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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. Dont games come with something like dont sell before a certain date?

    I don't know about other stores, but at Walmart, we don't always get new release games in dated boxes. I had to pull Guitar Hero Metallica out of the game cases several times because some idiot I work with that knows nothing about video games kept putting it out over and over again. Our registers won't allow it to be scanned, but they can still get put out accidentally.

  2. Had the same issue Mr. Storm.

    If you just want to get the bank details off your account you have to call Microsoft. Seems like a burden, but I guess there's some logical reasoning for it somewhere. Surprised it didn't show up as declined. However, if the actual account is still open perhaps that's why. You r debit card can be expired and the account will remain open.

    I went to that bank and closed the account in person some time ago. But I called Microsoft last night and according to the two guys I talked to, the renewal was cancelled and hadn't actually been taken out yet, so I should be good.

  3. Prepare yourself for a major headache.

    If Xbox did indeed say it's been renewed they've processed the transaction through your previous bank. The bank will probably just send you a letter saying you made a payment through a closed account and send you a bill for the damage.

    Xbox however is going to suspend your account with this fine message. When it happened to me it was a real bitch to get everything fixed. I called the Xbox support number and they said there was nothing they could do until a added another renewal option. Thus I only use prepaid cards now.

    "Your account has been suspended due to a problem with your payment option. Please use a different payment option or update your current information in Account Management."

    I tried removing the old bank card number because I was going to start using prepaid cards(they're cheaper and I think I actually get a discount on them through my job), but it wouldn't let me take it off. I figured it would just be declined because the card is expired.

  4. ...Seriously though, how are you getting all these games early :@

    It's a draw of luck honestly. There's plenty of games I still can't get to release date, but my location helps a lot. Tampa is the city of cigarette burned strippers, semen laced cabseats, and home to a million 7-Elevens.

    Why is that important? Because 7-Eleven is considered a retail game selling chain. They get their shipments of games on the same day as every other chain, or at least close to it. It's hit or miss, but usually once I see that it's hit the webs that's a good indication that it's in stores somewhere. I stop at 7-Elven every day on the way to work anyways so it's not a big inconvenience for me to stop in and see what's happening.

    I've never got a copy sold to me in the morning shift, when a manager is present they seem to all know what a streetdate is. Overnight shift FTW. They see you as such a burden they try to get you out as quick as possible, so "give me this, these, that, and Morden Warfare 3 for the 360."

    I don't think it's a big issue yet since a lot of people don't stop there for games, but I caught wind of this from the WOW leak a year ago. They've gotten better about it. A friend that works there tells me there's a huge corporate policy in place to keep it from happening, but the underlining rule is if it's on the shelf you have to sale it. So mindless clerk thinks he's doing his job and it's up there it's for grabs.

    I've had better luck with eBay though. Sellers will ship early to make sure it gets to you on time. I've gotten a few like a week early.

    Wal-Mart solves that problem by programming its registers to not allow any merchandise that isn't released yet to be sold. We tend to get a lot of game shipments with no street dates, so people I work with that don't follow games just stick them out on the shelves sometimes.

  5. Has the create a superstar mode been improved at all? In 2009 it seems like it's just repetitive mini-games over and over, and that damned training camp/practice that just goes on forever and doesn't really seem to have much of an impact on the game at all.

  6. The Playstation Network probably has Terms of Use or something similar that every member has to agree to which also lists the penalties for violating them. Apparently this person violated those Terms of Use, and probably violated them repeatedly or to such a ridiculous degree that Sony banned him. EWB is the same way: there are terms of use, if you violated those terms(certain ones especially), shit will happen to you. First amendment arguments don't apply.

  7. I'm just so completely devastated right now. I heard at work and managed to keep together. It was more of a feeling of disbelief. I kept expecting to check msnbc.com and see "Michael Jackson Miraculously Recovers." Then I came home, my mom hugged me, and I pretty much broke down. Michael Jackson has always been my hero and I can't believe he's gone.

  8. What I do is something along the following.

    Hold R1 to block the face. As I mash the face buttons. As I furiously twist the right stick. Seems to somewhat work as I survived being rocked 3 times to be finally KO'd straight up in the 3rd the other day.

    Whenever I try that(or the equivalent, since I'm on 360 instead of PS3), it never works. The other person still just stands on top of me and hits me in the face, and my guy doesn't even try to block it or get up.

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