they nab Hulk. ETA: Partially severed right hand. They need to observe it for a week to see whether it'll survive.
  16. True...but according to what the BBC have put up, he lost "a lot of blood" in his right hand but it's not going to be amputated or anything like that. Even if it's not that serious, it still doesn't sound like it's just a normal break to me. Also, someone pointed out that the marketing will go mad at the thought of a Senna in a black and gold Lotus car.
  17. Oh bugger. Downloaded the demo...hated it to begin with, thought it was far too complex and seemed a bit too heavy and boring, to be honest. Now I'm engrossed in it and I have a feeling I'm going to be buying the full game soon >_>
  18. Eeeeep. His manager's just said this: "Surgeons are trying to re-establish the functionality of his right hand." That does not sound good
  19. I could totally live with Petrov winning a race. In fact, I could actually see him winning in Melbourne, given that it tends to be the race where things get thrown up in the air and Kubica, at least, was able to run well there last year (although saying that, he's done well there so it might just be him rather than the Renault...)
  20. Well according to wiki, Bruno's the first point of call if one of Kubica/Petrov were to be injured. So...yeah, that sucks. It's bad news for Petrov too because he has to step it up now; before he could call being far behind Kubica the fact that Robert's arguably the best driver on the grid. Now, he has to beat Senna and probably do it convincingly or there'll be question marks about his spot.
  21. He's fractured his left arm and left leg. So long as they're not too severe, you could take a stab that he'd be back by the European season at worst (gives him four months to recover). Renault's third drivers include Bruno Senna, Fairuz Fauzy and Romain Grosjean. If they were smart they'd ignore them and bring in Fisi/Heidfeld/Hulk, I'd say.
  22. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK I'm guessing this is going to rule him out for the season since "multiple trauma" does not sound good to me. Fucking sucks and I hope it's not that bad and he makes a full and quick recovery because he's seriously my favourite driver and I was feeling pretty good about his chances. Who's Renault's 3rd driver? Grosjean?
  23. Not to bump this up (but I am), but I just re-watched Mountain of Madness and remembered how much I love that episode. Probably one of my favourites of all times and it deserved to be higher than 33rd.
  24. All the new cars are there in the next test apart from Hispania, but they're no loss. Definitely intrigued by the new McLaren, but I have a feeling that not all the new gizmos are going to work. I think that we might be in line for a straight up McLaren vs. Renault battle with RBR/Ferrari behind them.
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