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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. You will get the superman punch if you choose to be a kickboxer.

    Oh cool! I am working toward level 3 of that. I got spinning back fist but I haven't figured out how to do it yet :(

    You have to be really far away, and press LB + X. On the 360, at least.

  2. ROTFL, After two straight losses, I had started to climb back up the Middleweight ranks in Career and I fought former Middleweight Champion Yushin Okami (Bisping beat him for the title a while back) and I hit him with a few bodykicks and he takes me down and in something that shocked me, I make him tap to a Guillotine Choke after 1:13 in the first round, Fucking awesome.

    Does this mean Buffer will stop calling me a Boxer next time I get introduced? (That was a joke, I know it has to with if you stand up is a higher level than your grappling.)

    What's it mean when Buffer calls my guy a "kickboxer and brazilian jiu jitsu fighter"? That he's high in both?

  3. I have the mouthpiece achievement too.

    Also, Just had my first online fight as Forrest to see how he rolls in the league and I took on a guy who used Liddell and he spent the first 30 seconds trying to pound my face in, I just blocked and landed some heavy punches when he let his hands drop. When I took him to the ground with the intent of tapping him out, He just layed there while I hammerfisted him in the head 27 times and he would only fight back when he got rocked, Which kind of surprised me and I couldn't take advantage of rocking him, But after the 3 time of getting him rocked, I blocked his shots from the bottom and knocked his ass out.

    I lost a fight to someone using Rampage because they mounted me and I held the high block, so the referee stopped it because I wasn't fighting back.

    Was it online? Because from what I hear, First person to try a submission wins online.

    Not true. I've never won with the first attempt at a submission.

  4. I just beat BJ Penn at 4:11 in the first round to win the Lightweight title. After he had a press thing saying he was going to choke me out, he never even tried to take me down. Then Sean Sherk was my first defense and I knocked him out, too.

    Might lightweight has turned into a beast of a striker. I jacked up his Standing Striking Offense and Defense, Standing Kicking Offense and Defense, Takedown Defense, Grappling Defense, and Submission Defense. I think next I'm going to do a heavyweight submission guy.

  5. I love how noticeable the training is over the course of a career. First time I fought Rashad Evans, he just dominated me with takedown after takedown, frustrating me, and then eventually, he knocked me out on the feet because I was just letting loose trying to KO him.

    Second time, about 5 fights removed from the original match, I come back, and I'm stuffing Rashad takedown attempts like nothing, and I'm scoring 100% of my takedown attempts, and it's a completely different fight.

    The first time I fought Hermes Franca, he just kept battering me with takedowns. I was winning on points because the takedowns never got far and I was winning with striking, but then he grabs me, pulls guard, and wins with a triangle choke. Two fights later I get him again, block almost all of his takedown attemps, knock him down in the second round, and pummel him until the ref stopped it. I'm quite happy with myself.

  6. I just played my very first two ranked matches on XBox Live, and my ground and pound is deadly. Each fight(first was against Forest Griffin, second against Chuck Liddel) I took them down, got to mount, and hit them in the face until they stopped moving.

  7. Alright -- lemme take down your names for the league again. Remember, it's an online league (much more fun that way). A thread shall be up shortly.

    360 league? It best be :shifty:

    Diego Sanchez is pretty awesome as well. Finally got the hang of the throws and slams, loving that stuff now. I love his special punch as well, just KO'ed Burkman (I think it was him) with it in the third round. I'm still leap years behind getting good at the submission system though, failing non stop with that. I'll keep attempting it though and do my best until I can finally manage to pull one off.

    It's going to be both -- one 360 league and one PS3 league.

    Created fighters only?

    I'd prefer created fighters, but I wouldn't be against using both.

    One question, though: if you play online with a created figher and his skills aren't built up, is there an effect?

  8. So this game is generally recommended then?

    It's not as flashy and full of features as a WWE game, but it's quite fun. If you like MMA you'll probably like it.

    On another note, someone should get a league started for those of us with a 360.

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