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Everything posted by Katsuya

  1. Personally, I love the fact that Sue/Rich/Kelly/Rudy didn't have enough faith in him to understand the concept of an alliance or whatever to include him in their group...logically they went in to that first merged TC at a huge disadvantage because Pagong could - and arguably should - have all voted for Rich or Rudy, who were clearly top of the list. The most interesting thing is that Gervese (or however you spell his name) was going to vote for Grechen too, but changed to Sue. If he'd have kept it on Grechen then the Tagi alliance could have looked like even more of a threat. Still, I'm surprised they chose Grechen and not someone like Gervese to go, considering he did fairly well in the immunity challenge. She never role shone as anything other than the mother hen of Pagong. ETA: Oh my word. "Greg, going alphabetically...I don't think this vote is going to mean very much."
  2. Hispania comfortably beat Virgin in FP2 and were within three seconds of the first of the non-new teams. Relatively speaking, that's awesome.
  3. I'll probably put my thoughts on it in this post and keep editing it unless something major comes up: Ep.1 - Yeah, Sonia was obviously going. They were winning that challenge until she messed up, ultimately, and she even admitted that she was too weak to really go on. Would have changed everything though if Sue had voted with the younger girls to get rid of Rudy knowing what happens...but, yeah, I already like Rudy/Richard/Sue and barely anyone off the other tribe has made an impact other than the old guy who's a bit too cranky. Eps. 2-4 - No surpise with anyone who went, to be honest. B.B. was an obvious one and "wanted" to go, Stacey was on the wrong side of the friends of Rudy group and Ramona sucked from day one. Pretty sure that jesus guy (Dirk?) and Gervase are going to be out soon enough too. To pick up on what GoGo said, Sean apparently is playing the role of Hurley with his bowling alley/absolutely useless in most respects game. Sue/Kelly/Rudy/Richard are obviously doing very well in comparison with everyone. Maybe it's because I know what happens, but the edit is clearly showing them to be superior to Pagong and...yeah >_<
  4. I'm starting from the beginning, so Pagong and Tagi. I'm fully aware of what happens due to terminology I came across on another board/generally knowing bits from reality shows...but, yeah, looking forward to this.
  5. no-one's gay for Moleman :(

    1. Maxx


      I was saying boo-urns

    2. Hobo


      Oh, no! Now you've done it!

    3. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      This is Moleman in the morning, good Moleman to you.

  6. With a fairly catchy song, too. Saying that, I'm pretty sure Saade is winning this for Sweden. Lena's new song is pretty boring, nothing like Satellite apart from her usual accent...thing >_>. The Azerbaijan song is alright though:
  7. I've become addicted to Who's That Chick and Party Rock Anthem in the past couple days...yeah...
  8. Pokemon Face-Off. Set up by IGN to determine the top 100 Pokemon of all time...it's oddly addictive and fascinating to see how people judge the Pokemon you like.
  9. Pokémon in English? Far too localised for me. I'll stick with Green, thank you.
  10. Jedward now have the advantage of being the last act on in their semi-final, and the acts towards the end do tend to get a little bit of a spike. Also, I realised just how much I love "Love Shine a Light" today. By far and away the best Eurovision song.
  11. Someone over on another forum actually showed that from the last corner of the lap before the accident, Lewis actually moved five times to try and stop Alonso from passing him; some of them aren't as clear cut as others, but there were definitely two occasions where he broke the rules. I seem to remember he got a reprimand at some point last year for doing the same, so in a way it's only fair. If anything, the penalty was harsher on Alonso, since the commentators said that the accident was ultimately a racing incident and that they shouldn't be penalised, whereas Hamilton's blocking was less a racing incident and more...well, obvious blocking.
  12. Yeah, the E4 spike is a bit crazy too...which I didn't quite realise until I wandered in to battle them with 10 Revives and only 5 Pokemon >_> I figured having guys in the low to high 70s would be a cakewalk, I may have been slightly wrong >_>
  13. Lotus were a LOT closer this race to the seventh driver which is nice, albeit Maldonado is shit as everyone is aware. Good to see Kobayashi in the top 10 again, so Sauber haven't really lost anything from changing the rear wing...we do seem to have quite a defined top 10 though in the RBR's, McLarens, Ferraris, Renaults then Rosberg and Kobayashi.
  14. May I just say how much I love the GTS? So far, managed to get a Heatran for a Bulbasaur and then got a Dragonite for an Eelektrik...god knows how...
  15. Yeah, add my FC, then go to GTS Negotiations and Trade Rendezvous, I believe.
  16. I'm good now Trench tbh, what's your FC?
  17. Anyone want to help me with a quick trade so I can get my Scizor?
  18. Right, finally modified my internet so my friend code is: 3997-6582-6789. I shall go through the thread and find people's I figure...if anyone wants to be awesome and trade me a Zorua I'd loooove them.
  19. There's a rumour swirling about that Red Bull actually does have a KERS system, but a smaller, non rechargeable version. The idea being that the system is charged up pre race or qualifying and is able to deliver a one shot boost of power for a flying lap or off the grid at the start, it would explain Vettel's massive gap over the rest of the field in qualifying and him being 2.5s ahead by the end of lap one. Red Bull believe the full KERS system doesn't give a performance bonus as the weight of the capturing and recharging equipment is offset by weight gain and distribution. Christian Horner said they weren't using it all weekend, and the graphic at the start showed that Webber didn't use any KERS...
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