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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. Oh man, I forget who I was fighting but I got rocked and knocked down, held him off until I recovered. Then he fell onto me and I pulled guard, he rocked me again, I again recovered and the referee stood us up. Then...right cross, left hook, and he was out. Awesome.

  2. Career mode is kind of boring. It would have been nice if they'd made the training and public relations stuff a little more interactive, but maybe the next game.

    I lost my first two fights due to a stand up knock out, but I won the next two after that. One was by a knockout punch, the next was by a big kick to the side of the head.

    I suck at the ground game though. I keep trying to get to full mount or get a submission, and I always lose it.

  3. I was on Rua in side guard, raining down punches and couldn't get a knockout. He rocked me a couple times, even had me doing the gray screen thing when I took a kick to the head while shooting in on him, and then...superman punch to the face. Rua knocked out.


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