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Posts posted by KevinStorm

  1. EDIT: Never mind. Totally misread that.

    WMMA2 was pretty much the same as WMMA1 and (I think) every TEW.

    WMMA2 wasn't as detailed as TEW. I would have much preferred having some TEW elements, like choosing venues and setting merchandise specifics. WMMA2 was pretty much just "create event, book fights, watch fights. Repeat."

  2. Ahhhh... Guys.... My son 'griefed' me :shifty: I got home from work and tried to stop me from entering the room...

    I realised he was on the EWB server. He put lava in my tunnel (which I managed to clean up) and I have to replace a lot of tracks.

    When I went onto the computer he was by the giant glass statue. Now, he promises he didn't break anything but I thought I'd let you know either way :P

    My partially-finished giant glass statue is unharmed, so you don't have to kill him.

  3. Seriously. Coal is everywhere. I've had to mine a lot of it to cook enough glass for my giant glass statue.

    You really ought to use wood for that--it's renewable and easier to get than coal, even if it takes a little more to do what you want.

    I have something like 60 units of coal at the moment. I dislike using wood because it takes so much to do, and I'm going to need a lot of glass for this statue.

  4. You kicked me >_> But I wasn't present at the time, so fair call...

    I went walkies and found another random foundation made of Cobblestone all fenced in... It looked like it had just started.

    I also donated about 200 blocks of cobblestone to your cause. as you seemed to be out.

    I'm still working at the end of my tunnel and will show you all what I've been doing at some point.

    Now that I know that your DosX, it seems rather obvious :P

    That's me. Thanks for the donation. It's eventually going to be a giant glass statue. The cobblestones are his shoes. >_>

  5. Age of Empires is terrible. The campaign missions are agonizingly long, considering they keep adding more and more mission objectives as you go, and at the same time are incredibly boring. The sandbox mode where you fight the AI only requires you to build eight or so of the most basic infantry unit and attack, and you'll win every time.

    Empire Earth at least ripped the engine and made something partly decent, but that suffered from the same issues. Although I did fight a battle against the AI in the WW1 timeline that actually ended up exactly like WW1(we kept attacking each other's lines over and over and over, with each attack being repulsed before it could kill off the other side). Casualties in that went into five figures for each side before I gave up playing.

  6. Question.

    How do you put someone through the announce table? Like with a normal move? Seems like the only thing you can do is dive off the turnbuckle. I don't even know how to climb onto the table myself.

    You have to pull the top of the table and monitors off of it, then do a move like a suplex or something and aim at the table.

  7. So, I've never uploaded music to my 360. Can I just burn a cd with the themes I want and rip it on there? Is it that simple?

    I think 360 has a way to directly transfer music from PC to 360 through your network, but burning a CD is probably easier.

  8. Ah well. Not to pile on, but I'm not overly keen on the new grappling system. It seems like it just eliminated the variety in moves you could have. I do however like the way they set up the corner and turnbuckle attacks, the new system works well for that.

    Doesn't help that out of four possible moves for each kind of grapple, a lot of the wrestlers have the same move as two of them.

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