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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. Katsuya


    Yeah...seriously, she's been putting in consistently good performances over the entire season really, but this was just an amazing show by her. I like how it was sort of the "right" way to go about it in comparison with Finn/Kurt last year (coincidence that both of them came in episodes before Regionals), and Brittany letting her down as best she could was really touching. I'll maintain that those two are the best pairing I've seen on TV in a while, they play off each other so well. It was also nice to see Glee actually remember something from the last episode too and have Burt and Kurt have "the talk". It's only a matter of time now until Blaine and Kurt get together I'd have thought, especially after the way Burt was hammering home the "only do it with the person you really care for" stuff. Oh, and weekly Lauren . Her and Puck make a great couple and I loved her motivation to be the next Kardashian. Plus, it was actually nice to hear someone tell Brittany that she's doing something stupid instead of just letting her get away with cheating death each week.
  2. 1. Kill Bill, Volume One 2. Pulp Fiction 3. Monsters Inc. 4. Inglourious Basterds 5. Mean Girls 6. Oldboy 7. A Bug's Life 8. Miss Congeniality 9. The Devil Wears Prada 10. Toy Story 2 I'm a Tarantino/Pixar/Chick Flick lover. What can I say? Probably 75% of these won't appear on anyone else's lists but they're my favourites
  3. He's set up a Twitter account and he was 120,000 followers in less than a day.
  4. Three hours left to vote in the Pop Prom. -3 if you don't, and nearly 3/4 of the matches could swing result either way with that.

  5. About...9 hours left to vote in the Pop Prom. Which several of you need to do.

  6. To begin with I thought it looked a lot like the one they've had for the past few seasons...but I love the bit from the nose up to the cockpit. That looks awesome as hell, and I like the little retro throwback the back of it has (looks a lot like the 1997 car, I think).
  7. Katsuya


    TBF, I think the entire Kurt/Brittany plot was just one massive roundabout way for him to sing Rose's Turn.
  8. Katsuya


    So, that was probably hands down the best episode of the season so far. Like, even better than Duets. This little run they've got going (the Superbowl episode not counting) is making me feel very happy and like we're going in the right direction back towards the first season standards. Finn's speech about the different types of girl drunks was hilarious and Rachel's sudden realisation that being dumped by a gay guy was her perfect inspiration is so right for the character. Even if Kurt did go all preachy again for a bit...especially after his "foray" with Brittany that seems to have been retconned out of history >_> ETA: Also, my love for Beiste grows every week. It's nice for Will to have an adult friend who isn't mad in some way. Plus, Figgins stole the entire show with "and now, performing Tik and also Tok by rapper Ke-dollar sign-ha..."
  9. The spawn points generally have been around the gravel trap from what I've seen on here and on the Minecraft forums. If you spawned on the sand, have a walk around and you'll see it soon enough (it's by water). Dig a little bit and prepare for awesomeness.
  10. 404 is awesome for the gravel by your spawn point
  11. It's like it's purposefully fucking me off after my previous failings at trying to find cacti
  12. Beta 1.3 is out...main new feature does seem to be the bed, along with a new lighting system.
  13. Minecraft is coming to the iOS (iPad/Phone/Touch) some time in 2011, according to some official source TouchArcade says.
  14. Those are the combined times of all four sessions from Barcelona. Seems to be pretty obvious where things are going; Ferrari & Red Bull are clearly the top two teams, although I'm thinking Massa's time today was set on very low fuel since there's no reason to see such a huge gap between him the RBR's. Same with Rosberg - no way is that a good representation of where Mercedes are right now. I LOVE the fact that Toro Rosso are right up there though; I have a feeling that by the time the Australian GP comes around though, McLaren will be back up there, but a three way fight for third between McLaren, Toro Rosso and Renault would be pretty fun to see I think, considering they all have different driver combinations; the "veteran"/veteran of Hamilton/Button, the veteran/rookie in Heidfeld/Petrov and the rookie/rookie in Alguesuari and Buemi (I get that Buemi's been in F1 for about 2-3 years now, but the point still stands considerign he's been with Toro Rosso >_>). Williams/Force India/Sauber situation could be good for those final few points too. Shame to see that Lotus still aren't going to be challenging the established teams based on their times so far, but they've closed the gap to under a second by the looks of it overall and they've pulled out on Virgin and Hispania.
  15. The most annoying thing about this is that Bahrain will probably be back next year regardless of this. It's such a depressing and drab race, the only other race I can think of with less charm is Valencia, which looks like a construction site gone awry (maybe Korea, but that is a construction site to be fair given the work they're putting in to it >_>).
  16. So, turns out Hispania's big thing was that Liuzzi is testing for them this weekend. I'd say it's a surprise since I doubt that he's a particularly big sponsorship bringer. ETA: Red Bull have asked the circuit owners at Catalunya if the teams would be able to stay on for the fourth test; they've said yes. Looks like they have a bit of a contingency plan there at least. Other people are suggesting they move the first race over to Abu Dhabi due to the fact it's close enough, or if there's a "backup" circuit they can go to (personally, I'd mark for something like a Jerez/Paul Ricard/whichever one of Hockenheim or Nurburgring they're not running this year).
  17. ...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I think I would actually die from laughter if Baumgartner comes back. I mean, he wasn't particularly that bad, but it makes no sense, unless he's another one of Kolles' old buddies ala Karthikeyan.
  18. I found out that firing a bow at an ogre when you're on a Pegasus is a bad idea. Turns out you fall off and go splat all the way to the floor
  19. It does suck that it's under these circumstances, but I'm just glad that Heidfeld's on the grid again and in a car that - if this is his last year - might mean he can end it on a high note. In other news, still no word on Hispania's number two driver.
  20. Apart from Born This Way, the other song I'm really liking right now is Fucking Perfect. I also didn't realise I liked Raise Your Glass so much...Pink seems to have this weird thing with me of me not liking her song the first time I hear it, coming back to it a bit later and realising it's actually a good song. Also, her version of Whataya Want From Me is probably better than Glambert's...which is a bit annoying, given that I sort of him
  21. Katsuya


    I thought last night's episode was pretty good, actually. Not as good as Silly Love Songs, but that was probably one of the best episodes of this season so far - but definitely better in the overall scheme of things. Next week looks great too from the promo, especially since by the looks of it... But, yeah. In the past two episodes, I've gone from hating Rachel to actually really liking her. Pairing her up with Mercedes/Kurt/Brittany was such a good idea and I was so damn happy that they didn't throw away the Rachel/Mercedes thing and had them still be friends and overcome Sue. The songs weren't that great, but Bieber was never going to really work. Lauren and Puck's storyline is really good and Brittany becoming the new queen of the school is pretty hilarious.
  22. Another 12 hours to vote for this week's Pop Prom...some people need to vote if they don't want to get taken off the roster...

    1. TEOL



    2. Kaney


      He doesn't have the grapes!

  23. Just an FYI, but lions tend to spawn in stables it turns out. So whatever you do don't leave it as a grass floor.
  24. Heidfeld's demolished Petrov's times and is fourth ATM, behind Alonso, Schumacher and Kobayashi. Let the conspiracy theory start that says they built this car solely for Michael and that's why Nico is struggling with it. Also, that Sauber is looking good and one would hope it's a more genuine effort than last year's "run no fuel and set good times!" debacle for sponsorship, since they have Perez's money. ETA: I think he might just have got the race seat, do you?
  25. It does take a couple listens to really get in to it. After 50 I think I can qualify as "Gaga fanatic"...
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