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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. I actually failed because I couldn't figure out how to work a channel from a lake to the room, which was two levels down. I ended up digging through the side of the lake and releasing all of the water onto the ground around it. :\

    I also don't have a mechanic. This game sucks if you don't know what you're doing ahead of time.

  2. I can play real guitar better than I could a year ago because I played Guitar Hero and Rock Band a lot.

    Wrap your heads around that one.

    The controller makes your fingers stronger, yeah, but so does practicing. And I was referring to people that have no interest in learning a real instrument, but think getting 100% on Guitar Hero is such a meaningful accomplishment.

  3. Hm. I possibly could make a farm on the ground above where I'm digging? I'm digging into the side of a cliff so there's land up above everything. Could I make some kind of stairs going up to the surface and put a farm up there? >_>

  4. Not able to get online with the laptop at the moment so can't check the "Can you run it thing" What are the proposed specs compared to a title like Medieval 2 Total War? I'd guess if I can run that I could run Civ 5 but just double checking.

    Medieval II is pretty ancient by today's standards.

  5. I'm in pretty much the same situation as you Kevin. This laptop will be able to run the game fine.

    I custom built my desk top, specifically for gaming performance more than anything else. This thing can run anything.

    I dont know if I want to get it. I remember playing the Civ IV demo and hating it.

    Although judging a new game based off a demo of an old one is probably a tad unfair.

    From what I've read, Civ V is going to be way different from IV.

  6. So, tlmn (clearly the only relevant person on this forum for this): have you bought this yet?

    I get tempted by little things when I look at this, but suspect that there are big parts of the gameplay that I won't enjoy at all. For example:


    - personalising your nation's social and political development

    - ridiculously large tech tree (so I'm told)

    - colonisation


    - micro-managing absolutely anything to do with the economy (MINE COAL HERE, BUILD 2 X COTTON MILLS HERE, CHECK SUPPLY AND DEMAND GRAPHS, etc. etc.)

    - all the different types of population units. Seriously, how the fuck are you supposed to keep track of all those?

    The 'boo' points are partially taken from the 3 minutes I spent attempting to like Victoria 1, an endeavour which entirely failed to get off the ground.

    And of course, it costs £35.

    But...it looks pretty in a twee way, and there's something about a World Map which has St. Albans, of all places, on it that makes me feel all warm, middle class and Home Counties-ish.

    So, yeah. I haven't bought it, but I get paid in 6 days and I suspect my will may be weak. I shall first have to find out what kind of graphics engine it uses though, since my computer couldn't run HoI3.

    Another BOO point, which is my main problem with all of Paradox's games like this: the large amount of time spent sitting there staring at the screen and waiting for something to happen.

  7. This game seriusly lets you feel how a ton of other games just slaped an online mode on their offline gameplay. It´s amazing how much fun it is, even if you loose... and the league system rarely paires you up with players that are just to fast for you to stand a chanse and wen you loose the replay tells you were your misstake was. It´s friggin perfect. More games need an online mode like this one.

    Well, they have had 12 years to get it right...

  8. I've been playing in Newbie league, which places rock blockers to counter early game rushes. Now all that happens is players turtle and tech to early air rushes. Which is fine for every race EXCEPT Terran, since their early air is cloaked Banshees and fuck that noise.

    I've won 3 games out of 6 in the practice league so far, and each one with the same strategy: build a bunch of marines, rush to a starport, build a couple of medivacs, and drop marines and possibly marauders behind my opponent's base to kill off a bunch of their workers. Usually the first drop I kill maybe half of their harvesters before my force gets wiped out, but these people don't really defend against it at all so I just do the same thing again, two more loaded medivacs and some vikings/banshees for support just in case.

    Funny thing is, though, two of those games I got attacked right after launching my attack, and instead of pulling back to rescue their base, they continue attacking me and it's a race to see who wipes who out first. And each time I win.

  9. Ugh, that's not what I wanted to hear ... I'm winding down my first RTTS as my player is 40 now and well ... it's getting absurd (in a good way).

    Although I'm pretty sick of the computer's absolute bullshit. In 9 playoff teams I've only made 1 WS. The other 8 have had the majority of the games go like this:

    I step into my first at bat already down 4 runs.

    My team is up by 6 or more runs in the 8th ... I have another at bat in the 9th because there was a 9 run 9th inning for them.

    I'm the only guy on my team to get a hit, so my to HRs are solo and we lose.

    My two best pitchers on the team suddenly can't get a single guy out, let alone remember how to pitch.

    Yadda yadda yadda .. it really is annoying and down right bullshit.

    I've had several games where my team is blowing out opponents away, like 5-0, then suddenly at my next AB we're down like 8-5 and end up losing the game 14-10 or some stupid shit like that.

  10. Oakland traded my first baseman to the Yankees. I feel so...dirty.

    And to make it worse, the Yankees' AAA team can't win for shit. I've been going 3 for 4, 4 for 4, 4 for 5 and such in almost every game, and we end up losing like 15-12. Our pitching sucks.

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