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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. Always helps to leave yourself a trail of breadcrumbs. Or set up something that you can see from a distance--a tower with a torch on it or something along those lines. My current house (it's now a house and looks way more pimp than it does in that picture) is pretty easy to find at this point simply because it's the only part of the world where there are virtually zero trees--I'm cutting them down as quickly as I'm replanting them. From the spawn point, though (which is on a tiny desert island--basically, I live in a little archipelago), I can clearly see the prow of my ship. Easy to get home.

    How do I replant trees? I'm running out because I've been building a lot of shit with wood.

  2. MW2 was just too damned short. It felt like it was just getting started and them BOOM, it's over, and I'm sitting there going, "....that's it?" The guys in the states just get ignored, you don't know what happens to Price and McTavish, and it wouldn't be so bad if I felt like it took a decent amount of playing time to get there but it was like they knew they'd be making another sequel so they didn't want to give you a whole story(which is kind of a problem with sequels in general).

  3. I love Dwarf Fortress but I never get far in it. i get to the point where I start farming then realize I messed up my fort or something and eventually restart. I wish the mouse was implemented more. I like the arena mode in the new version its fun to hold tourneys and see who wins.

    Is there a way to run the new version in a window that way i can have the tutorials open at the same time ?

    It always runs in a window for me.

  4. Nine Inch Nails?

    I love "Hurt" but I really haven't listened to them as much as i want to.

    If you prefer the more ambient, mellow kind of industrial, go with the newer stuff like With Teeth, Year Zero, or The Slip.

    If you want the down-and-dirty industrial metal stuff, The Downward Spiral and Broken.

    THe Fragile is also good, but may not be a good starting point as it's a double album.

    My own personal favorite NIN songs are probably "Wish," "The Fragile," and "Survivalism."


    Now, for me: Queens of the Stone Age. I enjoy Go With The Flow, but that's all I've really heard.

  5. This wouldn't happen with Dwarf Fortress, no sir.

    <_< You can even get your Bender statue to breathe fire in Dwarf Fortress. Well, spew magma at least.

    I've been hearing a lot of raving about Dwarf Fortress, and the fact that it's free makes me very interested in giving it a whirl. The only thing is, from what I can gather the learning curve is incredibly steep, and the graphics look like gibberish to me. Is there a good tutorial anywhere out there you can recommend? Or is it easier to get into than it seems by any chance?

    You can find new tilesets that replace the ASCII stuff with actual pictures. It helps quite a bit. The learning curve is very steep, and I haven't really gotten much into it myself, but SRN can link you to some good tutorials for DF.

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